Interaction AS specialises in the provision of marine electromagnetic data management, quality control and processing software and services.



Mapping Services

Sandvika, Akershus, Norway



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The 7 forms of Interaction Model- - Organizational Synergy

Inside and between organization (Ben-Yshai and Zwikael, 2007) – this is the focus of the 7 forms of the Interaction Model. The 7 forms of the Interaction Model Interaction in organizations consists of Borders, on one hand and Communication on the other. Borders (differentiation): Some …See details»

Analyzing Social Interaction in Organizations: A …

Apr 22, 2024 Those aiming to explore local interactions to gain cumulative insights into macrolevel phenomena (e.g., societal discourse, culture, and gender relations) or to understand organizational factors may consider the …See details»

Organizational Interaction - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Organization: Overview. W.R. Scott, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001 1.2 Substantialist Interaction Definitions. Soon after the emergence of …See details»

The 7 Forms of Interaction Model - Organizational …

Nov 4, 2018 This article seeks to introduce the ‘7 forms of Interaction model’, and shows, how to eliminate dysfunctional forms of interactions and create synergy in 4 different situations. The Model aims to diagnose, understand and …See details»

Organizational Structure from Interaction: Evidence …

Mar 6, 2019 Sara B. Soderstrom is an assistant professor in organizational studies and program in the environment at University of Michigan, 825 Weiser Hall, 500 Church Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (e-mail: [email protected]).Sara …See details»

10 Coordination in Organizations: An Integrative Perspective

Jan 1, 2009 AbstractCoordination, the process of interaction that integrates a collective set of interdependent tasks, is a central purpose of organizations. In this review we begin by …See details»

Bringing social interaction at the core of organizational neuroscience

Nov 17, 2022 From social interactions to organizational culture and back. Organizational culture is defined as the set of norms, behaviours and expectations shared by an organization’s …See details»

Dynamic Interpersonal Processes at Work: Taking Social …

Dynamic interpersonal processes are the core foundation of many phenomena of interest to organizational psychology and organizational behavior scholars. This article views the …See details»

The co-creation of meaningful action: bridging enaction and ...

May 5, 2016 Goffman's research questions were taken up by conversation analysts (e.g. [3,4]) who developed a method to investigate audio- and video-recordings of naturally occurring …See details»

Understanding-Organizational-Interactions-From-a …

Jan 24, 2023 It cites technology as an enabler of interaction in intra-organizational communication and provides deconstructed models of multidimensional networks. These will guide young network researchers in ...See details»

The role of social interaction in organizations - LinkedIn

Jun 19, 2016 Central to my view on how to impact and succeed in organizations is the role of social interaction within them. (The Success Paradigm, 1995; The Internal Sell, 1998; and The …See details»

Interaction Orientation: Do Corporate Culture, Organizational …

In line with contingency theory, which views organizations as social systems in which coordination is guided through management policies to achieve goals and objectives, we examine the …See details»

Improving Interactional Organizational Research: A Model of …

In order for researchers to understand and predict behavior, they must consider both person and situation factors and how these factors interact. Even though organization researchers have …See details»

Groups, organizations, families and movements: The sociology of …

May 1, 2020 organizations, but not organizations in interactions — the systems of group, organization, movement and family can theoretically be nested in both directions.See details»

(PDF) Organizational Structure from Interaction: Evidence from ...

Mar 1, 2020 Successful interactions generated traces of attention, motivation, knowledge, relationships , and resources that linked fleeting interactions to emergent organizational …See details»

Communication and Organizational Culture - IntechOpen

Jun 11, 2020 When people in an organization understand themselves and their context of interaction from very different perspectives, there is an increased risk of poor organizational …See details»

communicative interaction - Managing Research Library

Communicative interaction describes the interactive process that exists amongst members of an organization. In this process, knowledge emerges from the social act of gesture-response. …See details»

Social intra-organizational connection: effects in three relational ...

Jan 11, 2020 Cooperation with coworkers in the organization represents the total effort made and the degree of investment of other resources in the relationship of a specific member with …See details»

Managing interorganizational interactions for social impact: A …

Mar 1, 2022 Examples of such formal mechanisms employed mostly in constructed networks are: (1) formally assigned roles (Bechky, 2006), whereby experts (in e.g., project …See details»

Groups, organizations, families and movements: The sociology of …

Jun 4, 2020 This article closely follows Luhmann's article ‘Interaction, Organization, and Society’, and attempts—often with references to Luhmann's arguments elsewhere—to show which …See details»