
JK Education was founded in 2013 (then as J&K Consulting) as an agency sending Czech high school students to foreign private boarding schools (especially in the United States, Canada and Western Europe). Two years later, the agency started to organize foreign high school fairs in the Czech Republic, which became the only events of its kind. Currently the company operates school fairs in four countries including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary, and JK has successfully placed hund... reds of students at top-tier foreign schools from these countries. JK Education also operates three private high schools in the Czech Republic: American Academy in Prague, American Academy in Brno and the Prague Humanities Grammar School (“Pražské humanitní gymnázium“). Curricula draw on the best of the American and Finnish education systems, such as selection of courses, project-based and topic-focused lessons, assigning students to classes not by age, but by the level of difficulty of the subject, classes with a small number of students and an individualized approach.

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Prague, Hlavni Mesto Praha, Czech Republic

Czech Republic

Website Url:

Total Employee:


+420 703 141 151

Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Total Funding:
3.48 M USD

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Investors List


J&T Ventures

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ESPIRA Investments investment in Venture Round - JK Education

Official Site Inspections


  • Host name: ec2-3-73-5-164.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com
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  • Location: Seattle United States
  • Latitude: 47.6348
  • Longitude: -122.3451
  • Metro Code: 819
  • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Postal: 98109

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More informations about "JK Education"

Nejkvalitnější studium po celém světě - JK Education

Sep 25, 2024 Chtěla bych tímto poděkovat JK Education a všem děvčatům, která se o nás po celou dobu naší spolupráce starala, za perfektně odvedenou práci!!See details»

O nás - JK Education

Cz; sk; měníme svět vzdělávání Americký sen. Všechno začalo v okamžiku, kdy …See details»

JK Education - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Contact Email [email protected] Phone Number +420 703 141 151 JK Education was …See details»

JK Education – Wikipedie

JK Education, s.r.o. (IČ 015 55 804) je česká společnost se sídlem v Praze, její centrála se nachází na Svatoslavově ulici. Skupina, kterou spoluzaložil Ondřej Kania v roce 2013, se zabývá vzděláváním v České republice i v zahraničí. See details»

JK Education Overview | SignalHire Company Profile

Organization Website: jkeducation.cz : Social Links: JK Education industries ... Svatoslavova …See details»

Pier Connect

Website: jkeducation.cz. Principal Agent: Alexandra Vasile Profile: JK Education was …See details»

About Us - JK Education

Cz; sk; We are changing the world of education American dream. It all started when the …See details»

JK Education | LukasLukes.cz

JK Education je vzdělávací agentura, která posílá studenty na přestižní internátní školy v USA, Kanadě i v Evropě. Současně pořádá vzdělávací veletrhy v Česku, Slovensku, Maďarsku a Polsku a provozuje vlastní střední školy, které jsou …See details»

JK Education (Praha, Nusle) • Firmy.cz

[email protected]. IČO. 01555804 Více. Datová schránka. c9tti7i. Poslat poptávku. Všimli …See details»

JK Education - Company Profile - Tracxn

Aug 29, 2024 Testsealabs-Oststeinbek based, Unfunded company; Astraios Space-Hong …See details»

JK Education Company Information - Funding, Investors, and More …

Website: https://jkeducation.cz; Company size: 11 - 51 employees Headquarters: Prague, …See details»

JK Education's Ukrainian Student Placement Assistance Program

Please send comleted documents to: [email protected]. Svatoslavova 333/4 140 …See details»

Contacts - jkeducation.com

[email protected]. Office JK Education Dominikánské nám. 656/2, 602 00 Brno-střed. Mo …See details»


Sep 25, 2024 Chcela by som týmto poďakovať JK Education a všetkým dievčatám, ktoré sa o …See details»

Kontakty - JK Education

[email protected]. Kancelář JK Education Dominikánské nám. 656/2, 602 00 Brno-střed. …See details»


Pokud se chcete informovat o ostatních školách, krátkodobých programech nebo třeba letních …See details»

The highest quality study worldwide - JK Education

Sep 25, 2024 cz; sk; Boarding schools; Universities; ... The organization of teaching and free …See details»

Střední školy v zahraničí - JK Education

Cz en; cz; sk; Střední ... kontaktujte nás na [email protected]. V předmětu e-mailu prosím …See details»

FAQ - jkeducation.com

USA. Kombinace oborů: možnost kombinovat více oborů v rámci jednoho programu. Flexibilní …See details»

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