Jubic provides modern cloud hosting, software, and services that optimize industrial with modern stable technologies, and architecture.
Information Technology Software
Vaasa, Western Finland, Finland
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[email protected]
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PHP 7 Facebook Domain Insights ComScore
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- Location: United States
- Latitude: 37.751
- Longitude: -97.822
- Timezone: America/Chicago
More informations about "Jubic"
Jubic - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, Headquarters ...
Jubic.fi. Overview & Products; Financials; People; Founded Year 2014. Stage Acquired | Acquired. About Jubic. Jubic is a definitive software house. It offers development, consultation and cloud …See details»
Jubic Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Investors, Acquisition
Information on acquisition, funding, investors, and executives for Jubic. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile.See details»
Rubic Q3 2024 Brief | Messari
Nov 25, 2024 Rubic achieved record-breaking growth in Q3 2024, with an 88% QoQ increase in trading volume to $171 million, a 48% QoQ rise in transactions, strategic integrations across …See details»
DEX & Bridge Aggregator for Cross-Chain Crypto Swaps | Rubic
Decentralized exchange & cross-chain crypto swaps on Rubic: the top DEX and bridge aggregator. Bridge & compare rates across 80+ networks & 200+ DEXs! 0 Fees On Rubic …See details»
Rubic Q2 2024 Brief - Messari
Aug 9, 2024 Rubic ended Q2 with a transaction volume of $92 million, representing a 6.4% increase from the previous quarter. ... 20 bridges, and 200 DEXs while uniquely leveraging …See details»
Rubic HR Finland - yritystiedot, taloustiedot | Finder
Aug 27, 2010 Katso Finderista yhtiön Rubic HR Finland yritystiedot, y-tunnus, päättäjät ja taloustiedot. Tutki mm. liikevaihtoa. Finder Pro. ... www.rubic.fi. Lisää suosikkeihin …See details»
Cross-chain DeFi reputation score - Check RBC wallet rank - Nomis
Leverage Cross-chain DeFi onchain reputation at your fingertips. Mint onchain score now to become eligible for drops, get personalized offers, discounts and more.See details»
Hyvä asiakasrekisteri tai lahjoittajarekisteri voi olla organisaatiosi ...
Yhteystiedot. Rubic HR Finland Oy. Puhelin: 050 387 1133 [email protected]. Antinkatu 3 D, 7th floor, 00100 Helsinki. Y-tunnus: 2350617-8See details»
Rubic HR Finland - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Contact Email [email protected]; Phone Number +358 050 387 1133; Rubic HR Finland supports for their customers in defining the requirements of technology projects, tenders, …See details»
Palvelusalkku organisaatiosi sopimusten hallintaan - rubic.fi
Palvelusalkku organisaatiosi sopimusten hallintaan Avainsanat: Azure, IT, Palveluhallinta, Palvelusalkku Asiantuntijamme ovat viikottain tekemisissä asiakkaidemme IT-sopimusten …See details»
Kumppanisi digitaalisessa muutoksessa - Rubic HR Finland
RUBIC – kumppanisi digitaalisessa muutoksessa Kun edessä on tavallista suurempi järjestelmähankinta, on käytettävissä hyvä olla puolueeton kumppani, joka on jo ”been there, …See details»
Rubik – Wikipedia
Rubik oli suomalainen indierock- ja taidepop-yhtye. Yhtye on saanut erityistä kiitosta antaumuksellisesta esiintymisestään. Rubikin konserteissa lavalle nousi jopa kahdeksan …See details»
WCA Regulations - World Cube Association
Jan 1, 2024 1a) A competition must include a WCA Delegate and an organization team (consisting of one or more individuals) with the following officials: judges, scramblers and …See details»
Rubikin kosto – Wikipedia
Rubikin kosto ratkaistuna. Rubikin kosto on 4 × 4 × 4 Rubikin kuutio. [1] Siinä on 24 keskusta, 24 reunaa ja 8 kulmaa. Sen loi Peter Sebestény. [2] Toisin kuin Rubikin kuutiossa, tässä …See details»
Beta. Welcome to the EmojiDB beta! The database and this site are still being constructed, but in the mean time you can still use it. Click a search query below to find the perfect emoji.See details»
Neljä tapaa säästää organisaation IT-kuluissa - Rubic HR Finland
May 18, 2018 Neljä tapaa säästää organisaation IT-kuluissa Avainsanat: IT, IT-hankinnat, toimittajanhallinta Moni organisaatio on ulkoistanut IT-toimintansa ja usein se onkin järkevää, …See details»
Ottawa 3x3x3 Winter C 2024 | World Cube Association
The most famous of these puzzles is the Rubik's Cube, invented by professor Rubik from Hungary. A selection of these puzzles are chosen as official events of the WCA. Information. …See details»
پیام رسان وب روبیکا
پیام رسان وب روبیکا امکان تماس صوتی و تصویری، ارسال فایل و اشتراک گذاری تصاویر را فراهم می کند.See details»
Save on Rubik's Cube - Oriental Trading
Find fun and bargain deals on Rubik's Cube at Oriental Trading. 110% Lowest Price Guarantee. ... Storage & Organization; Personalized Products; More Ways to Shop. Fun Kits; Custom T …See details»