KAWAI specializes in the manufacturing of electric heating elements for both the home and industrial/commercial markets. The main plant is located in the Hangzhou High Technology Industrial Park with convenient transportation and beautiful scenery, occupying over 775,000 sq ft. (72000 sq. meters) of land and 387,000 sq ft. (36,6000 sq. meters) of plant floor space. KAWAI manufactures in-house a complete range of electric heating elements offering sheath materials of Incoloy, Stainless Steel, Co... pper, Aluminum and Steel. KAWAI offers finished sheath diameters ranging from 0.177" dia (4.5 mm.) to 0.472" dia (12mm. ). KAWAI manufactures quartz tube and open coil heaters. The Hangzhou plant produces over 60 million heaters/year for the world market place. KAWAI electric heaters are globally renowned for the highest quality and reliability.
Electronics Manufacturing
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
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Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Technology used in webpage:
Apache Amazon PHP Amazon Virginia Region Apache 2.4
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