KingTopWare provides spatiotemporal big data integration, fusion, application and mining analysis solutions.
Social Links:
Analytics Big Data Mining Software
Wuhan, Hubei, China
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Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Total Funding:
10 M CNY
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Investors List
Jinshan Capital
Jinshan Capital investment in Series A - KingTopWare
Hunan Lianhui Investment Management
Hunan Lianhui Investment Management investment in Series A - KingTopWare
More informations about "KingTopWare"
KingTopWare - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Organization. KingTopWare . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. Financials. People. Signals & News. Similar Companies. About. KingTopWare provides spatiotemporal big data integration, …See details»
湖北金拓维信息技术有限公司 -
11. 05月. 2024. 金拓维公司赴自然资源部信息中心座谈交流. 5月10日下午,湖北金拓维信息技术有限公司董事长刘诗雄携公司管理和技术核心团队拜访了自然资源部信息中心,重点就《自然资源数字化治理能力提升总体方案》的实施落地、 …See details»
KingTopWare Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding
KingTopWare General Information Description. Provider of spatial geographic big data solutions. The company focuses on providing construction of digital city geospatial framework public …See details»
KingTopWare - Contacts, Employees, Board Members, Advisors
KingTopWare provides spatiotemporal big data integration, fusion, application and mining analysis solutions.See details»
KingTopWare - Funding, Financials, Valuation & Investors
How much funding has this organization raised over time? Show . Announced Date . Transaction Name . Number of Investors . Money Raised . Lead Investors . Oct 14, 2016: Series A - …See details»
Kingtopware:Company Profile & Technical Research,Competitor …
Oct 3, 2023 Kingtopware is headquartered in China Hubei Sheng. Kingtopware was founded in 2011. Kingtopware has a total of 8 patents . Related Topics. Big data Software Mining …See details»
湖北金拓维信息技术有限公司 - 企查查
Jan 27, 2011 简介: 湖北金拓维信息技术有限公司是⼀家成⽴于2011年01月27日的有限责任公司,也是金拓维旗下企业,属于以从事信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业为主的企业。 位于武 …See details»
湖北金拓维信息技术有限公司 -
27. 04月. 2018. 广东省国土资源技术中心专家一行莅临金拓维,参观考察大数据gis. 吴主任等专家在听完汇报后,对金拓维在大数据gis领域的领先技术和成果应用,给予了高度的评价和中肯 …See details»
KingTopWare - Web3 Crypto Company Profile, Funding, Valuation ...
KingTopWare provides spatiotemporal big data integration, fusion, application and mining analysis solutions.See details»
HighGIS(金拓维大数据GIS) -
Mar 27, 2018 HighGIS(金拓维大数据GIS)采用并行计算、内存计算、多级缓存、动态调度等技术,实现GIS算法的并行化计算,满足云环境下超大规模空间地理信息数据的快速入云发布、 …See details»
KingTopWare - Crunchbase
KingTopWare provides spatiotemporal big data integration, fusion, application and mining analysis solutions.See details»
行业应用_湖北金拓维信息技术有限公司 -
湖北金拓维信息技术有限公司(简称金拓维软件),位于国家级高新区——中国光谷,是一家专业从事时空大数据整合、融合、应用及挖掘分析整体解决方案供应商。See details»
再调整、再出发,奔跑吧,一起腾飞!金拓维软件2021年度工作总 …
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4 types of organizational structure: Which is best for your
Oct 8, 2024 A matrix chart shows employees reporting to multiple managers, representing the cross-functional relationships within the organization. 4. Flat chart. A flat chart represents a …See details»
KingTopWare - Updates, News, Events, Signals & Triggers
KingTopWare provides spatiotemporal big data integration, fusion, application and mining analysis solutions.See details»
高性能云GIS平台 -
HighGIS(金拓维大数据GIS)采用并行计算、内存计算、多级缓存、动态调度等技术,实现GIS算法的并行化计算,满足云环境下超大规模空间地理信息数据的快速入云发布、浏览、查询、分 …See details»
10 Principles of Effective Organizations - Harvard Business Review
Aug 8, 2022 The author identifies 10 research-backed principles from the field of organization development to guide companies: 1) Encourage cooperation, 2) organize for change, 3) …See details»
Series A - KingTopWare - 2016-10-14 - Crunchbase
KingTopWare raised $1486448 on 2016-10-14 in Series A. Start Free Trial . Chrome ExtensionSee details»
行业应用_湖北金拓维信息技术有限公司 -
智能化国土空间基础信息平台 date: 2023-12-27 面向国土空间治理现代化要求,金拓维融合大数据、云计算、人工智能等新技术,推出“传统GIS+大数据GIS”混合模式搭建的智能化国土空间基 …See details»