KitchenBox is an online platform that provides its users with a range of recipes. The platform provides its users with a range of weekly illustrated recipes. Furthermore, they are able to purchase the ingredients for the recipes and have them delivered from the platform. The range of food consists of meats, vegetarian, and pasta dishes. KitchenBox was launched in 2014.
Delivery Food And Beverage Food Processing
Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Website Url:
Total Employee:
Total Funding:
180 K USD
Technology used in webpage:
Domain Not Resolving Google Google Cloud Google Cloud Iowa
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Current Employees Featured
Investors List
Conor Seed Capital Fund
Conor Seed Capital Fund investment in Seed Round - KitchenBox
Official Site Inspections
- Host name:
- IP address:
- Location: Hungary
- Latitude: 47.4919
- Longitude: 19.05
- Timezone: Europe/Budapest

More informations about "KitchenBox"
KitchenBox - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
KitchenBox is an online platform that provides its users with a range of recipes. The platform provides its users with a range of weekly illustrated recipes. Furthermore, they are able to …See details»
KitchenBox Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding & Investors
KitchenBox General Information Description. Provider of a meal box delivery platform. The company's platform offers various dishes which include fresh vegetables, meat, fishes and …See details»
KitchenBox - Overview, News & Similar companies | Revenue $5.6 Million. Industry Retail General Retail . Recent News & Media. No recent news or media. Overview ; Who is KitchenBox. Kedves Vsrlónk! Tjékoztatunk, hogy …See details»
Kitchenbox | VentureRadar
Kitchenbox is a versatile company that addresses various consumer needs ranging from personal care and household maintenance to event planning and lifestyle enhancements. They provide …See details»
KitchenBox Company Information - Funding, Investors, and More
Jan 1, 2015 KitchenBox Food ingredients and recipes delivery platform. GET THE TOP 10 COMPANIES OF THE WEEK IN YOUR EMAIL, EVERY TUESDAY. OR …See details»
KitchenBox - Company Profile - Tracxn
Nov 5, 2024 KitchenBox - Recipe Box. This company is not active anymore. Raised a total funding of $70.8K over 1 round from 2 investors. Founded by Barbara Egyud in the year 2009. …See details»
KitchenBox - Company Profile & Staff Directory - ContactOut
Discover KitchenBox company details, including staff directory, contact information, and industry insights. Explore alternatives, competitors, and frequently asked questions to get …See details»
KitchenBox - Wiki - Golden
KitchenBox is a company founded by Barbara Egyud. Log in. Sign up. KitchenBox. KitchenBox is a company founded by Barbara Egyud. Overview Structured Data Issues Contributors Activity. …See details»
KitchenBox Company Information - Funding, Investors, and More
KitchenBox Food ingredients and recipes delivery platform. Get the top 10 companies of the week in your email, every Tuesday. Subscribe. OR DOWNLOAD OUR …See details»
KitchenBox Hungary Kft. - Budapest, Révész u. 27, 1138 Hungary
KitchenBox Hungary Kft. Budapest X. kerület postal code 1138. See 3 social pages including Facebook and Twitter, Hours, Phone, Email, Website and more for this business. 3.5 Cybo …See details»
Kitchenbox -
KitchenBox approaches the way of cooking at home from a new aspect. It provides all the ingredients what people need for a special, healthy and fresh meal without wasting any money, food and the most important part of …See details»
Indíts vállalkozást: 83. ötlet - saját Kitchenbox, alapanyag ...
Jul 20, 2015 Nehéz megfogalmazni ezt az új üzletágat, vállalkozás ötletet, amit a magyar alapítású Kitchenbox behozott külföldrÅ‘l. Megvalósították itthon azt, amit a tengerentúlon a …See details»
Könnyű diadal a konyhában- A KitchenBox titka - NullaHatEgy
Feb 6, 2016 Erre a problémára talált megoldást az immár egy éves KitchenBox csapata. A hiánypótló vállalkozás egyik alapítójával, a vendéglátós családból származó Együd Barbarával …See details»
Gondolkozz dobozban! – kipróbáltuk a Kitchenbox szolgáltatást
Feb 24, 2015 A Kitchenbox telephelye GyömrÅ‘n található: egy üzemben állítják össze a dobozokat, melyekbe a hozzávalókon kívül receptkártyát is tesznek: ezeken a receptkártyákon …See details» - Kitchenbox - Gasztro és egyéb ... - Kitchenbox most likely does not offer any adult content. Popular pages. KitchenBox - Különleges ételek lapra szerelve! FÅ‘zz valami egészen mást, egészen egyszerűen, …See details»
kitchenBox -
KitchenBox. Egyre menÅ‘bb a gasztronómiai legó Dollármilliókat termelÅ‘ üzletággá nÅ‘tte ki magát az otthon fÅ‘zés és az ételrendelés között átmenetet nyújtó vacsoradoboz. Magyarországon is …See details»
Kitchenbox - VentureRadar
Kitchenbox is a versatile company that addresses various consumer needs ranging from personal care and household maintenance to event planning and lifestyle enhancements. They provide …See details»
Szolgáltatás Archívum - Kitchenbox
Jun 18, 2023 Kitchenbox 2022.11.26. Gyakran halljuk másoktól, miszerint nincs idejük önmagukra. Sokan a túlzsúfolt napirendjük miatt az ismerkedést is elvetik, pedig semmi másra …See details»
5 reasons for a camping kitchen box - LAYZEE
Sep 29, 2023 The LAYZEE Kitchenbox offers a lot of flexibility, because the mobile camping kitchen can be used in different ways.The lid can be used set up with the magnetic bar.Thus, …See details»
58 Kitchen Organizing Ideas to Make Your Space Less Cluttered …
Feb 5, 2024 If you feel like your kitchen is a cluttered mess, that doesn't mean it has to stay that way. There are myriad kitchen organization ideas to suit any lifestyle—from large to small …See details»