
Principle of the service’s work: On the website it will be possible to buy and sell business contacts, and potential clients in a way similar to the auction principle, described below. A potential customer contacts to the seller (this is the out-of-the-service stage) The seller places an advertisement with the terms of selling the contact information about the potential client. Advertisement also contains all the required information: a description of the needs of the potential client and... financial terms of the deal. Other users of the system (buyers) also respond to the advertisement, offering their financial conditions (either the amount, or the amount or the interest in case the deal with a potential client is made). The seller is entitled to choose any of the responses. The elaborate rating system ensures adequacy of the buyers and the sellers. At the time of the response acceptance, the contact information about the potential client is made available to the owner of the accepted response. The result: the seller earns by receiving funds from the buyer, and the latter, in his turn, makes profit from interaction with a potential customer.

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More informations about "Klientura.com"

Klientura.com - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Where is Klientura.com's headquarters? Klientura.com is located in San Francisco, California, United States. Who are Klientura.com's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to …See details»

Klientura.com - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks

About Klientura.com is actively using 4 technologies for its website, according to BuiltWith. These include SPF , Amazon , and Twemoji.See details»

Klientu - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks - Crunchbase

Klientu is a customer services company that offers on call technical support for fixed and wireless mobile operators.See details»

Kaltura - Wikipedia

Kaltura, Inc. is a New York-based software company founded in 2006. It operates in several major markets: webinars and virtual events, enterprise video content management and online video platform (OVP), educational technology (virtual classroom), and Cloud TV software, and offers products such as video portal, LMS and CMS extension, virtual event and webinar platform, and TV streamin…See details»


Discover Company Info on KLIENTURA TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LLC in Chicago, IL, such as Contacts, Addresses, Reviews, and Registered Agent.See details»

Kas yra Klientūra ? Žodžio Klientūra reikšmė - lietuviuzodynas.lt

Kas yra Klientūra? Išsami žodžio reikšmė ir paaiškinimas internetiniame žodyne. Klientūra angliškai, sinonimai, frazeologizmaiSee details»

Klientūra reikšmė - lietuvių kalbos žodynas - lietuviuzodynas.lt

Kas yra Klientūra? Tikslus žodžio paaiškinimas su visomis galimomis reikšmėmis, kirčiuote, kalbos dalimis, sinonimais ir frazeologizmais.See details»

KLIENTÚRA JELENTÉSE - idegen-szavak-szotara.hu

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klientúra jelentése, helyesírása és szinonímái

Klientúra klientúra szó jelentése A " klientúra " szó jelentése és fogalma a magyar nyelvben a következőképpen definiálható: A klientúra egy olyan csoportosulás vagy hálózat, amelyet egy …See details»

klientúra - Hungarian definition, grammar, pronunciation, …

Learn the definition of 'klientúra'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Browse the use examples 'klientúra' in the great Hungarian corpus.See details»

Klientu - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Klientu is a customer services company that offers on call technical support for fixed and wireless mobile operators.See details»

OnPremise v9 Deployment Manager issue "...org... is currently …

Mar 19, 2024 All organizations have the same issue, even if we change nothing, the Edit Organization Wizard fails. I can enable the organziation after that error, but I am not sure if …See details»

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Atlygis, mokamas bendrovės valdybų nariams Indiškas šokis kurį šoka išskirtinai tik vyrai Aštrus metalinis iešmas tradiciniam kaukazietikškui šašlykui vertiSee details»

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klientúra - magyar meghatározás, nyelvtan, kiejtés, szinonimák és ...

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