KROOGI is a content community where musicians, artists, writers and photographers post copyrighted songs, art, images, books, and build social circles of fans who download and compensate them based on a "Pay What You Want" model. Kroogi's content community model for distributing and monetizing content benefits creators and fans equally. Creators are afforded a convenient, social platform and tools for promoting and sharing their work online. Fans are afforded an opportunity to "pay what ... you want" for unrestricted use and enjoyment of content. Kroogi's content community model bridges the wide gap between free (and often illegal) and fixed payment models by letting fans determine the value of content. Historically, 20% of all downloads at earn money for content creators. Currently in beta, Kroogi supports an active community of 80,000 artists and fans in and around Russia, and is now expanding its reach into the US, Europe and South America.

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creative persons union

Artist Community



Collaborative Multimedia Community



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Miro Sarbaev
Miro Sarbaev CEO @ Kroogi

Official Site Inspections Semrush global rank: 4.88 M Semrush visits lastest month: 1.8 K

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  • Location: Ashburn United States
  • Latitude: 39.0481
  • Longitude: -77.4728
  • Metro Code: 511
  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Postal: 20149

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More informations about "Kroogi"

The 1st French agency 100% dedicated to Amazon - Krooga

Krooga listens to you and gathers all the decisive data in order to provide you answers; a single goal: the winning strategy! A management which leaves nothing to chance, orchestrated by a …See details»

Agency - Krooga

In 2019, Amazon represented 47% of French online spending; for 68% of them, the search for a product started on Amazon (source: "The Future Shopper 2019" report, Wunderman …See details»

Agence - Krooga

L’agence Krooga, créée en 2009, a d’abord servi des projets de web-marketing en accompagnant ses clients sur des problématiques digitales très diversifiées : refonte de site Internet, …See details»

Krooga - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Organization. Krooga . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. ... Krooga is a company that specializes in the design and implementation …See details»

Krooga SAS - LinkedIn

Krooga SAS | 1,845 followers on LinkedIn. 1ère Agence Française 100% Dédiée Amazon / Accompagnement 360° (Stratégie et Opérationnel) / Amazon FR, EU, USA | Dés 2016, …See details»

Krooga - L'Usine Digitale

Krooga assure la création d’un store respectant l’image de marque et l’identité de la société, la rédaction et mise en place de contenus de marque amélioré, la génération d’avis ...See details»

Krooga ads – 1ere Agence Amazon Advertising I Dominez la …

Chez Kroogads, nous nous spécialisons dans l'optimisation de la présence de votre marque sur Amazon et grace à Amazon advertising. Notre équipe d'experts vous accompagne à travers …See details»

Krooga - Crunchbase

Krooga is a company that specializes in the design and implementation of e-marketing campaigns.See details»

Krooga - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks - Crunchbase

Krooga is a company that specializes in the design and implementation of e-marketing campaigns.See details»

Contact - Krooga

Krooga advises and supports more than 200 brands on Amazon Europe and USA, including: Prénom NOM : E-Mail : Votre message : Phone & email : +33 (0)1 86 76 11 22 …See details»

Krooga - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, …

Krooga. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) When was Krooga founded? Krooga was founded in 2009. Where is Krooga's headquarters? Krooga's headquarters is located at 38 avenue du …See details»

Krooga - Facebook

Krooga. 1,135 likes. Krooga® est une société spécialisée dans la conception et mise en place de campagnes e-marketing axées sur l'acquisition de leads et prospects sur Internet.See details»

Amazon's top grocery stores exec Tony Hoggett is leaving in big …

Oct 25, 2024 An Amazon spokesperson confirmed Hoggett’s exit in a statement: “After nearly three years of leading our grocery business, helping guide the organization to new levels of …See details»

Krooga, L'Agence Amazon pour l'accompagnement de votre marque

Krooga est une agence digitale 100% dédiée à ce media, depuis 2015. Nos consultants vous accompagnent sur la meilleure stratégie à adopter, sur la production des contenus en ligne, et …See details»

Krooga - Contacts, Employees, Board Members, Advisors

Organization. Krooga . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. Highlights. Employee Profiles 2. Contacts 1. ... Krooga has 2 current …See details»

Kroogi - Wikipedia

Kroogi [Russian: Круги, translation: circles] is a social networking service where musicians, painters, writers, videographers, photographers, and other users and organizations that wish …See details»

My Account

Access and manage your Microsoft account and organizations.See details»

Expertise - Krooga

Krooga is a digital production agency: we create all the Amazon contents your brand needs. Learn more about our brand contents. Advertising. Amazon is already the world's 3rd largest online …See details»

Kroogi Videos - YouTube

Официальный YouTube канал портала -- творческое сообщество, в рамках которого музыканты ...See details»

Solutions - Krooga

Krooga is not affiliated with Amazon. Krooga SAS. 38 Avenue Maréchal de Saxe. 69006 Lyon France . T: + 33 04 78 52 38 15. Expertise; Solutions; Agency; Contact; Krooga SAS. 38 …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved