LEARN is a non-profit educational organization that offers professional learning services for educators.
Education Language Learning Non Profit
Laval, Quebec, Canada
Website Url:
Total Employee:
450 622 2212
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Official Site Inspections
- Host name: ec2-99-79-157-232.ca-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com
- IP address:
- Location: Montreal Canada
- Latitude: 45.4995
- Longitude: -73.5848
- Timezone: America/Toronto
- Postal: H3G

More informations about "LEARN"
Home - LEARN
Welcome to LEARN, your comprehensive portal for educational resources, tutoring, and professional support. Catering to students, educators, and the community, we bridge the gap …See details»
LEARN Welcomes Christine Truesdale as New CEO - LEARN
LAVAL, Quebec, November 18, 2024 – After an extensive and rigorous selection process, the LEARN Board of Directors is proud to announce the appointment of Christine Truesdale as the …See details»
About Learn - LEARN
LEARN actively seeks to build or strengthen (strategic) relationships among schools, school boards, post-secondary institutions, and community organizations across Quebec in support of our mission. To be an innovative and …See details»
Home - Students
LEARN offers online summer classes in partnership with some of Quebec's English School Boards. Classes are interactive and facilitated by certified subject teachers. Our model provides the freedom to learn from anywhere. A …See details»
Societies - Societies and Territories
Resources by Society & Period. Resources by Type. GHC Program Overview. Image Banks. Menu. Societies. Iroquoians around 1500.See details»
LEARN Podcasts
Oct 22, 2024 · LEARN Podcasts is a show that highlights the work of innovative educators with their students as well as the services that LEARN offers to support learning in the English …See details»
LEARNing Online | Stay up to date with LEARN's online classes!
Feb 9, 2022 · Luckily for them, for students and for parents, the team of intrepid educators at this organization called LEARN have come to the rescue. The people there have been teaching …See details»
Sakai : Gateway : Welcome - LEARN
Sakai is LEARN's learning portal. This is where you will find your class content and interact with your teacher both during and outside of class time. Sakai est le portail d'apprentissage de …See details»
Our Team - LEARN
The LEARN team is composed of highly skilled and experienced educators and professionals who bring to the community a vast array of resources and services which are coupled with a collaborative and success oriented mindset. At the …See details»
Competency 1 Task Cards - Societies and Territories
Task cards are a great way to focus student learning on specific aspects related to the organization of a society on its territory (Competency 1). They can be used for independent …See details»
School-Community Partnerships: A Lifeline in …
Mar 16, 2021 · For more than 15 years, schools participating in Quebec’s community schools (Community Learning Centres network) have been building social capital and developing strategic partnerships in communities across the …See details»
HQC - Migrations, Indigenous Territories, Societies - LEARN
Show that you know about the Asian migration theory, naming the routes and indicating them on a map. Name different Indigenous groups (language groups, nations, etc.) in the present-day …See details»
Learning Activities with online docs and tools - Societies and …
Below are links to Learning Evaluation Situations and other classroom activities. LEARN: Way of Life in 1500- How did cultures differ between the Iroquoians and Algonquians? LEARN: How …See details»
Contact Us - LEARN
Would you like to know more about our services and our organization? Contact our Communications Lead: Your voice matters! How would you rate us? Please share your story! …See details»
Organization of Matter - Students
In this brief video, students review the concept of an atom and its constituent parts (proton, neutron, electron). As well, students are reminded of the difference between ions, isotopes, …See details»
LEARN - ??? ???? ???? ?????! ??’?? ???????? ??... | Facebook
“I am honored to lead an organization so vital to the English-speaking educational community. Together, we will continue to strengthen our partnerships and expand the services and …See details»
History of Quebec and Canada – Planning for a new curriculum
Sep 23, 2015 · Know the different Aboriginal groups in the territory of Quebec. I can name the groups that belonged to the different language families and indicate them on a map. Explain …See details»
Careers - LEARN
We partner with English-language school boards and school teams, universities, community-based organizations, community development agents, pedagogical consultants, teachers, …See details»
HQC - 1608-1760 - LEARN
You will learn to describe the territorial and social organization of a seigneury, to explain the daily life of the peasantry, to explain the adaptation of the peasantry to the conditions in New …See details»
Accueil - LEARN
éducateurs québécois soutenus en 2022-2023 par l’entremise de 244 séances d’apprentissage professionnel et de pédagogie. écoles communautaires et centres d’éducation aux adultes du …See details»