
Learning Machine, architect of the Blockcerts open standard with the MIT Media Lab and co-chair of the W3C Credentials Community Group, is the world leader in blockchain-based digital credentials. As the only records provider in the world with a product in market for multi-chain issuing and self-sovereign identity, our offering is revolutionizing the way organizations in all sectors issue and verify records. Learning Machine is in its second year of commercial operation with clients around the world. Our Enterprise SaaS product, the Learning Machine Federated Issuing System, allows governments, companies, and educational institutions to issue blockchain records at scale, rooted in any blockchain they choose.

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Blockchain Education Government Human Resources Identity Management SaaS


New York, New York, United States

United States

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Email Addresses:
[email protected]

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Technology used in webpage:
SPF Domain Not Resolving Amazon IPv6 Microsoft Azure DNS Cloudflare Cloudflare Hosting Amazon Route 53 Ruby On Rails Token Amazon CloudFront

Current Employees Featured


Adam Gutierrez
Adam Gutierrez Head of QA @ Learning Machine Technologies
Head of QA


Dimi Arhontidis
Dimi Arhontidis Director of User Experience @ Learning Machine Technologies
Director of User Experience


Roberto Jose
Roberto Jose Senior Software Engineer @ Learning Machine Technologies
Senior Software Engineer



Chris Jagers


Dan Hughes


Kim Hamilton Duffy


Natalie Smolenski


Ted Wehner

Investors List


Omidyar Network

Omidyar Network investment in Seed Round - Learning Machine Technologies


Learn Capital

Learn Capital investment in Seed Round - Learning Machine Technologies


PTB Ventures

PTB Ventures investment in Seed Round - Learning Machine Technologies

Newest Events participated

delta-summit-2019_event_image Participated in Delta Summit 2019 on 2019-10-02 as exhibitor

Official Site Inspections


  • Host name:
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  • Location: Chicago United States
  • Latitude: 41.8483
  • Longitude: -87.6517
  • Metro Code: 602
  • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Postal: 60602

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More informations about "Learning Machine Technologies"

Learning Machine Technologies - Crunchbase Company Profile

Learning Machine, architect of the Blockcerts open standard with the MIT Media Lab and co-chair of the W3C Credentials Community Group, is the world leader in blockchain-based digital …See details»

What is a Learning Organization? Peter Senge's 5 Key …

Oct 16, 2024 · A learning organization is an organization where employees at all levels are constantly learning and improving their skills. The goal is to create an environment where people are encouraged to explore new ideas, question old …See details»

E d u c a t i o n a l R e c o r d s a n d t h e B l o c k c h a i n

An individual’s lifetime of education does not reside entirely within one organization. Not only do people attend a variety of schools, but learning happens outside of formal schooling and …See details»

Learning Machines 101 - A Gentle Introduction to Artificial ...

Episode Summary: In this episode of Learning Machines 101, we review Chapter 6 of my book “Statistical Machine Learning” which introduces methods for analyzing the behavior of …See details»

Learning Organizations in the Age of Smart Machines

Jan 6, 2021 · These discussions involve professionals in the area of human resource development (HRD) and organization development (OD) who invoke concepts that were en …See details»

Blockcerts and Learner-Owned Official Records - Medium

Jan 16, 2017 · In 2016, Learning Machine and the MIT Media Lab introduced Blockcerts, the open standard for issuing and verifying student-controlled official records. The standard allows any …See details»

- LearningML - AI made easy

Ideal para introducirse en el mundo del Machine Learning. Construye modelos de IA para reconocer textos e imágenes. Se puede usar desde los últimos cursos de primaria. En esta …See details»

Computer science: The learning machines | Nature

Jan 8, 2014 · Using massive amounts of data to recognize photos and speech, deep-learning computers are taking a big step towards true artificial intelligence.See details»

What is a Learning Organization? Characteristics + Benefits

A learning organization is one that prioritizes creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge and adapts its behavior to reflect new information and insights. That is one possible definition of a …See details»

Learning to Work with Intelligent Machines - Harvard Business …

Companies are deploying AI and robotics in ways that disrupt traditional training techniques such as mentoring and on-the-job learning. We need to understand how to combine the old with the …See details»

Learning Organizations: From Invention to Innovation

“Forget your old, tired ideas about leadership. The most successful corporation of the 1990s will be something called a learning organization,” intoned a recent Fortune magazine article. But …See details»

8 Learning Organization Examples and How to Create One - Zavvy

Sep 25, 2024 · Learn the key principles of learning organizations and how to create a learning organization, with case study examples of learning organizationsSee details»

Your Ultimate Guide to Building a Learning Organization

Below, we’ll explain how Learning Organizations allow you to quickly learn from mistakes, build a more engaged workforce, and adapt on the fly. Plus, we’ll outline how you can combine your …See details»

Coordinating Human and Machine Learning for Effective …

With the rise of machine learning (ML), humans are no longer the only ones capable of learning and contributing to an organization’s stock of knowledge. We study how organizations can …See details»

How To Build A Learning Organization The Right Way In 2024

Aug 24, 2021 · Organizational learning has proved key to survival in this demanding environment. In it, employees share decision-making powers and corporate accountability. Organizational …See details»

5 Key Traits Of Learning Organizations - eLearning Industry

Dec 23, 2017 · In this article, I'll share 5 key traits of learning organizations. Learning organizations give employees the power to solve problems autonomously, as well as to benefit …See details»

The learning organization: principles, theory and practice

Just what constitutes a ‘learning organization is a matter of some debate. We explore some of the themes that have emerged in the literature and the contributions of key thinkers like Donald …See details»

The Practices That Set Learning Organizations Apart

Apr 7, 2021 · In studying their practices, we identified seven core principles that other companies can implement to improve their L&D efforts and equip themselves to thrive in both the short …See details»

Coordinating Human and Machine Learning for Effective …

Sep 1, 2021 · With the rise of machine learning (ML), humans are no longer the only ones capable of learning and contributing to an organization’s stock of knowledge. We study how …See details»

CS229: Machine Learning

Course Description This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition.See details»