
Leitner Technologies s.r.o is company that has many years experience in manufacturing and reconstructing of many industrial objects in the chemical and food industry as well as in constructions of industrial and logistics parks, including development of plastic to oil recycling technologies. Its owner Peter Leitner founded the company Leitner Technologies s.r.o in 2003. Steel constructions were the top of its most popular works. Henkel Slovakia s.r.o and Palma-Tumys a.s used to be one of the may... or customers for Leitner Technologies. In the past the company’s management enhance its focus also on international markets. For example our partners, in European Union are Dematic KG&Co., Company PORR Gmbh Oesterreich and Henkel CEE Wien. In Poland there are companies Cargill and Piecbud. And in Ukraine we were working with companies TOV FCA Ukraine and Henkel Kiev. Currently the main company’s focus is recycling of plastic waste into plastic oil. Company has discontinued all other operations and focused primarily on this project. Company has many years experience with technologies all around the world for recycling of plastics.

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Industrial Manufacturing Manufacturing Recycling


Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

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Total Employee:


+421 (0)910 909 373

Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Total Funding:
50 K EUR

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SPF SSL By Default Sender ID Websupport

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Current Employees Featured


Michal Leitner
Michal Leitner CEO @ Leitner Technologies s.r.o


Peter Leitner
Peter Leitner Founder @ Leitner Technologies s.r.o



Peter Leitner

Investors List


EASME - EU Executive Agency for SMEs

EASME - EU Executive Agency for SMEs investment in Grant - Leitner Technologies s.r.o

Official Site Inspections


  • Host name: ing.r5.websupport.sk
  • IP address:
  • Location: Slovakia
  • Latitude: 48.6667
  • Longitude: 19.5
  • Timezone: Europe/Bratislava

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More informations about "Leitner Technologies s.r.o"

Leitner Technologies s.r.o - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Leitner Technologies s.r.o is company that has many years experience in manufacturing and reconstructing of many industrial objects in the chemical and food industry as well as in …See details»

LEITNER opens new plant in Slovakia

LEITNER is continuing to expand its production capacities in Europe. End of June, after eleven months of construction, the new plant in Stará Ľubovňa, Slovakia, was opened in the presence of the Minister of Economics Richard …See details»

Výroba a priemyselná automatizácia | LEITNER …

Váš profesionálny partner pre výrobu a vývoj, už od roku 1997. Výroba a rekonštrukcia priemyselných objektov v chemickom a potravinárskom priemysle, výroba oceľových konštrukcií, výstavba priemyslených a logistických parkov.See details»

LEITNER opens new plant in Slovakia

Feb 8, 2021 · LEITNER is continuing to expand its production capacities in Europe. End of June, after eleven months of construction, the new plant in Stará Ľubovňa, Slovakia, was opened in the presence of the Minister of Economics …See details»

Company Group - LEITNER

With the LEITNER, POMA, BARTHOLET, PRINOTH and DEMACLENKO companies, the Group has become an established and globally unique one-stop shop for winter sports technologies. Customers are able to exploit the …See details»

O nás - LEITNER Slovensko s.r.o.

LEITNER Slovensko s.r.o je spoločnosť, ktorá má dlhoročné skúsenosti s výrobou a rekonštrukciou mnohých priemyselných objektov v chemickom a potravinárskom priemysle, ako aj s výstavbou priemyselných a logistických …See details»

O nás - LeitnerLeitner Slovakia

We bring life into complexity. Zmysluplné partnerstvo je najlepším základom pre všetky otázky – v súkromnom živote, v podnikaní alebo pri hľadaní novej stratégie. Spolu s našimi klientmi …See details»

LEITNER Technologies sro – Marótyho, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovakia

LEITNER Technologies sro prevádzkuje činnosti v kategórii Recyklačné strediská. Spoločnosť môžete kontaktovať na čísle 0910 909 373 . Ďalšie informácie o LEITNER Technologies sro …See details»

Home - LeitnerLeitner Slovakia

Know-how bez hraníc: Stredná a juhovýchodná Európa je naším lokálnym trhom. Vďaka interdisciplinárnemu prístupu a každodennej spolupráci dokonale poznáme a chápeme …See details»

LEITNER TECHNOLOGIES SRO - explore.openaire.eu

Organization, country, LEITNER TECHNOLOGIES SROLEITNER TECHNOLOGIES SRO. toggle menu. close close menuSee details»

Vývoj a výroba technológií - LEITNER Slovensko s.r.o.

Spoločnosť Letiner Slovensko a už dlhé roky venuje vývoju a implementácii technológií na spracovanie a zhodnocovanie odpadov.See details»

Leitner Technologies | Business expansion | Factsheet 66686 - Europa

May 2, 2008 · Lietner Technologies, a German producer of transport equipments and systems, has announced the creation of 150 jobs at its new production plant in Stará Ľubovňa, which …See details»

Peter Leitner - Founder @ Leitner Technologies s.r.o - Crunchbase

Peter Leitner is the Founder of Leitner Technologies.See details»

Michal Leitner - CEO - Leitner Technologies s.r.o. - LinkedIn

View Michal Leitner’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Michal has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Michal’s...See details»

ROVAMI trade s.r.o. (Historický názov: Leitner Technologies s.r.o.)

Spoločnosť ROVAMI trade s.r.o. v roku 2023 zvýšila zisk o 97 % na 4 488 € a tržby jej narástli o 412 % na 1,479 mil. €.See details»


LEITNER TECHNOLOGIES SRO VentureRadar profile. Find out more about LEITNER TECHNOLOGIES SRO including the VentureRadar Innovation and Growth scores, Similar …See details»

Michal Leitner - CEO @ Leitner Technologies s.r.o - Crunchbase

Michal Leitner is the CEO of Leitner Technologies. He attended Webster Vienna Private University and Northwood University.See details»

LEITNER eröffnet neues Werk in der Slowakei

Aug 2, 2021 · LEITNER setzt den Ausbau der Produktionskapazitäten in Europa weiter fort. Ende Juni wurde nach elf Monaten Bauzeit das neue Werk im slowakischen Stará Ľubovňa im …See details»

Výrobca lanoviek Leitner už aj na Slovensku - LANOVKY.sk

Výrobca lanoviek Leitner Ropeways patrí do skupiny High Technology Investments (predtým Leitner Technologies). Väčšinovým akcionárom HTI je taliansky podnikateľ Michael Seeber, …See details»

About us - LeitnerLeitner Slovakia

LeitnerLeitner is one of the leading firms of tax professionals, auditors and financial advisory experts in Central and South-Eastern Europe. We have over 60 years of experience in …See details»

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