AND Global’s signature product is a mobile app based financial service that offers both collateral-free personal loans and micro-enterprise loans to under/ un-served customers. Using our proprietary A.I. powered technology, the platform collects and analyses user data to calculate a personalized credit score. Based on this score, the client can then instantly access a non-collateralised one-year line of credit. Using only their mobile phone, the entire process to access the first loan (from ... application to approval to receiving the loan in the client’s bank account) usually takes no more than 15 minutes. Subsequent loans take only 2 minutes to process. A reward and loyalty system is embedded in the platform: With good repayment behavior, the client is rewarded with larger loans sizes and lower rates of interest (commissions). Other rewards are linked to referrals and to engagement in watching educational videos.
Finance Financial Services FinTech
Ulaanbaatar, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
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http://www.lend.mn Semrush global rank: 4.04 M Semrush visits lastest month: 3.04 K
- Host name: ec2-35-157-169-125.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com
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- Location: Frankfurt am Main Germany
- Latitude: 50.1188
- Longitude: 8.6843
- Timezone: Europe/Berlin
- Postal: 60313
More informations about "LendMN NBFI"
Home Page - LendMN
Let's use the loan to invest in what truly matters: Health, Travel, Car, Wedding, Education, Business, and Home Interior. Turn ON your energy, your happiness, your future right now...See details»
About us - LendMN
By prioritizing affordability and streamlining the loan process, LendMN expands financial inclusion and empowers individuals across Mongolia. We will lead the Mongolian financial market with our globally competitive products and services.See details»
Company Governance - LendMN
Introducing the founders and initiators who created the LendMN application and are working to bring Mongolian financial brand services to the international market. The shareholders and authorized officers of the issuer have many …See details»
LendMN | CIFAR - CSIH - csih-cifar.org
LendMN NBFI JSC is a pioneering financial institution in Mongolia that offers non-collateralized, affordable consumer micro-loans. Operating through the LendMN application, they have …See details»
Лэндмн ББСБ / LendMN - Монголын иргэн бүрд ажлын байр!
Nov 15, 2024 · ЛэндМН нь Монгол улсын Санхүүгийн Зохицуулах Хорооны 2015 оны 1/493 тоот тусгай зөвшөөрлөөр зээлийн үйлчилгээ үзүүлдэг банк бус санхүүгийн байгууллага …See details»
Mongolian Fintech Association
“ЛэндМН ББСБ” ХК нь Монгол улсын санхүүгийн зах зээлд анх удаа технологийн дэвшлийг санхүүгийн үйлчилгээтэй хамтатгасан Финтек бизнес моделийг LendMN аппликейшнээр …See details»
LendMN Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors, …
Jun 30, 2021 · LendMN is a financial service company that develops mobile technology for micro-loans. It enables customers to obtain loans without collaterals using mobile application …See details»
LendMN - Монголын бизнесийн зөвлөл
We sponsor, partner and host Mongolia’s leading investment conferences locally and in foreign countries.See details»
LendMN аппликейшн шинэчлэгдлээ - Хамтдаа Асаая
“ЛэндМН ББСБ” ХК нь 2016 онд Барьцаагүй дижитал зээлийг 5 минутад авах боломжийг нэвтрүүлсэн Монголын анхны финтек байгууллага бөгөөд өдгөө 8 жилийн хугацаанд 1.3 …See details»
Монголын Финтекийн Холбоо - mongoliafintech.org
ЛэндМН ББСБ” ХК нь 2016 онд байгуулагдсан бөгөөд хиймэл оюун ухаанд суурилсан финтек /Fintech/ буюу цоо шинэ санхүүгийн бизнес моделийг Монголын улсын санхүүгийн салбарт анх удаа нэвтрүүлж амжилттай үйл …See details»
Financial information - LendMN
Globally recognized, Truthfulness, Collaborative strength Consolidated statement of Financial position /Audited/ ASSETS /MNT’000/ 2023 2022 2021 TOTAL ASSETS ...See details»
LendMN | Mongolian Investment Rating Agency - mira.mn
“LendMN NBFI” JSC, established in 2006 and operational since 2015, became an open joint-stock company in 2018. This transformation occurred with the public offering of 25 percent of its …See details»
How fintech startup LendMN saves 30K salaried employees from …
Feb 22, 2018 · “LendMN is a smartphone-based instant collateral-free micro-lending service powered by artificial intelligence (AI). We use non-traditional data sources, along with …See details»
LendMN raises MNT 42.5 billion from its IPO - UBinfo.mn
Mongolia’s first IPO of a non-banking financial institution LendMN has raised MNT 42.5 billion after it listed at the Mongolian Stock Exchange. Fresh from launching its IPO on February 21, …See details»
LendMN: Санхүүгийн инновацыг түүчээлнэ - BUSINESS.MN
Dec 24, 2021 · Компани: ЛэндМН ББСБ. Чиглэл: Финтек. Гүйцэтгэх захирал: Б.Удвал. LendMN -ийн загварыг Зүүн Өмнөд Азийн бүс нутагт буюу Филиппин, Индонез, Япон …See details»
FAQ - LendMN
Download the LendMN app, fill out your information, and submit your checking account statement to apply for a loan. In case of credit rights, you can get a loan by choosing a customer service …See details»
Монголын хөрөнгийн биржийн I ангилалд бүртгэлтэй "ЛэндМН ББСБ" (LEND) ХК 2022 оны жилийн эцсийн үйл ажиллагаа, санхүүгийн үр дүнгээ танилцууллаа. "ЛэндМН ББСБ" …See details»
LendMN (@lend_mn) • Instagram photos and videos
Хамтдаа бизнесээ дараагийн түвшинд гаргацгаая! Бизнестээ хэрэгтэй үедээ LendMN-ээр... ??????? app татах: https://lend.mn/app ☎️7707-0101 #LendMN ? #БизнесээХамтдааАСААЯ?See details»
Loan - LendMN
Lend Зээл Flexi зээл Lend Зээл Үйлчилгээний нөхцөл Тавигдах шаардлага Зээл авах алхам Гэрээ байгуулах цэг Түгээмэл асуулт Үйлчилгээний нөхцөл Зээлийн хэмжээ 50,000₮ – …See details»