LINLEE is a local start-up tea brand in Zhanjiang. A beverage shop specializing in making lemon tea. Every drink is made by hand. In addition to creating a comfortable taste experience, it is also a tea brand born for health. Several friends who never left in 2012 chatted freely during the gathering. The experience of many years ago gave them confidence. Holding the reluctance to let go of LINLEE, they picked up their original dream. After countless attempts, they finally made the best lemon. B... lack tea, and opened its first store in Zhanjiang. Since then, a tea brand that insists on itself has started a novel journey with its customers. Neighborhood's original intention comes from close intimacy, which makes people feel comfortable and reassured. We hope that this small intimacy can be reflected in every cup of tea produced by the neighborhood.
Brewing Food And Beverage Restaurants Tea
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Website Url:
+86 400-183-1988
Total Funding:
Investors List
37 Interactive Entertainment
37 Interactive Entertainment investment in Venture Round - LINLEE
Official Site Inspections
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- Location: Beijing China
- Latitude: 39.9288
- Longitude: 116.3889
- Timezone: Asia/Shanghai
More informations about "LINLEE"
LINLEE·林里 手打柠檬茶【唯一官网】
2020年7月,LINLEE正式登陆广州商圈中心天河南一路,以“柠檬+果蔬”开创一系列新式柠檬茶饮,如招牌手打柠檬茶、泰绿手打柠檬茶、苦瓜柠檬茶、原创黄皮冰柠茶等,迅速引起关注及追 …See details»
LINLEE·林里 手打柠檬茶【唯一官网】
Linlee手打柠檬茶是一家专注做柠檬茶的茶饮品牌。 第一间linlee生长于温暖的海边小城—湛江。因为怀念从前邻里老友之间,喝喝茶吹水水的美好而淳朴情结,因此有了linlee手打柠檬茶,See details»
LINLEE - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
LINLEE is a local beverage brand specializing in making and selling handmade lemon tea beverages.See details»
LINLEE·林里 手打柠檬茶【唯一官网】
LINLEE拥有完整直供的“采摘-加工-制造”供应链,自有技术加工厂,规模化生产。 纯天然、无添加、完整的保留了茶叶中的成分及活性功效物质,进而获得纯天然饮品必备的特征香气。 …See details»
LINLEE Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding & Investors
Operator of a hand-made Chinese lemon tea chain brand based in Guangzhou, China. The company uses Guangdong Zhanjiang citron as its raw material to ensure the unique taste and …See details»
Lemon Tea & Rubber Duck: How LinLee’s Marketing Strategy
Aug 19, 2023 · Today, Linlee operates over 1,500 stores in China, each with the potential to generate up to $600,000 monthly, with daily sales exceeding 700 cups of lemon tea. Linlee …See details»
LINLEE - 百度百科
LINLEE林里·手打柠檬茶, 茶饮 行业新锐品牌,第一家小店初生海边小城湛江,以手打柠檬茶进入新茶饮领域,但由于商标保护不全,山寨横行,于2021年6月全面升级为注册品牌“LINLEE”, …See details»
LINLEE - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, …
LINLEE is a hand-made lemon tea brand that adheres to the "healthy, delicious, and comfortable" style, using cold-chain transported Guangdong Zhanjiang perfume lemon as raw material. Use …See details»
【鄰里/LINLEE品牌故事】鄰里/LINLEE品牌介绍_售后服务电话_什 …
LINLEE成立于2012年,隶属于广州昌盛宏邻餐饮管理有限公司。 LINLEE品牌起源于广东湛江,原名“昌盛鄰里”(对外统称“鄰里”),既有“左邻右里”之意,又包含着创始人和好友之间不曾散场 …See details»
Jul 30, 2021 · 近日,从广东湛江起家的柠檬茶品牌linlee(原“鄰里”)获得数千万元融资,由三七互娱独家投资。本轮融资将用于其在全国市场的扩张。截至目前,linlee门店规模超过500家,大 …See details»
从濒临倒闭到“扩店显眼包”,LINLEE柠檬茶打赢翻身仗 - 知乎
今年1-8月,LINLEE新开门店数约455家,继续在广东省、浙江省、上海市等原本门店就很多的区域加密,持续在柠檬茶主战场抢占市场。 同时LINLEE还在北京新开了51家门店,且在东北、 …See details»
五年后,他将濒临倒闭的公司接手过来专注于柠檬茶,起死回生的路上又遇到了山寨店的冲击,关键时刻,王敬源将品牌更名为LINLEE林里。 改名后的LINLEE在2021年乘上柠檬茶风口,实 …See details»
Lemon tea brand LINLEE secured a new funding -
Aug 4, 2021 · LINLEE, a hand-made Chinese lemon tea brand, has secured tens of millions of RMB, exclusively invested by 37 Interactive Entertainment. The new funds will help LINLEE …See details»
Nov 19, 2021 · 起初,以「LINLEE」(原“鄰里”)为代表的主打柠檬茶的品牌在大湾区不断涌现,打开了柠檬茶这条细分赛道,开启了专门店时代,但是门店却尚未在大湾区外的城市发力突 …See details»
新茶饮品牌「LINLEE」推出“麦兜”主题新包装 - FoodTalks
Jun 1, 2022 · 宣传上,「linlee」在六一儿童节期间以“怀旧”为主题将香港经典卡通形象麦兜与广式手打柠檬茶结合,唤起消费者的儿时记忆。 广式手打柠檬茶 图片来源:公众号@LINLEE柠檬茶See details»
Gift duck helps LINLEE Sells 100 Million Cups of Lemon Tea in
Oct 19, 2023 · Linlee brand waddles into the hearts of young Chinese with the help of “小黄鸭” (yellow duck). In 2022, Linlee sent out 100 million gift rubber ducks. According to the algorithm …See details»
Nov 19, 2021 · 起初,以「LINLEE」(原“鄰里”)为代表的主打柠檬茶的品牌在大湾区不断涌现,打开了柠檬茶这条细分赛道,开启了专门店时代,但是门店却尚未在大湾区外的城市发力突 …See details»
Aug 6, 2021 · 日前,诞生于广东海边城市湛江的茶饮品牌“鄰里”通过官方平台发布消息,从7月份开始,其500家门店统一启用新品牌名——“LINLEE手打柠檬茶”。 此后,所有继续使用与“鄰 …See details»
20 hours ago · linlee 林里以其独特的小黄鸭形象,成功脱颖而出,成为一道亮丽的风景线。谁能想到,这个如今风靡全网的小黄鸭,最初只是门店里用来安抚顾客情绪的小玩意儿呢? 故事的 …See details»
扩张之路不易行,LINLEE林里品质如何“保鲜”? - MSN
Linlee 林里以其独特的小黄鸭形象,成功脱颖而出,成为一道亮丽的风景线。谁能想到,这个如今风靡全网的小黄鸭,最初只是门店里用来安抚顾客情绪的小玩意儿呢? 故事的起点,要追溯 …See details»