LND-games believe that a more intuitive human-device interaction method can bring a more interesting gaming experience to player. Therefore they've applied the computer vision technology on mobile device so that a smartphone or tablet can "see" the player's body movement and interact with the player. Slap That Zombie is the first title developed by LND-games which will continue to provide users with more user-friendly and interactive APP.
Android Apps Gaming IOS Mobile Mobile Apps Sports Virtual Reality
Metz, Lorraine, France
Website Url:
Total Employee:
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Technology used in webpage:
SPF Google Analytics LetsEncrypt Apache Google Analytics Classic HostPapa DNS
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Official Site Inspections
- Host name: s121.servername.online
- IP address:
- Location: Canada
- Latitude: 43.6319
- Longitude: -79.3716
- Timezone: America/Toronto

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