Logimatic is a engineering & IT company that develops, sells, implements and supports its software & automation solutions.
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Consulting Information Technology Software
Aalborg, Nordjylland, Denmark
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45 96347000
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
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Viewport Meta IPhone / Mobile Compatible SSL By Default Google Font API LetsEncrypt Apple Mobile Web Clips Icon Google Tag Manager WordPress Domain Not Resolving Apache
Similar Organizations
Teraport is an IT company that provides engineering and software solutions to their client.
Official Site Inspections
http://www.logimatic.dk Semrush global rank: 6.31 M Semrush visits lastest month: 1.15 K
- Host name: linux297.unoeuro.com
- IP address:
- Location: Langeskov Denmark
- Latitude: 55.3565
- Longitude: 10.5845
- Timezone: Europe/Copenhagen
- Postal: 5550

More informations about "Logimatic Holding"
Logimatic - PART OF INIT - Logimatic
Jan 24, 2023 Læs mere om Axcel på www.axcel.dk Yderligere oplysninger: Init: Henrik Jensen, CEO Danmark and Group CEO Phone: +45 20 20 52 30 Mail: [email protected] Axcel: ... E. [email protected] T. +45 9634 7000 CVR. 25 …See details»
LOGIMATIC Logimatic was founded in 1987 by four engineers from the former Aalborg shipyard in Denmark and we still supply a wide range of services to shipyards, shipping companies, …See details»
Init, formerly Logimatic, provides INSEACON IPMS, IT and...
Init, formerly Logimatic, provides INSEACON IPMS, IT and automation systems for navy, ship owners, yards, and builders to optimize vessels and platforms utilizing all aspects of …See details»
Logimatic - Part of Init - LinkedIn
Logimatic - Part of Init | 3,522 followers on LinkedIn. Logimatic is fully Init as of 1 December 2023. To see what's new, visit Init. | We are now Init! Phone: +46 31 722 48 00 Email: se02.info ...See details»
Logimatic are specialists in marine design and engineeri...
Logimatic are specialists in marine design and engineering and develops user-friendly software tailored to any need. Offering solutions that are simple to use, yet effective in automating and streamlining various processes Logimatic …See details»
Init Logimatic Engineering A/S - 19256707 - Aalborg SV - Proff
Proff.dk giver dig firmainformation om Init Logimatic Engineering A/S, 19256707. Find kontaktinfo, regnskabstal, ledelse, bestyrelse og ejere. Markedspakker. ... Juridisk navn Init LOGIMATIC …See details»
Logimatic - Naval Team
Www.logimatic.com Through the years Logimatic has evolved into a professional IT company with focus on logistics and niche related software solutions. The company operates within other …See details»
Logimatic - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Organization. Logimatic . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. About. Logimatic is a engineering and IT company that develops, …See details»
Logimatic - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Logimatic is a Danish engineering and software company with solid global experience in developing, selling, implementing and supporting its own software and automation solutions. Consultancy and consultancy services also …See details»
Logimatic - InitGroup
Init was founded in January 2022 with an ambition of uniting the best companies – and people – within Industrial IT and automation. Our approximately 800 employees work from 36 offices …See details»
Logimatic Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors ... - Craft
Sep 6, 2021 Init Logimatic Engineering is an engineering and technology company. It focuses on the development, sales, implementation, and support of software and automation solutions. …See details»
Logimatic om at drive virksomhed i Aalborg - erhvervsfolk.dk
Efter tre år hos Logimatic vendte han blikket mod en anden virksomhed, men han kom tilbage i 1996 og har siden siddet i direktørstolen. Logimatics oprindelige fokus var på el-automation til …See details»
Integrated Platform Management System - logimatic.com
Logimatic originally developed INSEACON for The Royal Danish Navy’s Frigates, and the ... 2010 - 2018, Danish Defense Acquisition & Logistics Organization. ... LOGIMATIC Sofiendalsvej 9 …See details»
Logimatic - MARS - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Jun 7, 2010 MARS is a dedicated solution that optimizes project control, logistics, materials management, production, resources, and planning. It is designed to reduce cost and build time …See details»
Logimatic opkøber NHL Automation for at styrke sin position i ...
Jan 5, 2017 NHL Automation og Logimatic fusionerer per 1. januar 2017 og NHL Automation flytter ind hos Logimatic Engineering på kontoret i Værløse i foråret 2017. Yderligere …See details»
Logimatic Engineering
Efficiency with Logimatic Technology The best solution is made based on a deep experience with the technology. With our technological expertise, you are ensured systems from the leading …See details»
Logimatic indgår i nordisk automationsgruppe og fusionerer med …
Jun 16, 2022 Vi skaber også et større serviceteam med bedre lokal support landet over,” siger Troels Severinsen, adm. direktør hos Logimatic. Henrik Jensen, adm. direktør hos Picca …See details»
NAMS - Logimatic
E. [email protected] T. +45 9634 7000 CVR. 25 83 83 86. Sofiendalsvej 9 – 9200 Aalborg SV – Danmark Kirke Værløsevej 20 B – 3500 Værløse – Danmark Whistleblowing. Find …See details»
Logimatic sælger en del af forretningen til italiensk koncern ...
Sep 6, 2021 Nordjysk teknologivirksomhed sælger en del af forretningen til italiensk koncern Logimatic Gruppen, der er hjemmehørende i Aalborg, har med virkning fra 1. september 2021 …See details»
LAURITZEN KOSAN - logimatic.dk
Using data across the organization to improve performance. J. Lauritzen has been using the SERTICA platform since 1994 and has been an active partner in developing the SERTICA …See details»