
MAKA provides creative tools and templates for making websites.

#People #Financial #Website #More


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Internet Mobile Web Development


Guangzhou, Guangdong, China


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Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Total Funding:
33 M CNY

Technology used in webpage:
LetsEncrypt Domain Not Resolving Euro PHP PHP 7 Japanese Yen Symantec Secure Site Baidu Analytics Nuxt.js Nielsen

Current Employees Featured


Ma Yanfei
Ma Yanfei Founder & CEO @ MAKA
Founder & CEO



Ma Yanfei

Investors List


Yinbaodian Chuangtou

Yinbaodian Chuangtou investment in Series A - MAKA


Yingtan Wosi Feiyang Touzi Youxian Gongsi

Yingtan Wosi Feiyang Touzi Youxian Gongsi investment in Series A - MAKA


Matrix Partners China

Matrix Partners China investment in Seed Round - MAKA

Official Site Inspections Semrush global rank: 1.76 M Semrush visits lastest month: 13.34 K

  • Host name:
  • IP address:
  • Location: China
  • Latitude: 34.7725
  • Longitude: 113.7266
  • Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

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More informations about "MAKA"

MAKA - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

MAKA is a design tool and marketing platform that enables businesses to change their marketing strategies. It offers creative content design tools, custom …See details»


全球3000万中小企业用户使用的在线平面设计工具,MAKA免费提供海量精美平面设计素材,快速在线PS,随时随地编辑设计模板,一键搞定设计,支持下载高清素材图片。See details»

Maka Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding & Investors

Information on valuation, funding, cap tables, investors, and executives for Maka. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile.See details»

MAKA - LinkedIn

MAKA’s mission is to provide creative tools that help anyone give a voice to their ideas. From the TOP 500 who are creating the next generation of mobile experiences, to anyone puttingl...See details»

哪些制作长页、H5的软件,功能齐全还不收费? - 知乎

H5形式可包含图文、音频、视频和动画特效,还能添加各种交互组件,比如跳转链接、投票点赞、信息提交等,能极大提高企业营销效率。 市面上这么多H5制作工具,怎么选怎么用是我们面 …See details»

Top 7 H5 Landing Page Creator in China for All Your WeChat

Mar 19, 2019 · Here are the Top 5 H5 Campaign creator tools in China… 1. MAKA. The official website for MAKA is an all-encompassing platform offering accessible H5 pages, micro …See details»

MAKA设计-海报H5邀请函制作 - Apps on Google Play

Jun 19, 2023 · 【MAKA, make design easier and more interesting! MAKA|Make a good design. A tool that integrates creativity, design, marketing, and promotion of H5, posters, videos, GIFs, …See details»

MAKA | 项目信息-36氪

Maka是一款全方位的h5数字营销创作及创意推广工具,通过模板或者自定义模式编辑文字、图片、动画以及页面切换方式,用户可以创建活动邀请、产品介绍、招聘信息、旅行游记等html5 …See details»

Maka - graphic design material library_WeChalet Site Navigation

Nov 16, 2024 · Maka is an online graphic design tool used by 30 million small and medium-sized enterprise users around the world. Maka provides a large amount of exquisite graphic design …See details»

MAKA官网_免费H5页面制作,海报制作,微信营销,微场景和模版素材 …

MAKA官网简单、强大的免费H5页面、微场景、微信海报制作平台。 海量h5模版、海报随心挑选,无须ps轻松搞定电子邀请函、场景定制推广,更有创意海报、电子相册、节日贺卡制作.See details»

MAKA:极简的在线H5海报设计工具 - 运营喵

Jan 22, 2019 · 打开MAKA在线编辑器(,对选定的精美模板进行替换或修改,鼠标轻轻拖拽即可进行图文替换编辑,轻轻松松在模板中添加文字、图片、音乐等元素,创作一 …See details»

Maka Leadership Programme - Facebook

Maka Leadership Programme. 1,567 likes · 4 talking about this. Mission: "To empower young people to become positive members of their community through the use of MuSee details»

What do Chinese Clients Mean “H5”? It’s Not HTML 5 Actually…

Oct 27, 2018 · Now in China many companies and brands take this buzzword “H5” as a marketing tool through WeChat or QQ (second-biggest messenger in China), so we can see “H5” …See details»

‎在 App Store 上的「MAKA设计-海报设计&H5邀请函制作」

‎【120万+优质正版素材,10秒钟快速一键生成,助力企业和个人营销推广,千万用户选择】 maka丨做出好设计,一款兼顾h5、海报、gif动图、微商和电商素材的创意设计和营销推广工 …See details»

尊湃通讯 - 知乎

Aug 11, 2022 · 以下文章来源于半导体行业观察 ,作者李寿鹏 因为5g的到来、千兆光纤的普及,以及物联网的蓄势待发,大家不但对网络的速度有了更高的需求,对网络可连接节点的数量 …See details»

MAKA: A Fashion Brand Revolutionizing Online Shopping with

Oct 21, 2022 · In this article, we’ll review MAKA, its features, and how you can sign up for it too. Keep reading to find out more. Features of the MAKA App. MAKA is a community commerce …See details»

H5制作平台大合集,小白也能快速上手,无门槛 - 知乎

Apr 7, 2022 · 网站: http:// 打开MAKA在线编辑器,对选定的精美模板进行替换或修改,鼠标轻轻拖拽即可进行图文替换编辑,轻轻松松在模板中添加文字、图片、音乐等元素,创 …See details»

Maka Kotto - Wikipedia

Maka Kotto (born December 7, 1961) is a Cameroonian-born Canadian politician. Educated in France, Kotto immigrated to Quebec, Canada, where he was an educator before entering …See details»

Organizations - Make

Organizations are the basic container into which all scenarios, users, and data belong. Organizations usually represent a company that is a Make customer or partner. Each …See details»

Maka: "I'm so happy, I could have switched to the ... -

6 days ago · Maka has qualified for his first Major with 3DMAX. 3DMAX became the surprise of the Shanghai Major European RMR B after traversing the tournament with a 3-0 record. The …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved