Malakoff Mederic is provides health and personal insurance services. It operates in two segments: managing top-up retirement schemes and personal insurance. The company’s managing top-up retirement schemes segment manages supplementary pension to employees, executives, and non-managers. The personal insurance segment covers health, contingencies, retirement savings, and dependency insurance services.
Health Insurance Insurance Life Insurance Risk Management
+33 1 56 03 34 56
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Current Employees Featured
Thomas Saunier CEO & Director general @ Malakoff Mederic
CEO & Director general
Investments List
Date | Company | Article | Money raised |
2019-02-07 | Testamento | Malakoff Mederic investment in Series A - Testamento | 3 M EUR |
2016-12-16 | Nouveal e-santé | Malakoff Mederic investment in Corporate Round - Nouveal e-santé | 1000 K EUR |
2015-10-04 | Ignilife | Malakoff Mederic investment in Seed Round - Ignilife | 1.4 M EUR |
More informations about "Malakoff Mederic"
Notre organisation - Malakoff Humanis
Permet aux assurés individuels de nos mutuelles d’élire parmi eux leurs représentants. Ce système favorise l’ouverture et la proximité, et s’accompagne d’un modèle économique fondé …See details»
Malakoff Mederic - Crunchbase Investor Profile & Investments
Malakoff Mederic is provides health and personal insurance services. It operates in two segments: managing top-up retirement schemes and personal insurance. The company’s managing top …See details»
Press release 9 march 2022 - 2021 annual results - Malakoff Humanis
Mar 9, 2022 · Malakoff Humanis, a major player in social protection, was created in January 2019 from the merger of the Malakoff Médéric and Humanis groups. With €8.2 billion in own funds, …See details»
SGAM MH - Financial report 31/12/2021 - Malakoff Humanis
Pany is wholly owned by the Malakoff Hu-manis Group through the holding company, Malakoff Humanis. • Malakoff Humanis Gestion d’Actifs: a port-folio management company. This …See details»
Malakoff Médéric Humanis Merger Complete – France
French social protection group (SPG) Malakoff Médéric Humanis (MMH) in January 2019 arose from the merger of the two former Malakoff-Médéric and Humanis SPGs. As the new French …See details»
Accédez à votre Espace Client | Malakoff Humanis - Ex-ToutM
Connectez vous à votre Espace Client Malakoff Humanis et retrouvez vos informations santé, retraite et prévoyance et accédez à vos services personnalisés.See details»
TS - Malakoff Humanis
Malakoff Médéric has two core businesses: complementary pension management, which it runs as a public interest service on behalf of Agirc-Arrco (the French mandatory group pension …See details»
Malakoff Mederic Group - Company Profile and News
Malakoff Mederic Group operates as an insurance company. The Company offers diversified insurance and pension management services. Malakoff Mederic Group serves customers in …See details»
Malakoff Humanis -
One of the largest and oldest social protection funds in France, dating back to the 19th century. 10 million clients and €6.2 billion premiums. Distribute Health and Protection insurance solutions …See details»
Malakoff Humanis - PitchBook
Information on valuation, funding, acquisitions, investors, and executives for Malakoff Humanis. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile.See details»
Malakoff Mederic - Investments, Portfolio & Company Exits
Which industries has this organization most actively invested in? Malakoff Mederic is provides health and personal insurance services.See details»
Chaire de recherche emlyon - Malakoff Humanis - Emlyon …
Major actor in social protection, Malakoff Humanis was created in January 2019 from the merger of the Malakoff Médéric and Humanis groups.See details»
2021 Solvency and Financial Condition Report SGAM MH
Malakoff Humanis, a mutual group insurance company (SGAM) governed by the French Insurance Code, was created on 1 January 2019 to strengthen the link with all of the Group's …See details»
HOULTONSMETS | Malakoff Médéric
Created in 2008 from the fusion of 2 groups, Malakoff Médéric is one of the leading groups in France delivering Health and Welfare cover. The group is a non-profit organization and is very …See details»
Malakoff Médéric Humanis | Ashoka
Malakoff Médéric Humanis is a major player in complementary social protection, which has two businesses: personal insurance (health, welfare, retirement savings for more than 426,000 …See details»
New Leadership After Malakoff Médéric – Humanis Merger
French regulator ACPR in November 2018 gave its final approval to the merger between Malakoff Médéric and Humanis, effective January 1, 2019. Both companies are paritarian institutions …See details»
Malakoff Médéric - YouTube
Malakoff Médéric, acteur majeur de la protection sociale complémentaire en France, est un groupe paritaire et mutualiste, à but non lucratif qui exerce deux métiers : la gestion de la …See details»
Malakoff Humanis Prevoyance Credit Ratings :: Fitch Ratings
Jul 18, 2022 · Malakoff Humanis Prevoyance Entity featured on Fitch Ratings. Credit Ratings, Research and Analysis for the global capital markets.See details»
Malakoff Mederic - Contacts, Employees, Board Members
Malakoff Mederic has 1 current employee profile, CEO & Director general Thomas Saunier. Malakoff Mederic is provides health and personal insurance services.See details»
Malakoff Mederic - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks
Nov 10, 2024 · Malakoff Mederic uses 14 technology products and services including HTML5, Google Analytics, and Office 365, according to G2 Stack. Malakoff Mederic is actively using 72 …See details»