
Master Good operates in north-eastern Hungary; it produces fodder in integration, raises and processes and fattens broiler

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Food And Beverage Food Processing

Kisvárda, Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg, Hungary


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+36 45 501-100

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Acquisitions List

Date Company Article Price
2020-01-14 Sága Sága acquired by Master Good N/A

Official Site Inspections Semrush global rank: 2.22 M Semrush visits lastest month: 8.71 K

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  • Location: Frankfurt am Main Germany
  • Latitude: 50.1188
  • Longitude: 8.6843
  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Postal: 60313

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More informations about "Master Good"

Master Good | Minőség és hagyomány

Központi iroda: 4600 Kisvárda Ipari út 9. A Master Good Kft. integrált takarmány-termeltetéssel, baromfitenyésztéssel, keltetéssel, brojlerhízlalással és feldolgozással foglalkozik.See details»

Minőség és hagyomány - Master Good

A Master Good Kft. integrált takarmány-termeltetéssel, baromfitenyésztéssel, keltetéssel, brojlerhízlalással és feldolgozással foglalkozik.See details»


Master Good Kft. organizes and manages the primary processing of the live poultry (cutting, parting) and the manufacturing of the prepared and further processed products, as well as the …See details»

Master Good - LinkedIn

The Master Good group of companies operates in North-Eastern Hungary, and it is engaged in integrated fodder production, poultry breeding, hatching, broiler fattening, and processing. The...See details»

Master Good Kft. - Tevékenység: A Master Good cégcsoport Északkelet Magyarország területén működik, integrált takarmánytermeltetéssel, baromfitenyésztéssel, -keltetéssel, …See details»

Kárpát Expo - Master Good kft. -

Organization Information Cooperation Profile(s) 1 Description A Master Good cégcsoport Észak-kelet Magyarország területén működik, integrált takarmány …See details»

Master Good - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Where is Master Good's headquarters? Master Good is located in Kisvárda, Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg, Hungary. Who are Master Good's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors …See details»

Master Good Hungary Growth - Marel

Jan 12, 2021 · These are the words of László Bárány, Managing Director of Master Good, the largest broiler integration in Hungary, based at Kisvarda in the North East of the country. As recently as 2018 Master Good had increased …See details»


The task of the fodder branch of business is to have the cereal raw materials. More... The parent couple raising and keeping belongs to the tasks of the raising business unit. More... The group …See details»

Master Good - Overview, News & Similar companies - ZoomInfo

View Master Good ( location in Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg, Hungary , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees …See details»

Master Good Kft. Company Profile - Hungary | Financials & Key

Jul 26, 2024 · Master Good Kft. is based in Hungary, with the head office in Kisvarda. The enterprise currently operates in the Animal Slaughtering and Processing sector. Master Good …See details»

Master Good renews Sága - Master Good - Sága -

Quality related expectation cannot be a privilege of consumers buying luxury products – says Master Good, owned by the Bárány family With 113 years of knowledge and experience, the …See details»

Európa legnagyobb szerves trágya üzemét építi fel 3 év ... - BCSDH

Aug 21, 2023 · Ezáltal Európa legnagyobb szerves trágya üzemét hozzák létre. A Master Good cégcsoport fejlesztése tíz évvel ezelőtt kezdődött, és 2022-ben jutottak el oda, hogy a Bio-Fer …See details»

Company history | Master Good

The Master Good Group operates in North-Eastern Hungary, and is engaged in integrated fodder production, poultry breeding, hatching, broiler fattening, and processing. The group is 100% …See details»

MASTER GOOD Kft. - Céginformáció

A Céginformáció.hu adatbázisa szerint a(z) MASTER GOOD Termelő és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság Magyarországon bejegyzett korlátolt felelősségű társaság (Kft.)See details»

Master Good Kft. - Kisvárda 4600, Ipari U. 9. , REGISTRATION

Looking for new B2B Leads ? Purchase a Company list with the executives and contact details. Do you want these Companies in an Excel list ready to use? Need help finding the right …See details»

Fenntartható körforgásos gazdálkodás megvalósítása -

Sep 14, 2022 · A Master Good Kft. egy olyan magyar élelmiszeripari cégcsoport, amelynek feladata, hogy az emberek számára kiváló minőségű élelmiszereket állítson elő. Mint a …See details»


The group of companies is owned by the Bárány family in 100 %. As a result of the scandals during the past years, the consumers’ demand for safe and healthy foodstuffs increased and …See details»

Master Good Kft. - Kisvárda 4600, Ipari U. 9. , REGISTRATION

Looking for new B2B Leads ? Purchase a Company list with the executives and contact details. Need help finding the right information ? Let us guide you to the best solutions ! "I would …See details»

What do we do for a sustainable future? - Master Good

Master Good is continuously minimizing the environmental load resulting from the poultry integration activity. We are committed to environmental responsibility, and that is why we were …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved