MEDIJA is a graphic design agency having established domestic and foreign clients from various fields of economy and non-economy sectors.
Graphic Design
Ljubljana, Ljubljana Urban Commune, Slovenia
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More informations about "MEDIJA GRAFIČNO OBLIKOVANJE d.o.o."
Medija grafično oblikovanje - about us -
We have 30 years of creativity behind us for well-established domestic and foreign clients from various (non-)economic spheres, and for those yet to be established. We strive to improve …See details»
Medija grafično oblikovanje - kontakt -
IME: MEDIJA GRAFIČNO OBLIKOVANJE d.o.o. NASLOV: Prečna ulica 6 1000 Ljubljana. Slovenija . TEL.: +386 082 059 330 MOBI: +386 41 70 55 60 / Marko FAKS: +386 082 059 ...See details»
Medija grafično oblikovanje - o nas -
Za seboj imamo 30 let ustvarjanja za uveljavljene domače in tuje stranke iz različnih področij gospodarstva in negospodarstva in tiste, ki to še bodo.. Trudimo se izboljšati prepoznavnost …See details»
Major Groups & other Stakeholders - MGoS
Dec 10, 2024 Major Group & other Stakeholders (MGoS) mobilising civil society for the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the UN level.See details»
Growth Mechanism of MgO Film on Si (100): Domain Matching …
Nov 1, 2010 We present the growth mechanism of MgO film on Si (100), specifically, epitaxial growth at the interface, strain relaxation at critical thickness, and preferred orientation …See details»
MGO - Organizations - Acronym Finder
What does MGO stand for? Your abbreviation search returned 11 meanings. showing only Organizations definitions . Link/Page Citation Category Filters; All definitions (11) Information …See details»
Growth of (111) oriented MgO film on Si substrate by the sol‐gel …
May 15, 1995 Growth and structural evolution of a MgO thin film fabricated on Si substrate by using sol‐gel method were investigated. Textured MgO films displaying (111) MgO ∥(100) Si …See details»
) by pulsed laser deposition - NJU
Dec 4, 2019 In comparison, the ~111!-oriented MgO films show, on the whole, a much narrower FWHM and are less sensitive to the initial deposition pressure than both the ~110! …See details»
Chemical Beam Deposition of MgO Films on Si Substrates Using ...
Jan 11, 2002 MgO films have been grown on Si(111) and Si(100) substrates at 400−800 °C by using methylmagnesium tert-butoxide as a single precursor under high-vacuum conditions (5 × …See details»
Understanding variability in MgO-based ReRAM devices for trust …
This paper discusses the characteristics and fabrication processes involved in novel MgO-Si based forming-free and self-compliant current controlled Resistive Random Access Memory …See details»
High‐voltage electron microscopy analyses for crack‐tip …
1 day ago In this study, characteristics of dislocation structures around a crack-tip in both crystals of MgO and Si were investigated using high-voltage electron microscopy (HVEM). The …See details»
Silicothermic reduction of MgO using diode laser: Experimental …
Dec 1, 2017 Fig. 4 shows the effect of MgO:Si molar ratio on the masses of the deposited Mg and non-reacted Si. It can be noticed that the Si content in the deposited mass increases by …See details»
Fabrication of high-quality Co2FeSi0.5Al0.5/CoFe/MgO/Si spin …
This structural robustness is beneficial for device process of spin-MOSFETs. Recently, we demonstrated spin accumulation in a Si channel using a CFSA/MgO/Si tunnel contact (Fig. 2) …See details»
Medija grafično oblikovanje
Audio oprema oglasov, predstav, dogodkov ipd. založništvo. ENGSee details»
Magnesiothermic Reduction of Natural Quartz | Metallurgical and ...
Apr 19, 2022 The observed sequence of phases from the unreacted core to the surface of a particle is SiO 2 /MgSiO 3 /Mg 2 SiO 4 /MgO–Si/Si–Mg 2 Si–MgO. At Mg:SiO 2 mole ratios of …See details»
Low-temperature atomic layer deposition of MgO thin films on Si
Nov 7, 2013 Magnesium oxide (MgO) is characterized by a wide bulk crystal band gap (7.8 eV) [], dielectric constant (κ) equal to 9.8, low refractive index (1.72 at 1 µm) and by a notable …See details»
Mechanical and dielectric properties of MgO ceramics with
2 days ago Magnesia (MgO) is one of the environmentally friendly ceramic materials. MgO ceramics find applications as a refractory material, radome component in aircraft, and wave …See details»
Exploring the harmful textile and pharmaceutical industries …
Antibacterial activity of MgO (a, b) and MgO – SiO 2 (c, d) composite against E. coli (a, c) and S. aureus (b, d) 5. Conclusion The MgO has been successfully synthesized through the green …See details»
Low-temperature atomic layer deposition of MgO thin films on Si
Nov 7, 2013 MgO thin films are deposited on both HF-last Si(1 0 0) and SiO 2 /Si substrates at a constant growth rate of ∼0.12 nm cycle −1. The structural, morphological and chemical …See details»
Mg + SIO2 = MgO + SI - Balanced chemical equation, limiting …
2 Mg + SIO 2 = 2 MgO + SI: Related equations; SiO 2 + Mg = Si + MgO. SiO 2 + Mg = Mg 2 Si + MgO. Direct link to this balanced equation: Please tell about this free chemistry software to …See details»