
Everykai Technology is a high-tech company specializing in the development and application of non-electric Internet of Things related technologies, and with digital "switches" as the core of the Internet of Things platform and big data services. The company has received investment from a number of top domestic venture capital institutions. . Through the self-built "ANIOT" cloud platform, with the existing Bluetooth and WIFI active wireless communication technology, the first passive NFC communication module in the world was launched, and it was successfully applied to various types of smart locks, smart packaging, and smart Labels, smart measurement and smart charging are closely related to people's various IoT fields.

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Internet Of Things NFC Telecommunications


Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


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+86 13729051102

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Oriental Fortune Capital

Oriental Fortune Capital investment in Series A - Meikai Information Technology



CDF-Capital investment in Series A - Meikai Information Technology

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  • Location: Hangzhou China
  • Latitude: 30.294
  • Longitude: 120.1619
  • Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

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每开创新专业提供NFC模组 (蓝牙模组,公寓模组,酒店模组)、智能锁 (柜锁,挂锁,箱锁,门锁,无电智能锁,联网锁,无电源开关,无源锁,无电锁)等NFC,射频识别,无源,无电池,反向供电,低功耗蓝牙技术定制产品。See details»


每开创新科技基于无源NFC技术和每开创新独有的无电物联网管理平台,为能源交通(挂锁,机柜锁)、智能数字包装(箱锁)、智慧物流(数字包装、分拣管理、仓储管理)、企业办公、智能 …See details»

每开云无电物联网云平台-每开创新官网 -

每开云是以每开无电设备交互为基础,在设备端连接用户、 在管理端连接企业运营工作的一站式管理云平台。See details»

每开科技,深圳市每开信息技术有限公司的公司介绍 | IT桔子

每开科技是一家专业从事无电物联网相关技术开发及应用,并以数字“开关”为核心的物联网平台及大数据服务高科技公司,公司目前已获得多家国内顶级风险投资机构的投资。 通过自行构 …See details»


1. APP Download ① Click here to download and install the "Deer Phone Case" APP. ② Open the APP and open NFC in your phone, settings. Enable NFC in your phone setting 2. …See details»

“每开创新”亮相第24届深圳高交会,探索微能源连接万物新未来-每 …

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“2022 AIoT新维奖”揭晓,每开创新获得创新力榜!-每开创新官网

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