
Melamin is a supplier for the paper and construction industry and impregnated decorative paper for the furniture industry. The company has managed to create a recognizable place in the niche of melamine chemistry over the last decade. Melamin is becoming increasingly recognizable with products for the lacquer and rubber industry. In recent years we have made particularly significant progress in the field of hexamethylol-melamine resins, where we introduce state-of-the-art continuous technology.

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Furniture Industrial Manufacturing Manufacturing Paper Manufacturing


Kocevska Reka, Bohinj Commune, Slovenia


Website Url:

Total Employee:


+386 1 8959 300

Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Total Funding:
1.64 M EUR

Technology used in webpage:
SPF SSL By Default Apache Microsoft Exchange Online Office 365 Mail Microsoft Azure DNS PHP CPanel SSL

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Current Employees Featured


Štefanič Srečko
Štefanič Srečko Owner & Director @ Melamin
Owner & Director



Štefanič Srečko

Investors List


EASME - EU Executive Agency for SMEs

EASME - EU Executive Agency for SMEs investment in Grant - Melamin

Official Site Inspections

  • Host name:
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  • Location: Slovenia
  • Latitude: 46
  • Longitude: 15
  • Timezone: Europe/Ljubljana

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More informations about "Melamin"

Company Structure - Melamin - About the company

Contact info Melamin kemična tovarna d.d. Kočevje Tomšičeva cesta 9 SI 1330 Kočevje Slovenia T +386 1 8959 300 F +386 1 8959 480 E [email protected] W www.melamin.siSee details»

About us - Melamin - Uncategorized

Over the last decade Melamin d.d. Kočevje has succeeded in making an impact in the field of melamine chemistry. Among our customers we are known as a supplier of excellent quality …See details»

Tecnology and development - Melamin

Our development work is necessary in the following areas: At the Chemical Industry Division we have a department, which deals with development and research and is registered as a …See details»

Melamin - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Melamin is a supplier for the paper and construction industry and impregnated decorative paper for the furniture industry. The company has managed to create a recognizable place in the …See details»

MELAMIN kemična tovarna d.d. Kočevje - Bizi - Poslovni asistent Bizi

Melamin Kočevje že skoraj 70 let ustvarja rešitve pisane na kožo kupcev. Naš namen je postati eden najpomembnejših proizvajalcev modificiranih melaminskih smol v Evropi in na svetu.See details»

Melamin kemična tovarna d.d. Kočevje | LinkedIn

Melamin kemična tovarna d.d. Kočevje | 221 followers on LinkedIn. Melamin was established in 1954 and currently employs a staff of cca. 200. It is a joint-stock company, subdivided into three...See details»

Melamin kemična tovarna d.d. Kočevje - LinkedIn

Melamin was established in 1954 and currently employs a staff of cca. 200. It is a joint-stock company, subdivided into three manufacturing divisions: Chemical Industry Division, Wood …See details»

MELAMIN d.d. Kočevje | Sloexport - Database of Slovenian Exporters

Nov 11, 2024 · Melamin is a company with a long tradition. It was established in 1954 as a Kemična tovarna Kočevje. Our main activity is production of semi-manifacturers for furniture …See details»

Melamin, kemična tovarna, d. d., Kočevje - SRIP - Krožno …

Melamin je bil ustanovljen leta 1954. Danes je organiziran kot delniška družba, razdeljena na tri poslovne enote, Kemijska industrija, Lesna industrija in Obutvena industrija. Pretežni del …See details»

Melamin, d. d., Kočevje - SRIP - Krožno gospodarstvo

Melamin, founded in 1954 is a well-established European chemicals manufacturing company with a long tradition in the field of amino resins. Melamin’s products have been developed with …See details»

Predstavitev podjetja Melamin d.d. Kočevje

Družba Melamin d.d. Kočevje si je v zadnjem desetletju uspela ustvariti prepoznavno mesto v niši melaminske kemije. V evropskem prostoru smo poznani kot soliden in konkurenčen dobavitelj …See details»


MELAMIN Kemična tovarna d.d. Kočevje se zaveda, da s svojim delovanjem vpliva na okolje in predstavlja tudi tveganje za nesrečo povezano s kemikalijami, saj je naša osnovna dejavnost …See details»

Melamin D.d. Company Profile - Slovenia | Financials & Key ... - EMIS

Jul 5, 2024 · Report with financial data, key executives contacts, ownership details & and more for Melamin D.d. in Slovenia. Report is available for immediate purchase & download from EMIS.See details»

Melamin zaposluje več kot 190 ljudi, proizvajajo plastične mase in ...

May 12, 2022 · Melamin, v katerem je izbruhnil hud požar, je kemično podjetje, katerega glavna dejavnost je proizvodnja plastičnih mas, barv, lakov in podobnih premazov ter drugih kemičnih …See details»


Almost ninety percent of the region is covered with beautiful forests. Melamin is situated in the town of Kočevje, which is located 60km south from the capital city, Ljubljana and 85km from …See details»

Kočevje: Lastniške spremembe v Melaminu - Moja Dolenjska

Jan 5, 2022 · Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank (DUTB) je prodala 30,62-odstotni delež v podjetju Melamin Kočevje. Kupec je avstrijska družba Panta Rhei Beratungs- und Beteiligungs …See details»


SmartMELAMINE d.o.o. je skupno podjetje nemškega raziskovalnega inštituta TITK-Group, s s sedežem v Rudolstadt-u, Nemčija in slovenskega podjetja Melamin d.d., s sedežem v …See details»

Vizija - Melamin - O podjetju

Naš namen je postati eden največjih proizvajalcev modificiranih melaminskih smol in izolacijskih materialov na osnovi melamina v Evropi. Pri vsaj dveh produktih se bomo uvrstili med prve tri …See details»

2008 Chinese milk scandal - Wikipedia

The World Health Organization (WHO) said melamine may be found "in a variety of milk and milk products at varying levels, from low ppb to ppm ranges". [20] One academic suggested …See details»

Skrb za okolje - Melamin

V Melaminu vselej izpolnjujemo dolžnosti in zaveze s področja ravnanja z okoljem. Kot obrat visokega tveganja se zavedamo svoje odgovornosti, zato je skrb za ustrezen odnos do okolja, …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved