
Lab Grown Diamonds, Engagement Rings, and Wedding Bands

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E-Commerce Fashion Jewelry Retail


New York, New York, United States

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Expert online jewelry retailers of diamonds and fine jewelry specializing in customized engagement rings, pendants, & earrings.


Crystal Streets Jewelry

Crystal Streets Jewelry is an online fashion and designer jewelry store.

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Jeff Brenner
Jeff Brenner Co-Founder @ COUPLE



Jeff Brenner

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FJ Labs

FJ Labs investment in Seed Round - COUPLE

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More informations about "COUPLE"

The Best Apps for Couples Organization: A …

Jun 28, 2023 · With its user-friendly interface and innovative features including a shared calendar and to-do’s and date planner – Cupla empowers couples by …See details»

CoupleCo: Working With Your Spouse For Fun & Profit

Working with your spouse and wondering if you're all alone out there? CoupleCo is the show that features weekly interviews with entrepreneurial couples who are crushing it in business without …See details»

Working Couples Brought To You By A Couple Working Together

CoupleCo is filling that void. It's time to bring this exceptional community of trailblazers together. You’re in a relationship with a person you love and you're willing to risk it all. You've expanded …See details»

COUPLE - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Couple specializes in lab-grown diamond ring online by eliminating the noise and complexities of the mined diamond marketplace. View contacts for COUPLE to access new leads and connect …See details»

Couple Launches As First Luxury Lab-Grown Diamond Ring Brand

Oct 23, 2018 · /CNW/ -- Couple, the first luxury lab-grown diamond ring brand, launched today online at The New York City-based startup aims to simplify the...See details»

Couple - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Couple is an app just for the two of you. It helps you stay connected, and feel close to each other. Whether it's texting, sharing videos, photos, sketching together and more, Couple let's your …See details»

Couple | Online singles parties powered by AI matching

Join Couple's next online speed-dating party featuring games, live shows, and the magic of AI matching. 80% of users match at their first event!See details»

The Podcast By And For Couples In Business Together

Is building a business with your spouse the best thing ever?See details»

CoupleCo: Working With Your Spouse For Fun & Profit

Feb 26, 2022 · We interview successful couples who are crushing it and ask them everything from how they met to how they do it to how they argue. Whether you're working with your significant …See details»

CoupleCo: Can Couples Really Work Together? - A Server's Journey

Today’s special guests, Blaine and Honey Parker, talk about the journey that led them to founding CoupleCo, a podcast that explores the dynamic between couples who’ve formed a successful …See details»

CoupleCo - Facebook

This is an entrepreneur’s resource for couples brave (or crazy) enough to start a business together, founded by Blaine & Honey...See details»

Cupla – Shared Calendar App For Couples - Cupla

Meet the app revolutionising how busy couples connect. Share calendars, manage to-do’s and reminders, chat, plan life together. Try Cupla for free today on iOS and Android. With Cupla, …See details»

Couple Co-creation Society Company Limited

Couple Co-creation Society Limited (CSSL) was established in 1994 and entitled as non-profit organization by HKG Government in 1996. The Society aims to serve couples in family …See details»

The 15 Best Apps for Couples in 2024 -

Jan 4, 2024 · Here, learn about the best apps for couples in 2021. Apps are known to help with planning and organization, and apps for couples can do just that. These relationship apps can …See details»

Couple - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding is an online dating platform that combines live interactivity with AI-driven matchmaking. Instead of traditional profiles and swipes, users engage in interactive online events with speed …See details»

The Power Couple Effect: Why Working Together Yields Success.

Aug 4, 2023 · Co-working couples can engage in joint financial planning and investment decisions, working towards shared financial goals and building wealth together. By pooling …See details»

The Couple’s Guide to Finances & Investing

By proactively addressing financial and investing considerations together, Canadian couples can strengthen their relationships, achieve shared goals, and share piece of mind. This guide …See details»

Couple Launches As First Luxury Lab-Grown Diamond Ring Brand

Oct 23, 2018 · Couple, the first luxury lab-grown diamond ring brand, launched today online at "Couple is revolutionizing the online experience by replacing the noisy mined …See details»

Happy Couple - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Happy Couple helps couples build happy, healthy relationships using gamified interactions and proprietary AI.See details»

Married Co-Executive Directors of Nonprofits - Blue Avocado

Jun 22, 2010 · Meet two married couple co-executive directors of nonprofits. What organization wouldn’t want two for the price of one? “We heard about the job at Options Schools and …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved