Metamor produces VHDL Synthesis tools used in the field of chip-level design. VHDL Synthesis technology is employed by electronic engineers in the design of Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and allows functional programming of the devices using the VHDL Hardware Description Language.





Portland, Oregon, United States

United States


More informations about "Metamor"

Metamour - Wikipedia

Metamour, sometimes spelled metamor, is a general term used to refer to an individual who is the lover of one’s lover, or partner of one’s partner, whom one is not directly romantically involved …See details»

Metamours 101: Answering Your Common Questions – MysteryVibe

Jul 5, 2023 · Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with metamours is crucial when engaging in polyamorous partnerships. Here are some strategies to cultivate a positive …See details»

13 Poly Relationship Terms Everyone Should Know - Bustle

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Metamour Relationship Guide - ENM Living

Nov 25, 2023 · In polyamorous or consensually non-monogamous relationships, the term “metamour” is used to describe a unique and significant connection. Your metamour is your partner’s other partner with whom you yourself are not …See details»

What is a Metamour in Polyamorous Relationships | Flure

Metamours share a spectrum of relational dynamics, each with its distinct essence and experience. The spectrum ranges from close friendships to mere acquaintanceships, dictated by a code of communication, understanding, and …See details»

Learn about Polyamory: What is a Metamour?

Jun 25, 2022 · Metamour is the term for a person who’s the partner of your partner. So if your spouse has a lady-love, she’s your metamour (and you’re hers). If your enbyfriend has a boyfriend, then you’re his metamour, and he’s …See details»

Metamours - My Polyamory Life

Mar 19, 2023 · As you navigate the exciting and complex world of polyamory, you're likely to encounter a unique term: metamour. But what exactly is a metamour, and what role do they …See details»

What Is A Metamour? Exploring The Polyamory …

Metamours are an essential part of the polyamorous relationship structure. A metamour is someone who shares a partner with you, but whom you are not romantically or sexually involved with. Metamours can take on different types, …See details»

IMO | International Meteor Organization

Jun 3, 2024 · The International Meteor Organization (IMO) was founded in 1988 and has more than 250 members now. IMO was created in response to an ever growing need for …See details»

Managing Metamours in Polyamorous Relationships

Nov 20, 2019 · Simply put, a metamour is your partner’s other partner. For example, my girlfriend’s husband is my metamour. Lots of factors affect how you relate to your metamours. It partially depends...See details»

Metamours: A Poly Land Field Guide

Mar 8, 2017 · Metamour relations are a form of improv — sometimes hilarious, sometimes awkward, sometimes painful, sometimes glorious. But never dull. In this Field Guide, we take a …See details»

Types of Polyamory: Metamour Arrangements - Modern Intimacy

Nov 8, 2023 · There are many types of successful polyamorous metamour arrangements. The ones explored in this article are: lap-sitting polyamory, kitchen table polyamory, garden party …See details»

Metamour - Polyamory Wiki

Metamours are not directly connected through a romantic or sexual relationship with each other. [1] A commonly used abbreviation is meta. For example: "Two people having a relationship …See details»

Meaning, and all you want or need to know about - Raagee

Jan 26, 2023 · What is the definition of Metamour? Metamour, also known as a "meta" or "meta partner," is a term used in the polyamorous community to refer to the partner of one's own …See details»

Metamour: How To Manage This Non-Monogamous Addition To …

Mar 11, 2023 · It's completely normal to have conflicting feelings about your metamour and be unsure as to how to navigate your relationship with them — if you choose to have one — so …See details»

Introduction | IMO - International Meteor Organization

Founded in 1988, the International Meteor Organization (IMO) is an international scientific non-profit making organization with members all over the world. The IMO was created in response …See details»

Negotiating Interactions with Metamours - A Practical Guide

Nov 10, 2020 · This question is really a lead in to a practical negotiation - expressing and hold your boundaries regarding interactions with metamours firm around the preferences and …See details»

What’s a metamour? On my terms - Solo Poly

Sep 29, 2012 · Metamour: A person who is in an intimate (romantic or sexual) relationship with an intimate partner of yours. That’s the basic description — but the metamour concept has a ton …See details»

Visual Observations | IMO - International Meteor Organization

An easy way to observe meteors visually is what we call the 'counting method.' The observer notes the meteors seen on a tape recorder or just a piece of paper. He gives the estimated …See details»

International Meteor Organization - Wikipedia

The International Meteor Organization (IMO) was formally founded in 1988 from predecessor gatherings over many years. IMO has several hundred members and was created in response …See details»