Metro Capital is a real estate company that involves in real estate development and project management.
Construction Property Management Real Estate Residential
Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia
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Total Employee:
+372 6 191 830
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
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- Location: Estonia
- Latitude: 59
- Longitude: 26
- Timezone: Europe/Tallinn

More informations about "Metro Capital"
Homepage | Metro
Metro starts construction of Oru Maja in December . Projects for Sale. Oru House. Located at Narva mnt. 120, near Kadriorg Park and the Song Festival Grounds, Oru House will offer guest apartments and retail spaces. Balancing Kadriorg’s …See details»
About Us - Metro
Our goal is not only to build durable residential buildings of the highest quality, but also to design a living environment that allows people to connect and promote a sustainable and active …See details»
Avaleht | Metro
Metro alustab Kadrioru serval Oru Maja ehitust . Müügis olevad projektid. Oru Maja. Kadrioru pargi ja Lauluväljaku veerele, aadressile Narva mnt. 120, tulevad Oru Majja külaliskorterid ja …See details»
Metro Capital - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Metro Capital is a real estate company that involves in real estate development and project management. There is no recent news or activity for this profile. View contacts for Metro …See details»
Metro on LinkedIn: Today, within the framework of the ESG task …
Explore the insights into Metro's new projects and unravel the transformative changes that have shaped the real estate landscape during our remarkable 20 years in the industry. Discover your...See details»
Metro Capital - Overview, News & Competitors |
Metro Capital is a real estate development company based on Estonian capital. We have been contributing to residential real estate development in Tallinn for more than 15 years. …See details»
Kinnisvara – kindel ja stabiilselt tulus koht raha paigutamiseks
Jan 31, 2024 · „Suurepärane asukoht on pikaajalise investeeringu oluline osa,“ ütleb kvaliteetset premium-kinnisvara arendava Metro müügijuht Madis Brjantsev, tutvustades ettevõtte uusi …See details»
EEDU - Eedu linnakus ristuvad haridus, ettevõtlus ja kultuur
Eedus on alati ruumi ja tuge katsetamiseks, sest iga vajalik muutus sai alguse mõnest julgest, kes võttis kätte ja proovis. Esimene korrus on tänavaruumi pikendus ning võimaldab korraldada …See details»
Public transport - Visit Tallinn
Mar 26, 2024 · Tallinn is very compact and easy to get around. Reaching farther out destinations is simple thanks to the city's network of buses, trolleys and trams. The public transport network …See details»
Meist - Metro
Metro on juhtiv kinnisvaraettevõte, mis on pühendunud moodsa ja kestliku elukeskkonna loomisele, vastates tänapäeva inimeste vajadustele ning olles alati sammukese ajast ees. …See details»
Expert: A light metro could be constructed in Tallinn
Apr 5, 2024 · A group of experts and well-known economists, referred to as the metro group, came forward on Friday with the idea of constructing two light metro lines in Tallinn. One line …See details»
Rebranding for Metro Capital - Identity
Metro Capital is a real estate development company that has contributed to the construction of exclusive commercial and residential premises in Tallinn for over 15 years. The rebranding …See details»
Metro group: Proposed Tallinn light metro could compete with car
Apr 8, 2024 · Last Friday, a group of experts and economists dubbed the metro group went public with the idea of building a two-line light metro system in Tallinn. In an appearance on Raadio …See details»
Social Responsibility | Metro
At METRO, corporate responsibility (CR) is expressed through a rigorous approach to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our business practices. Our …See details»
Oru Maja | Tutvustus | Metro
Oru Maja arhitektuur on inspireeritud ümbritsevast lopsakast taimestikust, merest ja paeklindist, luues harmoonilise koosluse, mis püüab üheaegselt pilku ja sulandub keskkonda. Hoone …See details»
Metroogrupp: metroo suudaks Tallinnas autoga konkureerida
Apr 8, 2024 · Tramm on aeglane, metroo aga suudaks linnas autoga konkureerida, ütlesid Tallinnasse kergmetrood rajada soovivad Jaan Jagomägi ja Kristjan Kaunissaare. Grupp …See details»
Metro Vancouver
Metro Vancouver is a federation of 21 municipalities, one electoral area, and one treaty First Nation located in the region of the same name. The organization is governed by a Board of …See details»
Tutvustus | Metro
Marienbergi visoon on luua inspireeriv, tulevikku vaatav linnaruum, kus oleks ka privaatsust ja loodust, ning kujundada ainulaadne elukeskkond. Meie jaoks on olulised koostöö ja …See details»
Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday, Cyber Monday:… | Metro Credit …
1 day ago · Metro Credit Union is the largest state-chartered credit union in Massachusetts, with $3 billion in assets. Metro provides a full range of financial products to close to 200,000 …See details»
Uudised - Metro
Estonian Business School (EBS) koostöös Metroga (Metro Capital OÜ) on jõudnud järgmisse olulisse etappi Eedu haridus- ja ettevõtluslinnaku ehitustöödel, kus peagi alustatakse …See details»