
Mexico business data from Digital Map Products is the largest and only location-enabled source for businesses in Mexico, featuring 1.4M Mexico business records. Every record in our Mexico business database has the following fields of information: Industry Sector, Major SIC Category (2 Digit), Sub SIC Category (4 Digit), Product or Service Description, Company Name, Address, Colonia, City, State, Zip/Postal Code, Latitude/Longitude and Telephone. Also included when available are: Fax, Web, Email, Contact Person, Title, Annual Sales Volume, Number of Employees and Years In Business. Email [email protected] for more information.

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Social Links:

Information Services Software


Irvine, California, United States

United States

Website Url:

Total Employee:


+1 888 322 6277

Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Technology used in webpage:
Amazon Google Maps GoDaddy DNS Google Maps API AWS Global Accelerator PayPal Button PayPal BuyNow Button

Similar Organizations


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Current Employees Featured


Steven White
Steven White Founder & President @ Mexico Business Directory
Founder & President



Steven White

Official Site Inspections

  • Host name:
  • IP address:
  • Location: United States
  • Latitude: 38.6583
  • Longitude: -77.2481
  • Timezone: America/New_York

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More informations about "Mexico Business Directory"

Digital Map Products Completes Enhancement Of …

May 2, 2018 · Digital Map Products, Inc. (DMP), a pioneer in geospatial mapping technology, content and location intelligence, announces the availability of its newly enhanced Mexico business dataSee details»

Mexico Business Directory - Crunchbase Company …

View contacts for Mexico Business Directory to access new leads and connect with decision-makers. Mexico business data from Digital Map Products is the largest and only location-enabled source for businesses in Mexico, featuring …See details»

Digital Map Products Completes Major Enhancement Of Recently …

May 5, 2018 · Following the acquisition of Mexico Business Directory in November, the dataset has been scrubbed and dramatically improved by DMP’s data team including more than …See details»

Digital Map Products Acquires Mexico Business Directory

Nov 7, 2017 · Mexico Business Directory (MBD) offers the most comprehensive, fully geocoded information business database on Mexico. With over 1.6 million records, MBD is proud to …See details»

DataMéxico | Data México

DataMéxico permite la integración, visualización y análisis de datos públicos para fomentar la innovación, inclusión y diversificación de la economía mexicana. Explore México mediante …See details»

Silversmith-Backed DMP Acquires Mexico Business Directory

Nov 7, 2017 · Digital Map Products Inc, which is backed by Silversmith Capital Partners, has acquired Mexico Business Directory, a geocoded information database for business locations …See details»

Data Mexico - Observatory of Public Sector Innovation

Nov 22, 2023 · Data Mexico (DataMéxico) aims to address the growing need to access and visualise the economic and social information collected in Mexico over the last few years, …See details»

Silversmith-backed DMP acquires Mexico Business Directory

Nov 7, 2017 · Digital Map Products Inc, which is backed by Silversmith Capital Partners, has acquired Mexico Business Directory, a geocoded information database for business locations …See details»

Mexican New Business Data | Accutrend

Our comprehensive solutions help clients connect with the intricate business database in Mexico and craft structured data to fit their exact specifications.See details»

DataMéxico | Data México

Explore Mexico through economic, social and occupational data through customizable interactive visualizations. Generate your own visualizations based on the selection of data of your interest.See details»

LightBox Visionâ„  | LightBox

LightBox Vision shows you LightBox data, your data, and 3rd party data – all on one cloud-based platform. LightBox Vision helps you research, analyze, manage, and present opportunities in …See details»

Doing Business In Mexico: Largest Location-Based Dataset For …

Apr 4, 2018 · Instant access to Mexico business data will improve your potential for expansion and growth. It will help you determine the best options for cost-effective solutions, as well as …See details»

Data México: the mega data platform launched by Inegi and the SE

The Inegi and the Ministry of the Economy launched the Digital Data Mexico project on Tuesday. Data México allows the integration, visualization and analysis of public data to promote …See details»

Mexico City’s Open Data Portal: Data-driven Responses

Nov 27, 2023 · Since January 2019 and continuously, the Digital Agency for Public Innovation, in coordination with the Public Administration Entities of Mexico City, has made the Open Data …See details»

Mexico - Digital Economy - International Trade Administration

Sep 20, 2024 · The cross-border data flow regulations in Mexico pose challenges for U.S. businesses engaged in digital trade, particularly due to the need to align with Mexico’s data …See details»

About - Data México

Learn about the history of DataMéxico, the joint effort between the Ministry of Economy (SE) and Datawheel. See the glossary of key terms to understand site analytics.See details»


Digimap offers access to a range of datasets for the purposes of education and research. Create or interrogate a map online by selecting an appropriate base map, adding annotations and …See details»

DPA Digest: DPA Digital Digest: Mexico - Digital Policy Alert

Jul 27, 2023 · The seventeenth DPA Digital Digest provides a succinct overview of the latest policy and enforcement developments in major policy areas and Mexico-specific points of …See details»

Striving Towards Maturity: Mexico’s Digital Landscape

Oct 25, 2023 · Because of this, the Mexican Internet Association and Knowsy propose the Identification Inter-Platform Standard (IDMX), an initiative designed to facilitate the …See details»

Doing business in Mexico - The World Bank

Quantitative indicators on business regulations and their enforcement have been created for 12 cities and states, which can now be compared with Mexico City, and to 154 countries around …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved