
Mississippi Technology Alliance is a non-profit organization with the mission to drive innovation and technology-based economic development for the State of Mississippi. The mission of the Mississippi Technology Alliance is to drive innovation and technology-based economic development for the State of Mississippi. The vision of the Mississippi Technology Alliance is for Mississippi to have strong, fully integrated technology, education and industrial sectors so that Mississippians can enj... oy higher paying jobs and a more diverse, stable and competititve economy. The goals of the Mississippi Technology Alliance are to: Assist companies -- especially early-stage companies and entrepreneurs in the technology sector by helping them plan and grow their businesses. Connect investors and investment capital with early-stage companies. Assist communities with identifying resources necessary to support technology-based economic development. Communicate the message of technology in Mississippi. Assist Mississippi manufacturers in implementing workplace modernization solutions. Assist educators in developing and enhancing the education of Mississippi students and workers.

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The India Fund

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Current Employees Featured


Tony Jeff
Tony Jeff President and CEO @ MIssissippi Angel Fund
President and CEO

Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2019-07-31 Lobaki MIssissippi Angel Fund investment in Angel Round - Lobaki 2 M USD
2019-05-09 FiduciaryShield MIssissippi Angel Fund investment in Angel Round - FiduciaryShield 500 K USD
2018-05-17 FiduciaryShield MIssissippi Angel Fund investment in Angel Round - FiduciaryShield 250 K USD
2012-08-31 Pinnacle Medical Solutions MIssissippi Angel Fund investment in Venture Round - Pinnacle Medical Solutions N/A
2006-08-31 SemiSouth Laboratories MIssissippi Angel Fund investment in Series A - SemiSouth Laboratories 5 M USD

More informations about "MIssissippi Angel Fund"

Home - Mississippi Angel Fund

Mississippi Angel Fund (MAF), founded in 2024, unites angel investors across the state, creating a powerful network committed to driving innovation and fostering entrepreneurial success.See details»

Home - Jxn - Mississippi Angel Fund

The Central Mississippi Angel Fund is a member-run fund for investing in early-stage companies. Managed from Jackson, Mississippi, the fund seeks to engage investors from in and around …See details»

Angel Capital - MSU Center for Entrepreneurship & Outreach

Jan 13, 2024 · North Mississippi Angel Fund (NMAF) was formed in 2017 to pool the capital resources and business connections of accredited investors in and around the State of …See details»

South Mississippi Angel Fund | An AIA Network Fund

The mission of the South Mississippi Angel Fund (SMAF) is to increase the opportunity for investors to improve the diversity of their portfolio while encouraging innovation and economic opportunity in South Mississippi.See details»

Mississippi Angel Investor Network • Innovate Mississippi

The Mississippi Angel Investor Network is a group of accredited investors who review fundraising pitches from Mississippi-based innovation companies seeking seed and growth capital. The Network is administered by Innovate Mississippi …See details»

North Mississippi Angel Fund | An AIA Network Fund

North Mississippi Angel Fund (NMAF) was formed in 2017 to pool the capital resources and business connections of accredited investors in and around the State of Mississippi. An …See details»

Mississippi Angel Investor Network - Gust

Innovate Mississippi’s Entrepreneurial Development team works with the entrepreneur anywhere from 2 months to several years, until the company is “investor-ready” to take on outside capital. We engage with over 120 …See details»

Become a Member of a Regional Angel Fund - Innovate Mississippi

Innovate Mississippi and Angel Investors have been working together to form four member-managed regional investment funds across Mississippi – North Mississippi Angel Fund …See details»

Innovate Mississippi - U.S. Economic Development Administration

Innovate Mississippi proposes to create two new angel funds to address the gap in early-stage capital available to high-growth startups and would-be entrepreneurs in rural Mississippi …See details»

Innovate Mississippi / MS Angel Network/ MS Seed Fund

Innovate Mississippi / MS Angel Network/ MS Seed Fund focuses on driving innovative business growth. Innovate Mississippi is a nonprofit organization with the mission to drive innovation …See details»

Leadership | South Mississippi Angel Fund

Fund members have elected a leadership team to successfully guide the Fund’s day-to-day business, attract quality deal flow, and conduct due diligence on potential investments. See below to learn more about the South Mississippi …See details»

Leadership - Mississippi Angel Fund

LEADERSHIP John Fair President John is a native of Louisville, MS, graduating from Louisville High School in 1965. He served in the US Navy for six years from 1966-1972. Upon …See details»

MIssissippi Angel Fund - Crunchbase

MIssissippi Angel Fund is an investment firm. View contacts for MIssissippi Angel Fund to access new leads and connect with decision-makers. Mississippi Technology Alliance is a non-profit …See details»

Leadership | North Mississippi Angel Fund

Fund members have elected a leadership team to successfully guide the Fund’s day-to-day business, attract quality deal flow, and conduct due diligence on potential investments. See …See details»

Local Investors Form South Mississippi Angel Fund

Aug 9, 2021 · The South Mississippi Angel Fund I announced its formation this week and is now gathering investors to invest in early-stage companies and grow the entrepreneurial …See details»

Resources – Startup Guide Mississippi

The South Mississippi Angel Fund (SMAF) encourages investment, innovation and economic opportunity in South Mississippi. The fund is led, designed, and funded by local investors, who …See details»

Central Mississippi Angel Fund to Invest in High-Growth Startups

Innovate Mississippi is pleased to announce the launch of the Central Mississippi Angel Fund I, a community-based investment fund. Investors based in Central Mississippi have established …See details»

How to Invest in Mississippi Startups • Innovate Mississippi

Hear regular pitches and invest individually alongside other Mississippi Investors. Innovate Mississippi has organized regional angel funds that can provide easier diversification of …See details»

President and CEO @ MIssissippi Angel Fund - Crunchbase

Tony Jeff has 2 current jobs as President and CEO at Innovate Mississippi / MS Angel Network/ MS Seed Fund and President and CEO at MIssissippi Angel Fund.See details»

MIssissippi Angel Fund - Investments, Portfolio & Company Exits

MIssissippi Angel Fund has made 6 investments. Their most recent investment was on Jul 31, 2019, when Lobaki raised. How many investments has this organization made over time? …See details»

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