Molecular Probes provides fluorescence-based detection products and solutions for biomedical and other scientific research worldwide. Its product portfolio includes approximately 3000 fluorescent probes and biochemicals for research use in cell biology, molecular biology, proteomics, immunology, biochemistry, and the neurosciences.
Biotechnology Health Care Pharmaceutical
Eugene, Oregon, United States
United States
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More informations about "Molecular Probes"
Molecular probes to visualize the location, organization …
Nov 15, 2014 · To understand the functions and characteristics of lipids within cells, various methods to image lipids have been established. In this Commentary, we discuss the four main types of molecular probes that have …See details»
Molecular probes for tracking lipid droplet membrane dynamics
Oct 31, 2024 · In this work, we present a three-pronged molecular probe design strategy that combines lipophilicity-based organelle targeting with microenvironment-dependent activation …See details»
Redefining Molecular Probes for Monitoring Subcellular …
Fluorescent molecular probes have emerged as indispensable tools for exploring both biological and chemical realms. (1) This surge is propelled by advancements in optical instrumentation, …See details»
[PDF] Molecular probes to visualize the location, organization and ...
Nov 15, 2014 · In this Commentary, we discuss the four main types of molecular probes that have significantly contributed to our understanding of the cell biology of lipids.See details»
(PDF) Molecular probes to visualize the location, …
Sep 1, 2014 · In this Commentary, we discuss the four main types of molecular probes that have significantly contributed to our understanding of the cell biology of lipids.See details»
Molecular Engineering of Near-Infrared Fluorescent …
Feb 16, 2023 · In recent decades, small-molecular fluorescent probes in the near-infrared (NIR) region have been pursued extensively for CM staining to investigate its functions and related events. In this review, we summarize …See details»
Antibody binding reports spatial heterogeneities in cell membrane ...
May 20, 2023 · Here, authors develop molecular probes and simulations to characterize the spatial organization of macromoleucles on live cell membranes.See details»
DNA Nanodevices to Probe and Program Membrane Organization …
Nov 17, 2020 · DNA-based synthetic nanostructure scaffolds and molecular devices and associated chemical–biological tools are confidently poised to bridge the gap between …See details»
Nucleic Acid Probes for Single-Molecule Localization …
Apr 14, 2023 · Here, we discuss the design concepts of different conformational nucleic acid probes for SMLM and summarize the application of SMLM based on nucleic acid probes in the field of biomolecules.See details»
Molecular Probes and Imaging Agents
The emphasis is on engineering of targeting and responsive molecular probes of high sensitivity and specificity for PET and SPECT (radiotracers), MR (T1, T2, CEST, hyperpolarized agents), …See details»
Molecular Probes, Chemosensors, and Nanosensors for …
Jan 7, 2022 · Typically, molecular probes undergo covalent-like bonding through organic reaction mechanisms. However, metal complexes are also considered as molecular probes if the binding of the target analyte results in strongly bonded, …See details»
Molecular probes to visualize the location, organization and …
Nov 15, 2014 · To understand the functions and characteristics of lipids within cells, various methods to image lipids have been established. In this Commentary, we discuss the four main …See details»
Molecular Probes - SpringerLink
May 27, 2018 · Molecular probes, also referred to as chemosensors, are molecules capable of transforming chemical information, such as the presence or concentration of a specific target …See details»
Probing the secrets of probes | Nature Chemical Biology
Jul 21, 2022 · Chemical probes are powerful tools for the discovery of ligand-binding and drug-target sites on proteins. A new software helps to profile their performance in chemoproteomic...See details»
The Molecular Probes Handbook | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CA
The most complete fluorescent labeling and detection reference available, The Molecular Probes Handbook—A Guide to Fluorescent Probes and Labeling Technologies contains over 3,000 …See details»
Molecular Probes Database
“We accelerate the pace of biomedical research by openly and directly sharing data on the function of molecular probes”See details»
Molecular Probes - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Discover the ideal assays to investigate your cells’ health and behavior using our application-based selection tools. Select the appropriate organelle probes to highlight your cell’s structure …See details»
Molecular Probes, Labeling & Detection Technologies | Thermo …
Trusted Molecular Probes product lines, including Alexa Fluor, SYTOX, and Click-iT, empower scientists working in cell biology, genetic analysis, protein biology, and cell engineering to …See details»
Multiplexed detection of viral antigen and RNA using nanopore …
Nov 14, 2023 · We report on single-molecule nanopore sensing combined with position-encoded DNA molecular probes, with chemistry tuned to simultaneously identify various antigen …See details»
Development of Aegilops comosa and Aegilops caudata‐specific …
6 days ago · As tertiary gene pools of wheat, Aegilops comosa and Ae. caudata contain many excellent genes/traits and gradually become important and noteworthy wild resources for …See details»