Moneytree is a fintech data platform, with a mission to bring people and institutions closer together, help them find balance and discover new opportunities to grow personal wealth. Moneytree's first product, a personal finance app for iOS released in 2013, won the App Store’s “Best of” award for iPhone in Japan after only 8 months in market. It went on to win Best of 2014 for iPad, was one of 10 Apple Watch apps featured pre-launch and a featured iMessage app on the launch of iOS 10. Mo... neytree has over 1,300,000 users on iOS, Android and web. Our proprietary data aggregation platform, Moneytree LINK, has almost twenty enterprise clients, including Japan’s two largest accounting software vendors, an industry first inbound API with Mizuho Bank, an SDK integration SMBC (Mitsui Sumitomo) and multiple regional banks in Japan.
Banking Big Data Credit Cards Finance FinTech Personal Finance
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Website Url:
Total Employee:
+81 3 5962 7732
Total Funding:
52.07 M USD
Technology used in webpage:
LetsEncrypt JQuery CDN Amazon Route 53 Ruby On Rails Token Amazon S3 CDN OSS CDN Amazon SSL Visa New Relic Ruby On Rails
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Current Advisors List
Current Employees Featured
Paul Chapman Founder & Chief Executive @ Moneytree
Founder & Chief Executive
Mark Makdad Founder & Head of Platform @ Moneytree
Founder & Head of Platform
Shinji Asada Observer @ Moneytree
Ross Sharrott Founder & Chief Architect @ Moneytree
Founder & Chief Architect
Akihiro Umegai Chief Information Securitee Officer @ Moneytree
Chief Information Securitee Officer
Jonathan Epstein Chairman @ Moneytree
Investors List
GMO VenturePartners
GMO VenturePartners investment in Series C - Moneytree
Aslead Capital
Aslead Capital investment in Series C - Moneytree
Fidelity International
Fidelity International investment in Series C - Moneytree
Yamauchi-No.10 Family Office
Yamauchi-No.10 Family Office investment in Series C - Moneytree
Fidelity International
Fidelity International investment in Series C - Moneytree
MUFG Innovation Partners
MUFG Innovation Partners investment in Venture Round - Moneytree
NTT Data
NTT Data investment in Venture Round - Moneytree
Global Brain Corporation
Global Brain Corporation investment in Venture Round - Moneytree
Sony Financial Ventures
Sony Financial Ventures investment in Venture Round - Moneytree
Sony Financial Ventures
Sony Financial Ventures investment in Series C - Moneytree
Official Site Inspections Semrush global rank: 309.14 K Semrush visits lastest month: 203.5 K
- Host name:
- IP address:
- Location: Ashburn United States
- Latitude: 39.0481
- Longitude: -77.4728
- Metro Code: 511
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Postal: 20149

More informations about "Moneytree"
Moneytree - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Moneytree is a financial data aggregation platform that provides a personal finance app and a cloud-based accounting service. View contacts for …See details»
会社概要|マネーツリー -
2012年にマネーツリー株式会社を設立、翌年より資産管理サービス「Moneytree」の提供を開始。 日本と母国オーストラリアにおける金融データポータビリティーのビジョンの展開にも …See details»
Moneytree -
Moneytree LINK is an industry-leading platform that manages 4.2 billion transaction data and 22 million account information. It saves data (details and balance information) from various …See details»
Moneytree Company Profile - Craft
Moneytree is a fintech company that develops a financial platform which aggregates data from users' bank accounts, credit cards, and digital money, brings them together in one financial …See details»
ホーム|マネーツリー -
マネーツリーは、プライバシー・バイ・デザインの概念に基づき、プライバシー保護を第一に考えたサービス設計、日本の金融業界をリードする企業に認められた堅牢なセキュリティ対策とレギュレーションの遵守を徹底し、お客さま …See details»
マネーツリー・Moneytree Information - RocketReach
マネーツリー・Moneytree is a Software Development, Finance, and Financial Services company located in JP with 67 employees. Find top employees, contact details and business statistics …See details»
Financial planning software for advisors | Moneytree …
Moneytree’s new financial planning platform is the premier solution for advisors who value relationships and want to grow a business built on understanding. "The way you set it up is intuitive. I think you’ve got a win here. I think you’re going …See details»
マネーツリーについて -
マネーツリーは、創業時から多様なバックグラウンドを持つ、様々な国籍のメンバーが同じミッションのもとに集まり、プライバシー・バイ・デザインの理念に根ざした安全で信頼のおけるプラットフォームを通じて、あらゆる人々が …See details»
Help Centre | Moneytree
Get answers to frequently asked questions on our Moneytree app or contact our support team for assistance.See details»
How to use Moneytree | Help Centre | Moneytree
Can I set a nickname for my account? What is my pass code?See details»
Moneytree® | Login to Your Moneytree® Account
Login to your loan account. payment, and more. account. Access your account, your balance and more. Moneytree’s Customer Service Team is Open 24 Hours, seven days a week 364 days a year (every day except Christmas Day). If you …See details»
Moneytree - Finance Made Easy 4+ - App Store
Moneytree, the mobile app that lets you see all your banking and financial accounts in one place. DEFRAGMENT YOUR FINANCIAL LIFE. Moneytree brings together everything from your …See details»
Moneytree Control Center
Welcome to the Moneytree Control Center. Email Address. PasswordSee details»
いつ、どこで、何に、お金を使ったかを把握すると、理想の生活を送る準備ができます。 Moneytree の情報でよりよい選択ができ、自分の資産を安心して運用できます。See details»
ブランド|マネーツリー -
マネーツリーは、人と企業の距離を近づけ、人々にとってより健全なお金にまつわるライフスタイルの実現のため事業を開始しました。 プライバシーを第一に考えたサービス設計のもと …See details»
SBI証券の接続について | ヘルプセンター | マネーツリー
Nov 18, 2024 · 現在この問題の解消に向け、SBI証券とMoneytree側で取り組んでおりますので、しばらくの間、お時間をいただけますよう、何卒宜しくお願いいたします。 なお、現在反 …See details»
Moneytree - My Account
Service Unavailable . Sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later.See details»
How to change your email address | Help Centre | Moneytree
Aug 20, 2024 · You can easily change your email address registered with Moneytree. Follow the steps below to learn more about the process. 1.Tap the gear icon on the Balances screen. …See details»
サポート|マネーツリー -
Moneytreeのご利用に関する問題を解決するヘルプセンターや対応金融サービス一覧などのサポート情報をご案内しています。 Moneytreeの機能や使い方などのよくあるご質問 (FAQ) や …See details»
Urgent and transparent investigation needed into protest crackdown
1 day ago · Responding to reports of multiple deaths and mass detentions of protesters from the opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in Islamabad on 26 and 27 November, Babu Ram …See details»