
MyFoody is the solution that disrupts the relationship between consumers and food retailers turning waste into value. Finally, supermarkets will innovate their relationship with the consumers and make their brands stand out and more sustainable.

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App Marketing Food And Beverage Internet Of Things Waste Management


Milano, Lombardia, Italy


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Total Employee:


Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Total Funding:
571.99 K USD

Similar Organizations



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Current Employees Featured


Francesco Giberti
Francesco Giberti Founder and CEO @ My Foody
Founder and CEO


Luca Masseretti
Luca Masseretti Co-Founder & CFO @ My Foody
Co-Founder & CFO


Esmeralda Colombo
Esmeralda Colombo Co-Founder @ My Foody



Esmeralda Colombo


Francesco Giberti


Luca Masseretti

Investors List


Boost Heroes

Boost Heroes investment in Seed Round - My Foody

Newest Events participated

startupbootcamp-foodtech-rome-demo-day-2018_event_image Participated in Startupbootcamp FoodTech Rome- Demo Day 2018 on 2018-01-25 as exhibitor

web-summit-2016_event_image Participated in Web Summit 2016 on 2016-11-07 as exhibitor

Official Site Inspections Semrush global rank: 1.2 M Semrush visits lastest month: 25.54 K

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  • Location: Dublin Ireland
  • Latitude: 53.3338
  • Longitude: -6.2488
  • Timezone: Europe/Dublin
  • Postal: D02

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More informations about "My Foody"

My Foody - Crunchbase Company Profile

MyFoody is the solution that disrupts the relationship between consumers and food retailers turning waste into value. Finally, supermarkets will innovate their relationship with the consumers and make their brands stand out and more …See details»

Myfoody: Fighting Food Waste and increasing footfall

MyFoody is an Italy based app founded in the year 2015, to help consumers buy or advertise surplus foods at discounted prices. It enables retailers, wholesalers and other catering …See details»

MyFoody - LinkedIn

MyFoody is the innovative solution for reducing food waste. MyFoody creates a smart and sustainable way to connect food retailers and consumers creating economic, social and …See details»

MyFoody, la soluzione agli sprechi alimentari - Idee Green

MyFoody è la prima applicazione italiana che ti aiuta a ridurre gli sprechi alimentari risparmiando sulla tua spesa. MyFoody nasce nel 2015 con l’intento di promuovere un consumo alimentare …See details»

Open Innovation - My foody

Myfoody è la prima startup italiana impegnata nella lotta contro gli sprechi alimentari. Grazie ad una app, gli utenti possono vedere le offerte dei prodotti a rischio spreco (in scadenza, …See details»

Phenix acquisisce MyFoody: “Ora puntiamo all

Oct 26, 2021 · Grazie a un sistema che permette agli utenti di conoscere i prodotti in scadenza nei supermercati, scontati fino al 50%, MyFoody, tramite geolocalizzazione, permette di …See details»

Myfoody, GDO and consumers against food waste - Smart …

Jun 22, 2023 · Myfoody, the App inspired by a circular economy model that has saved 800,000 expiring products in the last year, promotes a series of educational activities on its social …See details»

Phenix acquisisce Myfoody - Food Affairs

Oct 12, 2021 · Salvare gli invenduti e battersi per un mondo sostenibile, tutto in un’unica app: a partire da oggi, le aziende Phenix e Myfoody uniscono le forze nella lotta contro lo spreco …See details»

MyFoody: la startup italiana che combatte gli sprechi …

Oct 2, 2015 · Quella di MyFoody è una piattaforma e-commerce che permette di mettere in vendita tre tipi di cibi: quelli in prossimità della scadenza, quelli difettosi sul packaging o quelli …See details»


Feb 5, 2020 · Soluzione “smart” tutta italiana, Myfoody ha per prima messo in contatto consumatori e grandi marchi della GDO insegnando, a noi tutti, come combattere gli sprechi …See details»

Myfoody, l'app per la spesa senza sprechi, ha salvato in 6 …

Nov 21, 2019 · Myfoody ( – la prima startup italiana impegnata nella lotta contro gli sprechi alimentari attraverso un sistema che permette agli utenti di conoscere i prodotti in …See details»

Rethinking an application against food waste and pro

Dec 30, 2018 · Lack of capillarity: MyFoody has developed a database integration management, but not all supermarkets are able to use this technology. Due to offerings being updated …See details»

Foody - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Foody is an end-to-end order management system designed for the foodservice industry. Foody marketplace helps restaurants, dark stores, stores, and food suppliers find each other, chat, …See details»

My Foody | EU-Startups

MyFoody is the solution that disrupts the relationship between consumers and food retailers turning waste into value. Finally, supermarkets will innovate their relationship with the …See details»

Myfoody. The app against food waste — Moze

Myfoody allows its users to discover nearly expired products at local supermarkets — saving money and doing some good for the environment. We helped the startup in launching the new …See details»

MyFoody - VentureRadar

Website: MyFoody is the solution that disrupts the relationship between consumers and both food retailers and producers, turning waste into value. Finally, …See details»

MyFoody, dai biscotti alla startup -

May 20, 2015 · Esordisce così Francesco Giberti, CEO e co-fondatore di MyFoody, piattaforma web che permette al consumatore di acquistare prodotti a rischio spreco a un prezzo ridotto, …See details»

Sostenibilità alimentare: Phenix acquisisce Myfoody - Food

Oct 14, 2021 · Myfoody è stata la prima startup italiana a impegnarsi nella lotta agli sprechi alimentari nel campo della sostenibilità alimentare, attraverso un sistema che permette agli …See details»

MyFoody, l’app che trova le offerte alimentari anti-spreco

Sep 6, 2018 · MyFoody permette ai consumatori di risparmiare sulla spesa effettuata presso il proprio punto vendita di fiducia, partecipando attivamente alla riduzione degli sprechi …See details»

Myfoody - Facebook

Myfoody è l'app che ti aiuta a ridurre gli sprechi alimentari risparmiando sulla tua spesa!See details» © 2022. All rights reserved