Naoetsu Electronics specializes in the processing of semiconductor silicon wafers and electronic materials.
Electronics Manufacturing Semiconductor
Joetsu, Niigata, Japan
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直江津電子は、創業以来信越化学工業のグループ会社として、半導体用シリコン・ウェーハの加工一筋に事業を拡大してまいりました。 お客様のさまざまなニーズに応えるため、私たち …See details»
Company - Naoden
Since 2015, Naoden has drawn on a wide range of expertise to ensure its successful development. To begin with, the team focused exclusively on research and development for its …See details»
トップメッセージ | 会社概要 | 直江津電子工業
直江津電子は、創業以来信越化学工業のグループ会社として、半導体用シリコン・ウエハーの加工一筋に事業を拡大してまいりました。 お客様のさまざまなニーズに応えるため、私たち …See details»
世界需要の一端を支えるBtoB企業、本年で創業56周年を迎える私たち『直江津電子工業株式会社』です! 世界トップメーカーからのオーダーに応え続ける当社は、半導体シリコンウェー …See details»
事業内容 - 直江津電子工業
直江津電子工業株式会社 | 上越ものづくり企業データベース
当社は1969年の創業より、信越化学工業のグループ会社として、半導体シリコンウェーハの加工を手掛けています。 シリコンウェーハにおいて世界最高水準の加工技術を追い求めて、お …See details»
直江津電子工業株式会社の会社情報と与信管理 | NIKKEI …
新潟県は県内2社と技術開発で共同研究...シリコンウエハー」を手掛ける 直江津電子工業 (新潟 県 上越市)の「反応炉による車載用半導体の生産効率向上技術の開発〔自動車〕」。 車載 …See details»
Home Page - Naoden
Naoden helps users to pinpoint and recover local resources for new uses. A circular economy model that reduces environmental impact. Naoden designs, manufactures and installs …See details»
Naoden - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Naoden is a manufacturer and integrator of solutions for the production of heat and electricity by gasification of biomass. The company was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Nantes, …See details»
Naoden Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors, Revenue …
Naoden is a designer, manufacturer, and installer of bioenergy power plants. It provides gasification, purification, thermal process, cogeneration, and new green gas technologies. …See details»
Naoden - Member of the World Alliance - Solar Impulse
NAODEN convert wood waste into power and heat in a sustainable way and in a context of circular economy. Naoden's main objective is to produce power and heat locally by converting …See details»
Solutions - Naoden
Given the specific needs of our customers, we have decided on standardisation and modularity, with units in series or in parallel. This approach means more flexibility, controlled capital and …See details»
WHAT'S NEW - 直江津電子工業
直江津電子は2019年9月ハッピー・パートナーに企業登録となりました!! 新潟県では、男女がともに働きやすく、仕事と家庭生活等が両立できるよう職場環境を整えたり、女性労働者の育 …See details»
ENGIE Solutions and EIT InnoEnergy to back bioenergy start-up …
Jun 8, 2020 · Investors consider Naoden’s technology vital for accelerating the shift towards sustainable cities and industries. It constitutes a flagship innovation for the circular economy …See details»
Circular economy: Naoden turns industrial waste into green gas …
Oct 14, 2022 · Naoden designs, manufactures and instals decarbonised energy production solutions. The technology developed by the Atlantic France company allows manufacturers to …See details»
NAODEN, the sustainable solution to transform waste into
Our power plants Imperium and Nobilis transform waste products from wood , dried bio-waste and solid refuse fuel into heat and electricity. The energy gener...See details»
Technology - Naoden
Naoden has designed a high temperature filtration system specifically adapted to its gasification solutions. Ceramic candles are used to filter the syngas from all particles. This step is …See details»
採用情報 - 直江津電子工業
新卒採用<技術職>(大学院/大学) 理学系(物理、化学、材料、物質 等) 工学系(機械、電気、電子、システム工学、情報、応用化学 等)【シリコンウエハー】の製造には数多くの加 …See details»
Engie and EIT InnoEnergy back bioenergy start-up Naoden in …
About Naoden . Since 2015, Naoden has designed bioenergetic power plant producing electricity and heat from wood waste. Innovation brings by Naoden lie in the capacity of the company to …See details»
Frequently Asked Questions - Naoden
What is the granulometry of the fuels? The fuels recovered by Naoden solutions are graded P45-P63 with a maximum length of 100 mm. What are the types of fuel? We are looking for ways to …See details»