
National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations (全国農業協同組合連合会), aka ZEN-NOH Group, is a federation of agricultural cooperatives in Japan. ZEN-NOH has interests in rice, fruits & vegetables, farm products, livestock sales & production, dairy farming, fertilizer, agrichemicals, agricultural machinery, petroleum products, and more.

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Agriculture Food And Beverage

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


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Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2019-03-25 Meal Works National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations investment in Corporate Round - Meal Works N/A
2018-12-28 Yuwaeru National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations investment in Venture Round - Yuwaeru N/A
2017-10-17 Nileworks National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations investment in Series A - Nileworks 800 M JPY
2017-04-19 Farmnote holdings Japan National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations investment in Series A - Farmnote holdings Japan 500 M JPY
2016-12-27 AGRIGATE National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations investment in Venture Round - AGRIGATE 5 M JPY
2016-06-02 Office de Yasai National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations investment in Venture Round - Office de Yasai 20 M JPY

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組織 | JA全農

全農の組織と事業は経営管理委員会、理事会、監事会の下に運営されています。 その上に全国の組合員から選出された総会・総代会が位置することで、組合員の意思が反映された経済事業 …See details»


The National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations (ZEN-NOH) is in charge of the marketing and supply business of the JA Group. It seeks to connect producers and …See details»


Sep 13, 2024 · JA全農(全国農業協同組合連合会)の本所ホームページです。 JA全農は、農畜産物の販売や生産資材の供給等を通じて、消費者のみなさまと農家の方々を安心で結ぶ懸け …See details»

Zen-Noh - Wikipedia

The National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations (全国農業協同組合連合会, Zenkoku Nōgyō Kyōdō Kumiai Rengōkai), in short ZEN-NOH (全農, Zennō), is a federation of agricultural cooperatives in Japan. ZEN-NOH was formed in 1972 with the joining of the ZENHANREN group (National Marketing Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations) and the ZENKOREN gro…See details»


ZENNOH is a federation to handle economic businesses of marketing and supplying. Main businesses are the marketing rice, vegetables, fruits and livestock products and the supplying …See details»

機構図 -

全農京都府本部ホームページに掲載の文章・記事・写真・図表などの無断転載を禁止します。 著作権は全農またはその情報 ...See details»

About ZEN-NOH | ZEN-NOH - JA全農

The National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations (ZEN-NOH) is in charge of the marketing and supply business of the JA Group. It seeks to connect producers and consumers, revitalize production centers, and preserve society …See details»

English | JA全中(一般社団法人 全国農業協同組合中央会)

ZEN-NOH is a federation to handle economic businesses of marketing and supplying. Main businesses are the marketing rice, vegetables, fruits and livestock products and the supplying …See details»

About Us - Zen-Noh

We, the Zen-Noh Group, are the trusted and reliable go-between linking Japanese Wagyu, Rice and Fruit and Veg farmers with the world. We are a cooperative which aims to maximize the return to our farmers in Japan while …See details»

ZEN-NOH Profile | About ZEN-NOH | ZEN-NOH - JA全農

The business objective of the ZEN-NOH Group is to "promote its business through the concerted efforts of its member cooperatives, with the aim of increasing the production efficiency of …See details»

ZEN-NOH Report 2019 We, the ZEN-NOH Group, Are …

To this end, we will fulfill our role in society as a community-based agricultural organization sincerely, by carrying out the following initiatives. 20 Nationwide Store Network We will: 1. Develop agricultural industries in regions to protect …See details»

The JA Group | Our Cooperatives | ZEN-NOH - JA全農

The JA organization as a whole is known as the JA Group. It consists of three levels: primary-level JAs; prefectural-level JA federations and CHUOKAI (Prefectural Central Union of Agricultural …See details»

All Japan Federation of Management Organizations

MEMBER OF ZEN-NOH-REN. <New> ICMCI Asia Pacific Hub meeting 2019. If you have any comments or troubles with our CMC members, please contact our “Qualifications Screening …See details»

Our Cooperatives | ZEN-NOH - JA全農

In Japan, cooperatives are organizations that seek to support communities and daily life therein by managing their operations in a long-term, multifaceted, and altruistic way, based on the …See details»

JA Manifesto | About ZEN-NOH | ZEN-NOH - JA全農

We, members, employees and officers of JA, act in accord with the fundamental definitions, values and principles of cooperative union activities (independence, self-reliance, participation, …See details»

Corporate Identity | About ZEN-NOH | ZEN-NOH - JA全農

We, the ZEN-NOH Group—one unit of the JA Group—, are a trusted and reliable bridge linking producers and consumers. We strive for reliability in our three primary roles: We support …See details»

「JA集出荷システム」が生産者向け栽培管理アプリ 「AGRIHUB …

Ja全農(全国農業協同組合連合会)のWebサイトです。JA全農はJAグループのなかで農畜産物の販売や生産資材の供給を通じて、消費者のみなさまと農家の方々を安心で結ぶ懸け橋になり …See details»

History | About ZEN-NOH | ZEN-NOH - JA全農

4,329 agricultural cooperatives became members of ZEN-NOH. Based on the new concept of corporate identity, "JA" was adopted as the communication name as a replacement for …See details»

~なかやまきんに君が2期目和牛応援団長に就任~ 「和牛消費喚 …

1 day ago · ja全農(全国農業協同組合連合会)のWebサイトです。JA全農はJAグループのなかで農畜産物の販売や生産資材の供給を通じて、消費者のみなさまと農家の方々を安心で結ぶ …See details»

全国の産地を応援する「ニッポンエールプロジェクト」 JA全農× …

2 days ago · 全国農業協同組合連合会(本所:東京都千代田区、代表理事理事長:桑田 義文、以下JA全農)と株式会社伊藤園(本社:東京都渋谷区、社長:本庄 大介、以下伊藤園)は、 …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved