
Neokoros enables the creation of products that make it easier to identify people using their biometric fingerprints. They offer technical support, customer service, and a development lab. They develop comprehensive information technology-based products and services.

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Commercial Information Technology Security Software Technical Support


Goiânia, Goias, Brazil


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+55 62 3541 3230

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[email protected]

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  • Location: United States
  • Latitude: 37.751
  • Longitude: -97.822
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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More informations about "Neokoros"


A Neokoros é especializada no licenciamento de tecnologia biométrica para grandes volumes de dados. Fornecemos um software robusto e flexível que permite a indexação e recuperação …See details»

Neokoros - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Neokoros enables the creation of products that make it easier to identify people using their biometric fingerprints. They offer technical support, customer …See details»

Quem somos – Neokoros

Em 2009 a Neokoros foi finalista do Prêmio MPE Goiás e em 2011 a Neokoros foi vencedora do Prêmio MPE Goiás e uma das quatro finalistas da etapa nacional. 2013 a 2016. Na RioInfo …See details»

Neokoros - Contacts, Employees, Board Members, Advisors

Neokoros develops biometric identification solutions. Start Free Trial . Chrome ExtensionSee details»

Home - Neokoros

Conheça os serviços e produtos Neokoros; Controle de acesso no seu empreendimento; Controle de acesso para hospitais; Controle de Acesso por QR-Code; Gerencie mais dados e facilite o …See details»

Neokoros Biometric Technology - Facebook

Neokoros Biometric Technology, Goiânia, Brazil. 498 likes · 2 talking about this · 59 were here. A NEOKOROS é uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de soluções de identificação …See details»

Neokoros - Crunchbase

Neokoros develops biometric identification solutions. Start Free Trial . Chrome ExtensionSee details»

Neokoros - Company Profile - Tracxn

Neokoros - Provider of integrated access management systems. Neokoros has 241 competitors.See details» - Home - Neokoros Traffic, Ranking, Analytics receives about 60 unique visitors per day, and it is ranked 8,254,302 in the world. uses Nginx, Open Graph, PHP, Slick, WhatsApp Business Chat, jQuery web …See details»


Webmail Acesse e gerencie seu e-mail de qualquer lugar e conte com diversos recursos. ACESSAR WEBMAIL. Conecte-se utilizando o sistema de webmail Roundcube . …See details»

Neokoros - Wikipedia

Neokoros (Ancient Greek: νεωκόρος), plural neokoroi (νεωκόροι), was a sacral office in Ancient Greece associated with the custody of a temple. Under the Roman Empire , the neocorate …See details»

Neokoros - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks - Crunchbase

Neokoros develops biometric identification solutions. Start Free Trial . Chrome ExtensionSee details»

neokoros - ReligionFacts

Jul 24, 2024 Definition: neokoros "Temple warden." Originally, a temple official. From the late 1st cent. CE, a title for a city that held a provincial temple in the Roman Empire.See details»

Exploring the Meaning of Neokoros in Greek - Ministry Voice

The term neokoros, rich in meaning and historical context, highlights the intersections of healthcare, community, and worship in both ancient Greece and the early church. …See details»

Biometria digital controle de acesso - Neokoros

Saiba que na Neokoros você pode ter tudo que precisa quando o assunto for biometria digital controle de acesso. Líder em qualidade, a empresa oferece uma variedade de itens como …See details»

Neokoroi: Greek cities and Roman Emperors. Cincinnati Classical …

Oct 7, 2005 One of the most distinctive aspects of the practices which modern scholars identify as “imperial cult” is the institution of “neokoria”. In the first century C.E., the term “Neokoros” …See details»

Neokoroi: Greek Cities and Roman Emperors | October 2008 (112.4 ...

Burrell has no definitive answer to this question but implies that it should be looked for in the organization of the provincial koina, especially that of Asia. The earliest and longest chapters …See details»

Neokoros - Burrell - - Major Reference Works - Wiley Online Library

Oct 26, 2012 Neokoros (“temple‐warden”) was an official whose duties could range from sacrifice to upkeep and wardship over a shrine and its valuables (Burrell 2004: 3–6). From the …See details»

Controller – Neokoros

Este equipamento sintetiza toda experiência dos 18 anos de projetos da Neokoros. Possui recursos que asseguram a sua compatibilidade com os mais diversos modelos de catracas, …See details»

neokoros - definition and meaning - Wordnik

Neokoros: In Greek antiquity , the guardian of a temple: in some cases merely a janitor or temple-sweeper, in others a priestly officer of much dignity, having charge of the treasures dedicated …See details»