NetProfit specializes in marketing tools, digital media, e-commerce, public relations, web technology, media planning, and consultation.
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Consulting E-Commerce Marketing
Wollerau, Schwyz, Switzerland
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+41 079 600 1317
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- Location: Ashburn United States
- Latitude: 39.018
- Longitude: -77.539
- Metro Code: 511
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Postal: 20147

More informations about "NetProfit"
Netprofit öffnet Türen, schafft Markttransparenz und setzt Wachstumstrategien in die Tat um. Vertriebsberatung für Digital Business in der Schweiz. Wir helfen Unternehmen beim Eintritt in …See details»
Foundations in Switzerland : StiftungSchweiz
Nonprofit Organizations -
81 percent of Swiss households donate regularly.* Reach your donors exactly where they pay their bills: in online banking. eBill Donations gives your donation requests maximum visibility …See details»
What is the difference between a registered charity and a non …
Registered charities are charitable organizations, public foundations, or private foundations that are created and resident in Canada. They must use their resources for charitable activities and …See details»
Category : Non-profit organisations based in Switzerland
Non-profit organizations based in Switzerland. This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total. The following 49 pages are in this category, out of 49 total. This list may not …See details»
Launch of the new TGE tool - Swiss Philanthropy
Nov 29, 2023 · This platform enables Swiss-based organizations to receive donations from donors based in Europe, and Swiss donors to make online donations to organizations in 18 …See details»
NPO – Non Profit Organisation | GmbH
„ GmbH zeigt NPO auf, wie sie effizient und schlagkräftig handeln können, um die Wirkung ihrer Tätigkeit zum Wohle der Zivilgesellschaft zu erhöhen.“ …See details»
The non-profits and philanthropic sector of Switzerland: Definition ...
By the end of 2011, there were 12,700 charitable foundations active in Switzerland with a total endowment of approximately CHF70bn and annual payouts estimated to be around CHF1– …See details»
Nonprofit Organization (NPO): Definition and Example
Mar 3, 2024 · What Is a Nonprofit Organization? A nonprofit organization is an entity that is created and operated for charitable or socially beneficial purposes rather than to make a profit. …See details»
List of NGOs in Switzerland - GlobalGiving Atlas
GlobalGiving Atlas has more than 9.7 million validated nonprofits, charities, and NGOs, including 41,577 charities and nonprofits in Switzerland, making it the largest list of nonprofits available.See details»
2021 Schweizer Top 100 Nonprofit-Organisationen - Buzz Factory
Wir haben wichtige und wertvolle Informationen darüber gefunden, wie führende Organisationen in der Schweiz erfolgreich Kampagnen durchführen. Hier finden Sie Informationenüber …See details»
Who or What is Actually a Non-Profit? - StiftungSchweiz-Blog
Jan 23, 2024 · Non-profit status is not a protected term. In contrast to certain labels or certifications (such as Zewo), any organization can call itself a non-profit organization. In …See details»
Non-Profit-Organisationen -
Non-Profit-Organisationen (NPO) beschäftigen je nach Einsatzbereich nicht nur Betriebswirtschafterinnen und Juristen, sondern auch Fachpersonen aus anderen …See details»
CEOs von Non-Profit-Organisationen verdienen bis zu 250’000 …
Feb 11, 2021 · Non-Profit Organisationen zahlen ihren Kadern bis zu einer Viertelmillion Franken pro Jahr aus. Andere Non-Profit-Organisationen weisen die Löhne der Chefetage gar nicht …See details»
Non-Profit Organization Classifier (NPO-C) -
The Non-Profit Organization classifier (NPO-C) is an AI tool that has been developed at CEPS to classify the non-profit status of a certain organization based on its mission statement.See details»
Nonprofit-Organisationen (NPO): eine kurze Geschichte -
Non-Profit-Organisationen  sind private Organisationen;  haben ein Mindestmass an formaler Organisation;  sind weitgehend selbstbestimmte Organisationen;  dürfen keine Gewinne an …See details»
How To Start A Nonprofit In 5 Steps (2024 Guide) - Forbes
May 6, 2024 · Starting a nonprofit offers philanthropic-hearted individuals many benefits, including more credibility, donors and grants. However, it is not right for everyone. In this guide, learn if …See details»
Nonprofit organization | Definition, Types & Benefits | Britannica
Nov 13, 2024 · Nonprofit organization, an organization, typically dedicated to pursuing mission-oriented goals through the collective actions of citizens, that is not formed and organized so as …See details»
Solved Jackson County Senior Services is a nonprofit - Chegg
Jackson County Senior Services is a nonprofit organization providing three services to seniors who live in their own homes—home nursing, Meals on Wheels, and housekeeping. Revenue …See details»
30+ Types Of Nonprofits: 501(c)3, 501(c)4, And More - G2
Sep 13, 2024 · Common nonprofit organization examples include public schools, public clinics, labor unions, volunteer service organizations, research institutes, museums, and legal aid …See details»