
NetRatings, LLC, doing business as Nielsen, provides Internet audience measurement and analysis in the United States and internationally. Its primary products and services include NetView, MegaPanel, SiteCensus, VideoCensus, AdRelevance, @Plan, and Homescan Online. NetView provides measurement of audience behavior for the worldwide Web and the digital media universe, including proprietary channels, instant messaging, media players, and various online applications. MegaPanel provides increased br... eadth and depth of Internet behavior and activity for the market research industry, including detailed e-commerce transaction information. SiteCensus offers Web analytical services based on a Web siteโ€™s actual traffic flows and visitor behavior. VideoCensus provides insight into video streams consumed online. AdRelevance offers information on online advertising expenditures, including where, when, how, and how much companies are advertising online. @Plan is a resource for demographic, lifestyle, and product preferences to guide advertisers, agencies, Web publishers, and others in their online marketing and media planning strategies. Homescan Online, a joint product with ACNielsen Corporation, combines ACNielsenโ€™s offline consumer retail purchasing data with its Internet audience measurement data. In addition, it offers customized research and advisory services from industry experts. It serves companies in the media, technology, advertising, financial services, consumer products, retail, and travel industries in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, and Latin America. It has strategic relationships with Nielsen Media Research, Inc. and ACNielsen Corporation. The company was incorporated in 1997 and is based in New York, New York. As of June 22, 2007, NetRatings, LLC operates as a subsidiary of Nielsen N.V.

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Advertising Analytics Digital Media


New York, New York, United States

United States

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Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Technology used in webpage:
Microsoft Exchange Online Verizon UltraDNS Neustar

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Stock Details

Company's stock symbol is NASDAQ:NTRT

Acquisitions List

Date Company Article Price
2003-12-29 RedSherrif RedSherrif acquired by NetRatings N/A
2002-08-05 Netvalue SA Netvalue SA acquired by NetRatings N/A
2002-04-09 AdRelevance AdRelevance acquired by NetRatings 8.5 M USD

Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2001-10-30 MeasureCast NetRatings investment in Series B - MeasureCast 8.5 M USD
2000-09-26 Predictive Networks NetRatings investment in Series C - Predictive Networks 45 M USD

Official Site Inspections

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  • Location: United States
  • Latitude: 37.751
  • Longitude: -97.822
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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