
Nvestly enables users to see what their friends are investing in. Share real trades, compare returns with friends, and see what top investors are holding. All information on Nvestly is in percentage terms, so nobody will ever see how much money is being invested. Nvestly uses Intuit technology to securely sync with each brokerage using bank-level security. All important data is protected with 256-bit level encryption. That's the same level of encryption complexity required of most large global ... financial institutions. All investment information on Nvestly is real and verified. As of May 15, 2014, Nvestly supports TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, E*TRADE, and Scottrade. Nvestly was founded by a team of former asset management professionals, designers, and technologists to empower people to become better investors. They are based in Los Angeles and are committed to bringing institutional investment best practices and simple, intuitive design to investors, regardless of portfolio size. Their mission is to empower people to become better investors through powerful technology and simple design. Investing today is daunting, overwhelming, and oftentimes lonely. They'd like to change that.

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Current Employees Featured


Chea Thaing
Chea Thaing Lead UX Designer @ Nvestly
Lead UX Designer


Otávio Dalarossa
Otávio Dalarossa CEO @ Nvestly


Chris Tung
Chris Tung Co-founder @ Nvestly


Kevin Yu
Kevin Yu CMO @ Nvestly



Chris Tung


Otávio Dalarossa

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  • Postal: 20149

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More informations about "Nvestly"

Nvestly - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Nvestly was founded by a team of former asset management professionals, designers, and technologists to empower people to become better investors. They are based in Los Angeles …See details»

Chris Tung Profile: Contact Information & Network | PitchBook

Chris Tung’s primary position is Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer. Discover how our experts ensure you’re getting the most accurate financial data in the industry. Our data …See details»

Nvestly: Our Fintech Story - YouTube

Exploring Fintech Startups: The Story of NvestlySubscribe for more Fintech Stories and Business Book Summaries----------When I worked in investment managemen...See details»

Nvestly - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks - Crunchbase

Nvestly uses 15 technology products and services including HTML5, Amazon EC2, and .NET 4.5, according to G2 Stack. Nvestly is actively using 3 technologies for its website, according to …See details»

Nvestly - Contacts, Employees, Board Members, Advisors & Alumni

Nvestly enables users to follow real portfolios of top investors.See details»

How Nvestly aims to help investors learn from each other

Nov 5, 2014 · Within Nvestly, users can follow Facebook friends or the network’s top performing investors, who are ranked based on their rate of return. Nvestly doesn’t display how much …See details»

Nvestly - Overview, News & Competitors | ZoomInfo.com

Nvestly is the worlds first investment network that lets you see real portfolios of top investors. Nvestly uses Intuit technology to securely connect to real brokerages and protects users' …See details»

Nvestly is the social Mint for stock trading you never knew

Feb 2, 2015 · Founded by Otávio Dalarossa and his co-founder Chris Tung, Nvestly is a self-described " verified social investment platform ." If you're familiar with the fantastic Mint.com …See details»

Nvestly - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, …

Nvestly ceased operations. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Nvestly's full profile.See details»

Nvestly - VentureRadar

Website: http://nvestly.com/ Nvestly enables users to securely share real investment information with their followers on Nvestly and other social networks. Users can share real trades, …See details»

2 Things Nvestly CEO Says All Novice Investors Should Do - Yahoo …

Nov 5, 2014 · Otavio Dalarossa didn’t plan on a career in finance. He has a degrees in math and engineering, but fell in love with markets when witnessing the action in 2008. Now he's the …See details»

Our Fintech Story: Nvestly on Vimeo

Exploring Fintech Startups: The Story of Nvestly Produce by Board Studios (boardstudios.com) ----- When I worked in investment management, I noticed that…See details»

New Product Review: Nvestly Combines Social and Transparency …

Jan 21, 2015 · Launched publicly in November 2014, Nvestly is a social investing platform that lets users track successful stock traders and create investment groups.See details»

Nvestly - Crunchbase

Nvestly enables users to follow real portfolios of top investors.See details»

Nvestly - Happy to announce that Nvestly is now open to.

Oct 7, 2014 · Happy to announce that Nvestly is now open to the public. To join, just go to nvestly.com! Also excited to see some press coverage today. Thanks for all the support!!!...See details»

Nvestly - Product Information, Latest Updates, and Reviews 2024 ...

Nvestly.com. Social. WellFound. Makers. All makers. Alternative Products. Finexy. Use our tools to invest like Buffett. Robinhood for Apple Watch. Glance at your portfolio & invest on-the-go. …See details»

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Starting to use InsiderMonkey to quickly look at insider trading. Any other recommended sites? http://www.insidermonkey.com/insider-trading/company/demand+media+inc/1365038/ Yea I …See details»

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Share real portfolio info without revealing dollar amount.See details»

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A free interactive social investing platform where traders track, share, & copy trades. Welcome back! Log into your account here.See details»

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