Telecommunications company owned 50% by Enel and 50% by CDP Equity, which operates wholesale in the optical fiber infrastructure market.
Rome, Lazio, Italy
Website Url:
Total Funding:
2.12 B EUR
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Current Advisors List
Current Employees Featured
Mario Rossetti Chief Executive Officer @ Open Fiber
Chief Executive Officer
Barbara Marinali Chairman @ Open Fiber
Giorgio De Guzzis Head of CEO Office @ Open Fiber
Head of CEO Office
Investors List
Macquarie Group
Macquarie Group investment in Secondary Market - Open Fiber
Key Employee Changes
Date | New article |
2021-12-06 | Open Fiber confirms Rossetti as CEO, Marinali as chairman |
Official Site Inspections Semrush global rank: 186.85 K Semrush visits lastest month: 421.05 K
- Host name:
- IP address:
- Location: United States
- Latitude: 37.751
- Longitude: -97.822
- Timezone: America/Chicago

More informations about "Open Fiber"
Company structure - Open Fiber
Open Fiber S.p.A. was created to install, supply and operate high-speed FTTH FTTH “Fiber to the Home” is the technology that connects POPs, located in exchanges, to end users’ property units with fiber optics. optical fiber Optical …See details»
Open Fiber - Managers - Open Fiber Organisational chart
After earning his degree in Business Economy magna cum laude, from L.U.I.S.S. «Guido Carli» University (Rome), he successfully got a Ph.D in corporate tax law. From February 12°, 2018 …See details»
Open Fiber - La rete FTTH in fibra ottica che trasforma l'Italia
Portiamo la fibra ottica su tutto il territorio nazionale per dare una nuova velocità al Paese. Scopri le opportunità della connessione FTTH di Open Fiber.See details»
Open Fiber - Wikipedia
Enel Open Fiber was established in December 2015, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Italian energy company Enel, in order to build an independent fibre-based access network. In July 2016, the company acquired Metroweb from F2i SGR and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, a private equity fund and a sovereign wealth fund respectively. However, CDP also acquired 50% stake in Open Fiber. See details»
Org Chart Open Fiber - The Official Board
The organizational chart of Open Fiber displays its 18 main executives including Giuseppe Gola and Alessandra Ferone. Toggle navigation The Official Board. Search. Search. ... has 18 executives - and belongs to Enel +39 …See details»
Open Fiber - Wikipedia
La società nacque nel mese di dicembre del 2015 [5] prefiggendosi la realizzazione, la gestione e la manutenzione di un'infrastruttura di rete a banda ultralarga in fibra ottica FTTH che copra …See details»
Open Fiber - Org Chart, Teams, Culture & Jobs - The Org
HR Organization Head Of Organization Planning Compensation Digital HROF. 17. RR. Romina Romeo. Head Of HR Talent Acquisition Gestione Del Personale Comunicazione Interna. 3. …See details»
Open Fiber - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Open Fiber S.p.A. is a telecommunications company owned by Enel S.p.A. and CDP Equity S.p.A., which operates wholesale in the optical fiber infrastructure market.See details»
Open Fiber Management Team | Org Chart - RocketReach; Giulia Ritondale Head of Sustainability at Open Fiber Rome, IT View. 1; Nicola Grassi Chief Technology Officer at Open Fiber Rome, IT View. 1; View …See details»
Open Fiber - lobbyfacts
May 13, 2022 Open Fiber, a wholesale-only operator on the Italian electronic communications infrastructure market, was founded to develop an ultra broadband (UBB) network consisting …See details»
Open Fiber SpA - Overview, News & Similar companies - ZoomInfo
Jul 4, 2022 Open Fiber was born with the aim of bringing ultra-wide band optical fiber (BUL) throughout the national territory to give the country a new speed, open to people access to the …See details»
Open Fiber: Chi è, Copertura, Contatti -
Jul 24, 2024 @openfiber_it: Profilo Linkedin Open Fiber: @openfiberspa: La sede legale di Open Fiber si trova in Viale Certosa 2 a Milano, mentre la sede operativa è a Roma, in Via …See details»
Corporate - Open Fiber
Bringing the ultra-broadband Broadband The term broadband, in telecommunications, generally refers to the transmission and reception of information data at a connection speed of over 144 …See details»
Open Fiber Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding & Investors
Open Fiber General Information Description. Provider of optical fiber network services intended to serve customers across all Italian regions. The company engages in fiber optic network …See details»
Cos'è e cosa fa Open Fiber - FibraClick Wiki
Aug 21, 2022 Copertura delle città; Lavori di copertura; Operatori disponibili; Tecnologia; Finanziamenti pubblici e aree bianche; Copertura delle città. Il piano originale di Open Fiber …See details»
Italy Sees Open Fiber, FiberCop Union as Single Telecom Network
Oct 3, 2024 Italy’s government envisages a union of Open Fiber SpA and FiberCop to form a single Italian network, according to a top the finance ministry official.. Italy wants to have “just …See details»
Open Fiber: new Governance begins with the appointment of the …
The village of Sabbioneta was awarded ‘Best Tourism Village 2023’ by the World Tourism Organization, partly due to innovative digital services based on the use of Open Fiber’s …See details»
Open Fiber: funzionamento e operatori partner |
Cos'è una rete? Una rete di telecomunicazioni è un insieme di dispositivi hardware e software interconnessi per scambiare e condividere risorse, dati o informazioni.In una rete informatica, i …See details»
Open Fiber - Craft
Open Fiber is a company that provides telecommunication services. It offers ultra-broadband, infrastructure, construction, management and maintenance of the optical fiber network, and …See details»
Open Fiber - Home page - We connect Italy,1 gigabit at once
FTTHFTTH “Fiber to the Home” is the technology that connects POPs, located in exchanges, to end users’ property units with fiber optics. fibre optic technology forms the backboneBackbone …See details»