OCERS provides lifetime retirement and disability benefits to employees of the County and certain districts.
Financial Services
Santa Ana, California, United States
United States
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(888) 570-6277
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[email protected]
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- Location: United States
- Latitude: 37.751
- Longitude: -97.822
- Timezone: America/Chicago

More informations about "Orange County Employees Retirement System"
Organization Chart - OCERS
OCERS Organization Chart Chief Executive Officer Steve Delaney Director of Internal Audit David Kim Assistant CEO, External Operations Suzanne Jenike Assistant CEO, Finance & Internal …See details»
About OCERS - OCERS - Orange County Employees …
Oct 19, 2018 Welcome to OCERS, the Orange County Employees Retirement System. For over 75 years, OCERS has been providing retirement, death, disability, and cost-of-living benefits to employees of the County and certain …See details»
Login - OCERS
Secure login portal for OCERS members to access personal retirement system information and manage account features online.See details»
Orange County Employees Retirement System | LinkedIn
The Orange County Employees Retirement System (OCERS) provides retirement, death, disability, and cost-of living benefits to employees of the County of Orange and certain County special districts ...See details»
REAOC | Retired Employees Association of Orange …
To contact OCERS – call (714) 558-6200 or go to to go to their website and sign-into “MyOCERS” to update your information. To contact the County of Orange Employee Benefits Services Center – call (833) 476-2347 …See details»
Systems > Orange - SACRS
Organization Structure; Governing Documents. Bylaws; Vision, Mission, Core Values; Articles of Incorporation; Financials; ... and cost-of-living benefits to employees of the County and certain districts. During that time, OCERS' …See details»
Orange County Employees Retirement Systems in Santa Ana , CA
Operational for more than 60 years, the Orange County Employees Retirement System (OCERS) is a provider of death, disability, retirement and cost-of-living benefits to the employees of …See details»
Manager Benefits | Orange County Managers Association - OCMA
Additional information regarding your retirement benefit, including a “retirement calculator” for general retirement benefits that you will be paid upon retirement, can be obtained at the …See details»
2020 Annual Report -
Jun 16, 2021 OCERS Chief Executive Officer, Steve Delaney and the co-president of the Retired Employees Association of Orange County, Linda Robinson, celebrated OCERS’ 75th …See details»
Orange County Employees Retirement System
OCERS offers disability benefits to employees who are unable to work due to a qualifying disability. Survivor Benefits: Upon a member's death, OCERS provides benefits to designated beneficiaries, which may include lifetime or lump sum …See details»
Orange County Employees Retirement System Set For 20-Year …
Molly Murphy is the chief investment officer at Orange County Employees Retirement System (OCERS), where she provides investment oversight to more than $17 billion of defined benefit …See details»
Orange County Employees Retirement System Forges New …
Jan 12, 2022 Today, OCERS is among the nation’s 100 largest public pension funds, with the Investment Committee overseeing the system’s diverse portfolio of an estimated $21.5 billion …See details»
Orange County Employees Retirement System | Santa …
The Orange County Employees Retirement System (OCERS) is a government public pension system. Page · Government organization 2223 E. Wellington Avenue, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA, United States, CaliforniaSee details»
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - OCERS
OCERS Website In May 2019, OCERS launched a completely new website. The redesigned website was a multi-year project, developed and created by OCERS’ team members and a …See details»
myOCERS | Santa Ana CA - Facebook
MyOCERS, Santa Ana, California. 95 likes · 13 talking about this. Over 75 years of providing retirement, death, disability, and cost-of-living benefits to OC employeesSee details»
What is OCERS? Company Culture, Mission, Values | Glassdoor
Sharing the mission of the organization is important. Executive. Current employee. Recommend. CEO approval. Business outlook. Pros. ... Work at OCERS? Share your experiences. OCERS. …See details»
2021-2023 STRATEGIC PLAN -
CULTIVATE A RISK‐INTELLIGENT ORGANIZATION ... Title: 2021-2023 STRATEGIC PLAN Author: OCERS Subject: 2021-2023 STRATEGIC PLAN Keywords: 2021 …See details»
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS “2.7 at 55” Retirement Benefits …
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS “2.7 at 55” Retirement Benefits Workshop (non-safety employees; non- AFSCME represented employees) 7-8-2020 . Retirement IncentivesSee details»
OCERS 2020 Business Plan
GOAL: CULTIVATE A RISK-INTELLIGENT ORGANIZATION . Business Plan Initiatives . Objective A: Provide System and Data Security and a Robust Business Continuity ...See details»