Outa[dev] is a 17 years-old indie developer. he have created a few mobil

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  • Host name: lfbn-cae-1-821-199.w86-237.abo.wanadoo.fr
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More informations about "outa[dev]"

outa[dev] - Home

Experimentation. I like to experiment with new technologies and having fun with them making stuff, useful or not. Have fun too!See details»

outa[dev] - Accueil - dev.outadoc.fr

Outa[dev] Accueil ; Projets ; À propos de moi ; Réseaux sociaux; Stack Overflow; Github; LinkedIn; Bienvenue ! Vous êtes bien sur le portfolio de projets logiciels de Baptiste …See details»

outadoc/mastodonk: Kotlin/Multiplatform library for Mastodon

Kotlin/Multiplatform library for Mastodon. Contribute to outadoc/mastodonk development by creating an account on GitHub.See details»

outa[dev] - DeLorean Digital Speedometer Replica

This project consisted in the making of a functional replica of the speedometer seen in the cult science-fiction film Back to the Future. The finished product relies on a Freematics OBD-II UART adapter, connected directly to the car's ECU …See details»

@outadoc.fr on Bluesky - bsky.app

Normand amateur de chats, de Kotlin et de bidouille informatique. Dev Android sur Lyon. il/him Retrouvez moi plutôt sur Mastodon. https://mastodon.social/@outadoc …See details»

GitHub - outadoc/SkinSwitch-Android: Android version of the …

SkinSwitch is a Minecraft skin switcher build for iOS and Android. The Android version has been released under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 license, so feel free to use it under these terms!See details»

outadoc/blog.outadoc.fr: My personal blog - GitHub

My personal blog. Contribute to outadoc/blog.outadoc.fr development by creating an account on GitHub.See details»

ping timeout_ | Le blog fourre-tout de @outadoc.

Le blog fourre-tout de @outadoc. ping timeout_ Jun 26, 2020 Converting your Gradle build files to the Kotlin DSL. ... The Arduino’s firmware development was a tough task, as I had to learn a lot about interrupts, serial communication and …See details»

Creating and Managing Organizations - DEV Help - DEV ... - DEV …

Admins can manage Organization members' status from this page, including "Revoke Admin Status" and "Remove from Organization." Thank you to our Diamond Sponsor Neon for …See details»

Créer une organisation - Azure DevOps | Microsoft Learn

Oct 24, 2024 Pour plus d’informations, consultez Choix de votre organization type de compte administrateur. Planification : découvrez comment planifier votre structure organisationnelle. Créer une organisation. Connectez-vous à Azure …See details»

outa[dev] - FreeStance Desktop - dev.outadoc.fr

The desktop version of FreeStance was one of my first desktop programs. This application allows you to control your Freebox (French set-top box) from your computer.See details»

Organizations - DEV Help - DEV Community

Organizations Organization accounts are free for companies, open-source projects, and groups who want to join together on DEV. Lots of companies have taken advantage of creating their …See details»

Create a DEV Organization - DEV Community

Create an Organization on DEV and make the most of your team's developer-facing content. Create a Free Organization Page What You'll Get with a Free Organization Page ️ Reach …See details»

Ajouter des utilisateurs à des organisations et gérer l’accès - Azure ...

Oct 23, 2024 Sélectionnez Ajouter pour terminer votre invitation.. Ajouter un utilisateur | Répertorier les utilisateurs | Supprimer un utilisateur | Mettre à jour un utilisateur | Afficher les …See details»

.com ou .fr, .net ou .org : quelle extension de domaine choisir

Jun 3, 2024 Parmi les milliers d’extensions disponibles, les plus courantes sont .com ou .fr, dans le cas de la France, mais il existe aussi .org et .net. Pour choisir celle qui vous convient le …See details»

outa[dev] - Server List - dev.outadoc.fr

Server List for Minecraft is the best way to simply manage and control your favorite Minecraft servers. Either if you are a player or a server administrator that wants to control the status of …See details»

Development and Peace – Caritas Canada: more than 55 year of …

555 René-Lévesque Blvd. West, 8th Floor Montreal (Quebec) Canada H2Z 1B1. Phone: 514-257-8711 Toll-free: 1-888-234-8533 Fax: 514-257-8497 Email: [email protected]See details»

Attribuer un propriétaire à une organisation orpheline

Oct 24, 2024 Prérequis. Autorisations :. Être administrateur Azure DevOps dans Microsoft Entra ID. Si vous utilisez Privileged Identity Management, l’administrateur Azure DevOps doit être de …See details»

outa[dev] - La Trouvaille - dev.outadoc.fr

My first commissioned project, where I had to rewrite from scratch the website of a french seller of petrol pumps.See details»

Accéder à votre organisation avec l’ID Microsoft Entra - Azure …

Oct 23, 2024 Étapes générales pour connecter votre organisation à l’ID Microsoft Entra. Connectez-vous à l’ID Microsoft Entra : si votre organisation a été créée avec un compte …See details»