
Park Legal LLC is an Indianapolis-based law firm that assists clients in the areas of data privacy, security and records management. Unlike many other firms, our lawyers have decades of experience as in-house counsel as well as experience as regulators. They also have information security experts working side-by-side with us. As such, they offer a next generational approach to the practice of law by integrating technology into our operations and by providing materials to clients in a format that... is business-focused and prioritized to address key risks. They also eliminate the use of multiple associates and generalists who are not fully immersed in this specialized and continuously evolving area of lawโ€”and who therefore may overlook critical factors in providing counseling to you, or increase your bills unnecessarily as you pay for their research and training. They offer end-to-end services to our clients though an affiliated on-line training company and a software company, making it easier, faster and more economical for your organization to ensure a solid level of compliance. In addition, we collaborate with an international law firm with 21 offices across Europe and Asia, as well as external security experts in the U.S. and globally. These resources can be added as needed in a seamless, cost-efficient manner to provide full service to your organization.

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Consulting Information Technology Legal

Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

United States


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Current Employees Featured


Joan Antokol
Joan Antokol Founder and Managing Partner @ Park Legal
Founder and Managing Partner



Joan Antokol

Newest Events participated

the-8th-annual-european-data-protection-privacy-conference_event_image Participated in The 8th Annual European Data Protection & Privacy Conference on 2017-11-30 as sponsor

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