BancoPosta is a unit of the Italian Post Office that provides financial services, including savings, prepaid cards, exchange brokerage services, investment services, insurance, and various payment services. BancoPosta does not have a banking license and cannot directly provide loans to third parties, but is involved in the promotion and placement of public loans granted by banks and financial intermediaries. The bank services are available at all post offices in Italy.
Roma, Lazio, Italy
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Current Employees Featured
Giovanni Fantasia Head of Group Small Business Direct and Indirect Channel @ BancoPosta
Head of Group Small Business Direct and Indirect Channel
Mirko Mischiatti Digital, Technology & Operations @ BancoPosta
Digital, Technology & Operations
Nicola Sotira Head Of CERT @ BancoPosta
Head Of CERT
Acquisitions List
Date | Company | Article | Price |
2022-02-28 | LIS Holding | LIS Holding acquired by BancoPosta | 700 M EUR |
Official Site Inspections
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- Location: United States
- Latitude: 37.751
- Longitude: -97.822
- Timezone: America/Chicago

More informations about "BancoPosta"
BancoPosta documents - Poste Italiane
The organization, management and control rules governing the functioning of BancoPosta’s Ring-Fenced Capital are contained in the “Regolamento del Patrimonio BancoPosta” …See details»
BancoPosta - Wikipedia
BancoPosta is the Italian postal savings system that operates as a unit of the Italian Post Office providing financial services, including savings accounts, prepaid cards, exchange brokerage services, investment services, insurance, and various payment services. BancoPosta does not have a banking license and cannot directly provide loans to third parties, but is involved in the promotion and placement of public loans granted by banks and financial intermediaries. The ba…See details»
Organisation - Poste Italiane
Company Information Poste Italiane SpA Share Capital: 1,306,110,000 Euros fully paid TIN and Companies Register of Rome no. 97103880585See details»
Poste Italiane - Servizi postali, finanziari e assicurativi
Poste Italiane vi presenta l´offerta di prodotti e servizi postali, finanziari e assicurativi, disponibili online e negli uffici postali presenti in tutta Italia. La versione del tuo browser non è aggiornata. Per una migliore navigazione del …See details»
BancoPosta | International
Apr 9, 2024 In 1999 Poste Italiane underwent a major corporate restructuring, from which BancoPosta was born. The new company division deals both with the savings collection …See details»
Organizzazione - Poste Italiane
Il mini-sito dedicato alla presentazione dei risultati raggiunti da Poste Italiane nel 2023. Uno spazio web in italiano e in inglese, accessibile, con tutte le informazioni sulla Relazione Finanziaria, contenuti arricchiti da video …See details»
About us – Poste Italiane
3 Institutional investors in Poste Italiane SpA who take environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into account in their investment activities.. Organisational structure. The …See details»
Report on corporate governance and ownership structure - Poste …
The unbundling of BancoPosta RFC from Poste Italiane’s remaining capital – with Poste Italiane continuing to be a unitary entity with corporate status whose responsibilities fall upon the …See details»
Poste Italiane Company Presentation
Previously CEO of Poste Vita and Poste Assicura, Chairwoman of ANIA, Vice President of FEBAF Board of Directors Matteo DEL FANTE CEO & General Manager CEO of Poste Italiane since …See details»
BancoPosta - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
BancoPosta is a unit of the Italian Post Office that provides financial services. ... 219,025; Highlights. Acquisitions 1. ... Industries . Banking . Headquarters …See details»
Login OIDC - BancoPosta Impresa Online
Access BancoPosta Impresa Online for secure and innovative internet banking services to manage your business accounts, payments, and reporting.See details»
Financial Services - Poste Italiane
BancoPosta is one of Italy’s biggest financial service providers, a major player that is constantly expanding its range of services for households. It is mainly engaged in: ... Poste Vita and …See details»
APP BancoPosta - Poste Italiane
Con l'APP BancoPosta puoi controllare il saldo e la lista movimenti del tuo Conto Bancoposta e delle Postepay, pagare bollettini, inviare denaro ed effettuare ricariche! ... Poste e PostePay …See details»
Accedi o Registrati - Poste Italiane
La versione del tuo browser non è aggiornata. Per una migliore navigazione del sito, scarica la versione più recente.See details»
Conto Corrente BancoPosta, anche Online - Poste Italiane
Per aprire il conto tramite App BancoPosta occorre scaricare l'App BancoPosta dagli store dei sistemi operativi del dispositivo elettronico di cui si dispone e seguire le indicazioni riportate in …See details»
Servizi online - Poste Italiane
Scopri i servizi di online di Poste Italiane: puoi inviare denaro, gestire la carta prepagata Postepay e le carte di credito BancoPosta, accedere al tuo conto online, pagare i bollettini. La versione …See details»
About Us - Poste Italiane
In December 2023, Poste Italiane was ranked as the world's "Sector Leader" for sustainability in the insurance sector according to the S&P Global rating agency subsequently being included …See details»
Video storici: "Servizi a danaro" di Bancoposta | TG Poste - Le …
Nov 15, 2024 Entrano in piena attività i servizi a danaro dell’amministrazione P.T., i cosiddetti servizi Bancoposta che con i conti corretti, i vaglia, i libretti di risparmio e i buoni postali …See details»
Accedi o Registrati - Poste
Poste Italiane dà valore alla tua privacy Questo sito web utilizza cookie tecnici, anche di terze parti (per consentire la corretta e fluida funzionalità del sito web) e, previa la tua accettazione …See details»
BancoPosta - Apps on Google Play
With the BancoPosta App you can easily and securely manage your current account, your Postepay cards, your vouchers and postal savings books on the go. Log in now, even with …See details»