Professional HealthCare is a home health and hospice company that operated 27 locations in northern California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah.

#SimilarOrganizations #More


Health Care


California City, California, United States

United States


Similar Organizations


Mission Healthcare

Mission Healthcare is a home health and hospice services provider.


Pets llc.

Pets is an electronic animal health record and data company.


Professional Family Eyecare

Professional Family Eyecare is a company dedicated to its patients and their community.


Prosper Animal Health

Prosper Animal Health (PAH) is an animal health company.


Village Health Care

Village Health Care is a health care and hospital company.

More informations about "Professional HealthCare"

About us - HealthCareCAN

HealthCareCAN is the national voice of healthcare organizations and hospitals across Canada. We foster informed and continuous, results oriented discovery and innovation across the continuum of healthcare. We act with others to โ€ฆSee details»

Healthcare Associations/Organizations Websites - IPAC Canada

Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) British Infection Association (BIA) ... Canadian Public Health Association โ€ฆSee details»


Jul 23, 2021 Canadian Medical Association: The CMA is a voluntary professional organization representing approximately 65,000 physicians across Canada. The CMA's mandate is to โ€ฆSee details»

Canadian Organizations - Healthcare Excellence

See details»

Canada Association of Certified Health Practitioners

Comprised of health practitioners from all across the nation, Canada Association of Certified Health Practitioners (CACHP) is a registered non-profit organization representing healthcare โ€ฆSee details»

List of Professional Nursing Organizations |

A comprehensive directory of professional nursing organizations from the #1 hospital review site & largest job board for nurses. Sign In with Facebook ... well, nurses. That's why we rely on โ€ฆSee details»

Regulated health professions -

Health profession-specific Acts (for example, Medicine Act, 1991) This legislative framework establishes health regulatory colleges which regulate the professions in the public interest. โ€ฆSee details»

HealthCareCAN | 2024-2029 Strategic Plan

As the national voice of hospitals, health authorities, healthcare and health research organizations across Canada, HealthCareCANโ€™s focus in the coming years will be to drive the evolution of our health system to champion health โ€ฆSee details»

Healthcare Professional Associations & Organizations

Healthcare Professional Associations & Organizations bring people together to promote the industry's mission and to connect with like-minded professionals.See details»

Healthcare Organizations - Health Quality Council of Alberta

International healthcare organizations . Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (USA) American Health Quality Association (USA) American Society for Quality (USA) Australian โ€ฆSee details»

The state of the health workforce in Canada, 2023 | CIHI

Dec 17, 2024 The trends in this report shed light on the state of the health workforce that may be engaged in primary care. Additional data and further examination of these trends at more local โ€ฆSee details»

Top Professional Healthcare Organizations - BestOrgs

Our List of Professional Healthcare Organizations, Membership Communities, and Associations. BestOrgs' thesis is simple: to provide value to those searching for the best professional โ€ฆSee details»

Five Professional Organizations for Healthcare Management โ€ฆ

5 days ago The leading professional organization for Healthcare Administrative Management, the AAHAM is one of the most important connections for healthcare management โ€ฆSee details»

15 Professional Nursing Organizations (With Certifications)

Mar 15, 2024 The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) has 52 local chapters with over 8,000 members. The organization works to improve health care for infants, โ€ฆSee details»

How Professional Organizations Can Benefit Your Career in โ€ฆ

Oct 5, 2023 Joining a professional healthcare organization can significantly enhance the lives and careers of healthcare workers, providing invaluable resources, continuing education, โ€ฆSee details»

Exploring how Professional Associations Influence Health System ...

Health care system transformations that align with the principles of integrated care require the collaborative efforts of various macro-, meso- and micro-level stakeholders. ... The functions of โ€ฆSee details»

8 Professional Associations for Healthcare Administrators

USAHS offers a Master of Health Administration (MHA) program designed for working healthcare professionals who want to improve systems of leadership, finance, informatics, operations, โ€ฆSee details»

Associations Advancing Healthcare Leaders - AHIMA, ACHE, HCAA โ€ฆ

Mar 27, 2020 WHCM is an all-volunteer professional organization for healthcare managers and leaders seeking to further their careers and contribute to a more diverse, inclusive, and โ€ฆSee details»

Benefits of Joining Professional Healthcare Organizations

Professional Healthcare Organizations You Should Join. Written by Shanna S. As you look forward to continuing your education and entering a career in the field of Healthcare โ€ฆSee details»

Social Determinants of Health Framework and Resource Guide

When developing the framework, we used the following sources to identify social determinants of health. You can apply the principles of the framework to any social determinants of health โ€ฆSee details» © 2022. All rights reserved