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Rafael Ortiz Founder @ Project YX
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More informations about "Project YX"
Leadership - ProjectYM
ProjectYM is an organization built for youth ministers BY youth ministers... Our team has decades of in the trenches experience in a variety of ministry contexts, and we've come together to be part of ProjectYM for three key reasons: We …See details»
ProjectYM Helps Catholic Youth Ministers Thrive!
One-of-a-Kind, In-Person Events Every September, Catholic youth ministers from across the country gather in Chattanooga, TN for four days of collaboration, fun, and community that we call Thriveanooga. There’s no keynotes or lectures at …See details»
With ‘like-minded folks in the trenches of ministry,’ Thriveanooga ...
Nov 1, 2024 Thriveanooga is put on by ProjectYM, which is a Catholic organization “built for youth ministers by youth ministers.” ... resources, and support. In recent years, the Diocese of …See details»
Michael Marchand - President / Cofounder - ProjectYM …
What started as a collaborative blog has now grown into a thriving nonprofit organization that serves thousands of Catholic youth ministry leaders every year. · Experience: ProjectYM · Location ...See details»
Thrive – The Online Community of Catholic Youth …
Tony Vasinda (cofounder of ProjectYM) talks about how we are all spiritually gifted and irreplaceable. Just like our physical DNA, we each have unique spiritual DNA, designed by God to used to serve Him and build the Kingdom. …See details»
Small Group Specialist Certification – ProjectYM
At ProjectYM, we're going all in on small groups because traditional "large group" youth ministry models just aren't working anymore. This generation of young people isn't looking for flashy …See details»
Thriveanooga – Sponsorship Opportunities
This is the highest sponsorship level we offer. Your logo will go alongside the ProjectYM logo on all promotional material. When we talk about Thriveanooga, we'll announce that it is hosted by …See details»
We built Thriveanooga from the ground up to be a unique
ProjectYM. 172. ProjectYM. 212. ProjectYM. 166. ProjectYM. 227. ProjectYM. 155. Related Videos. 0:30. Investing in developing leaders so they can teach others is one of the best …See details»
ProjectYM – Catholic Hunt
ProjectYM is an organization built for youth ministers BY youth ministers…Our team has decades of in the trenches experience in a variety of ministry contexts, and we’ve come together to be part of ProjectYM for three key reasons: WE …See details»
ProjectYM - YouTube
Helping Catholic youth ministers thrive!Featuring: Catholic youth ministry training, resources, and ideas.See details»
This Fall, we're launching a full library of screen games designed specifically for Catholic young people. These fun, interactive games will help reinforce what is being taught in religious …See details»
Trivia Battle Royale – Chattanooga, TN -
Trivia Battle Royaleis being hosted by ProjectYM – a nonprofit organization based in Chattanooga that trains and support Catholic youth ministry leaders across the country! ... ProjectYM is a …See details»
Project Organization 101: How to Structure Your Project
Oct 8, 2019 The project organization chart will identify the roles and responsibilities of the team, but also detail those team members selected for those roles. This includes identifying training …See details»
What is Project Organization? Definition, Types and Steps
Aug 15, 2024 Project organization is a team's approach to ensuring expectations and goals are clear and structured. When your team incorporates project organization, each member has a …See details»
Project Organization: Definition and Best Practices for Success
May 23, 2024 A project-oriented organization is a business structure that organizes activities around projects rather than functions or products. In this setup, teams are formed to work on …See details»
What Is a Project Organization Chart? With 4 Types of Groups
Jul 2, 2024 A project organization chart provides a concise hierarchy to outline the people and responsibilities within a project management team. The group requires guidance and support …See details»
Eucharistic Revival Stickers! - ProjectYM
While we are big fans of the work being done by The National Eucharistic Revival Team, our sticker project is not affiliated with or officially endorsed by them or the USCCB. ProjectYM is …See details»
Project Organizational Structure | Smartsheet
Aug 26, 2021 The Project Management Institute (PMI) uses the volume-variety matrix, a diagram that charts an organization’s volume of projects in relation to the variety of projects on …See details»
Project Organization Chart: The Complete Guide + Free Templates
Nov 28, 2023 A project organization chart is a visual reference of a team’s structure. This is used to illustrate a variety of relationships, including reporting and supervision hierarchies, as …See details»
Eucharistic Revival Sticker – Bulk Orders - ProjectYM
Be sure to include the name of the purchasing organization and the quantity needed. Orders purchased via check will not be shipped until a check has been received – resulting in a longer …See details»