ProVantage Healthcare is a leading health benefit management company providing pharmacy benefit management and health information technology products and services to their customers. Their goal is to be the leading third-party supplier of products and services designed to optimize the quality and minimize the cost of healthcare services. As of January 1999, they provided services to over 3,500 customers, including pharmacy benefit management services covering approximately 4.5 million individua... ls and vision benefit management services covering approximately 500,000 individuals. In addition, their licensed products, which are designed to improve the quality of healthcare, are being used by their clients in programs covering over 13 million people. They have experienced significant growth since fiscal 1995, increasing revenues from $81.2 million to $643.3 million in fiscal 1998, representing a compound annual growth rate of approximately 99%. Approximately 75% of their growth in the number of people who use their pharmacy benefit management services during this period has been generated internally rather than through acquisitions.
Health Care Information Technology Medical
Brookfield, Wisconsin, United States
United States