
Raba Automotive Holding is a automotive parts manufacturing and sales company.

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Automotive Manufacturing Sales Sales Automation


Sopron, Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Hungary


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+36 96 622 600

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[email protected]

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Stock Details

Company's stock symbol is BDP:RABA

Official Site Inspections

http://www.raba.hu Semrush global rank: 5.78 M Semrush visits lastest month: 1.44 K

  • Host name: web1.gyor.net
  • IP address:
  • Location: Hungary
  • Latitude: 47.4919
  • Longitude: 19.05
  • Timezone: Europe/Budapest

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More informations about "Raba Automotive Holding"

Főoldal - Rába Nyrt.

Meghatározó vállalatinak partnereként a világ négy régiójában van jelen, öt piaci szegmensben. A Rába – együttműködve partnereivel – széles körű szolgáltatásokat kínálva vállalja új …See details»

Home - Rába Plc.

Rába - with its cooperating partners - offers a wide range of services for new products of companies, the development of product families and the performance of the necessary tests …See details»

Rába (company) - Wikipedia

The RÁBA Automotive Group (Hungarian: Rába Járműipari Holding Nyrt.), commonly known as Rába, is a Hungarian public limited company, listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange. Rába engineers, manufactures and customizes automotive components, specialty vehicles and axles for commercial vehicles, agri-machinery and earth-movers. The Rába has been building axles as well …See details»

Rába Automotive Holding Plc. - LinkedIn

Rába is a Győr-based (Western-Hungary) company employing nearly 2000 people. 70 percent of its overall sales revenue comes from its export activities, mainly from the three strategic...See details»

Company profile - Bet site - bse.hu

The legal predecessor, Magyar Vagon- és Gépgyár Rt. (Hungarian Railway Carriage and Machine Works) was founded in 1896 as a transport vehicle manufacturer. Today, it operates as a …See details»

Company Rába Jármûipari Holding Nyrt. - MarketScreener.com

Dec 31, 2020 · RABA Jarmuipari Holding Nyrt (RABA Automotive Holding Plc) is a Hungary-based holding company engaged in the automotive industry, producing axles, automotive …See details»

Home - Rába Plc.

Rába - with its cooperating partners - offers a wide range of services for new products of companies, the development of product families and the performance of the necessary tests from concept. Rába's flagship is the production of …See details»

Company RÁBA Jármuipari Holding Nyrt. Deutsche Boerse AG

RABA Jarmuipari Holding Nyrt (RABA Automotive Holding Plc) is a Hungary-based holding company engaged in the automotive industry, producing axles, automotive components and …See details»

Company - Rába Plc. - raba.hu

With 125 years of experience in the automotive industry, the business portfolio of RÁBA Plc. consists of four separate, interrelated business units: the Axle, the Automotive Components, …See details»

Rába Járműipari Holding – Wikipédia

A vállalatcsoport három stratégiai üzletága haszongépjárművekhez, mezőgazdasági erőgépekhez és földmunkagépekhez kifejlesztett futóműveket, futómű főegységeket és alkatrészeket, …See details»

RABA Nyrt. Company Profile - Hungary | Financials & Key …

Report with financial data, key executives contacts, ownership details & and more for RABA Nyrt. in Hungary. Report is available for immediate purchase & download from EMIS.See details»

Rába Járműipari Holding Nyrt. / Rába Automotive …

Rába Járműipari Holding Nyrt. / Rába Automotive Holding Plc., Gyor. 1,361 likes · 60 talking about this · 419 were here. A 128 éves autóipari...See details»

Hogy telt a RÁBA 2020-as éve – és mivel foglalkozik a vállalat?

Igazgatóság- és felügyelőbizottsági tisztségváltások az erősen exportorientált vállalatnál... Pintér István, a Rába Nyrt. igazgatósági elnöke pénteki hatállyal, Pafféri Zoltán Lajos a felügyelő …See details»

Home - Rába Nyrt. - raba.hu

Rába is a global automotive supplier, the global automotive industry with its products and is present in four regions of the world, in five market segments.See details»

Rába Automotive Holding Plc. Information - RocketReach

Rába is a Győr-based (Western-Hungary) company employing nearly 2000 people. 70 percent of its overall sales revenue comes from its export activities, mainly from the three strategic …See details»

Study on State asset management in the EU

The Ràba Automotive Holding plc is the holding company of one of the Hungarian automotive groups, whose shares are listed in the Budapest Stock Exchange. Around 65% of its revenues …See details»

Beütött az autóipari visszaesés, gyenge lett a Rába negyedéve

23 hours ago · A Rába csoport jelentős visszaesést tapasztalt 2024 harmadik negyedévében, ami az autóipar széles körű hanyatlását tükrözi. A vállalat árbevétele és a leányvállalatok …See details»

Technologies - Rába Nyrt.

Rába’s key strength lies in its vertically integrated production structure, processes and technologies. Based on these, the company offers its customers a complex service package …See details»

Több mint 5 milliárd forintos támogatást nyert a Rába

Dec 1, 2023 · A Rába bejelentette, hogy a csoport legnagyobb tagvállalata, a Rába Futómű Kft. sikeresen pályázott a Gyármentő Programban és több mint 5 milliárd forint értékű vissza nem …See details»

The strategic direction: the RÁBA Modernisation Programme 2025

Nov 16, 2022 · On 1 August 2022, the Sárvár-based commercial vehicle parts manufacturing and sales unit of Rába Járműalkatrész Kft. was reorganised into Rába Futómű Kft. Continued …See details»

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