
Radur is a management consulting agency that focuses on technological advancement and innovation. Radur was founded in 2017 and was headquartered in Reykjavík, Iceland.

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Consulting Management Consulting Professional Services


Reykjavík, Gullbringusysla, Iceland


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[email protected]

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Management Consulting Firm with focus on Technology & Innovation

Current Employees Featured


Gyða Björg Sigurðardóttir
Gyða Björg Sigurðardóttir Co-Founder @ Radur



Gyða Björg Sigurðardóttir

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  • Location: Amsterdam Netherlands
  • Latitude: 52.352
  • Longitude: 4.9392
  • Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
  • Postal: 1098

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More informations about "Radur"

ABOUT US – Ráður - radur.is

With background in engineering and HR management the experts at Ráður provide a wholistic approach to helping public entities, private companies, and non-profit organizations put …See details»

Ráður – Jafnrétti á einum stað

Öll íslensk fyrirtæki með fleiri en 25 starfsmenn þurfa að innleiða jafnlaunastaðal samkvæmt uppfærðum jafnréttislögum sem tóku gildi 1. janúar 2018. Athuga að fyrirtæki eða stofnanir …See details»

UM OKKUR – Ráður - radur.is

Ráður sérhæfir sig í ráðgjöf og fræðslu í tengslum við stjórnunarkerfi og stefnumótun. Helstu verkefni sem við tökum að okkur er að leiða fyrirtæki og stofnanir í gegnum innleiðingu á …See details»

Ráður ehf - LinkedIn

Radur is an Iceland based consulting firm specializing in Equal Pay Management Systems and Solutions. We assist companies who are implementing the Icelandic Equal Pay Standard, and …See details»

Radur - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Radur is a management consulting agency that focuses on technological advancement and innovation. Radur was founded in 2017 and was headquartered in Reykjavík, Iceland.See details»

Gyða Björg Sigurðardóttir - Co-Founder @ Radur - Crunchbase

Gyða Björg Sigurðardóttir is the Co-Founder at Radur. Additionally, Gyða Björg Sigurðardóttir has had 1 past job as the Consultant at GBS Consulting. Gyða Björg Sigurðardóttir studied at …See details»

Radur - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks - Crunchbase

Radur is a management consulting agency that focuses on technological advancement and innovation.See details»

Ráður ehf | Reykjavík - Facebook

Ráður ehf, Reykjavík, Iceland. 188 likes. Ráðgjöf við innleiðingu á Jafnlaunastaðli.See details»

Greinar – Ráður - radur.is

Sveitar­stjórnir landsins undir­búa sig nú undir að hefja nýtt kjör­tíma­bil. Það er margt sem þarf að huga að og fjöl­breytt mál­efni sem brenna á metnaðar­fullum. Jafnlaunavottun eða …See details»

Badr Organization - Wikipedia

The Badr Organization (Arabic: منظمة بدر Munaẓẓama Badr), previously known as the Badr Brigades or Badr Corps, is an Iraqi Shia Islamist and Khomeinist [2] political party and …See details»

U.S. Investigating Political Action Committee Tied to Mayor Adams

1 day ago · Prosecutors and the F.B.I. are examining an organization founded by the Rev. Alfred Cockfield II, according to people with knowledge of the matter. By William K. Rashbaum Dana …See details»

Radyr and Morganstown - Wikipedia

Radyr and Morganstown is a community (civil parish) of Cardiff which covers the areas of Radyr and Morganstown in the northwest of Cardiff, capital city of Wales. The community elects a …See details»

Radur - Contacts, Employees, Board Members, Advisors & Alumni

Radur has 1 current employee profile, Co-Founder Gyða Björg Sigurðardóttir. Radur is a management consulting agency that focuses on technological advancement and innovation.See details»

Radura - Wikipedia

The Radura symbol serves as an international indicator that a food item has undergone irradiation. Typically depicted in green, it features a plant design within a circular outline, with …See details»

Námskeið og þjálfun í innri úttektum – Ráður - radur.is

Ráðgjafar hjá Ráði hafa staðið að fjölbreyttu námskeiðahaldi í tengslum við jafnlaunstaðal, m.a. hjá Opna Háskólanum, Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands og hjá Staðlaráði Íslands.See details»

Radarr V3 Quick Start Guide : r/radarr - Reddit

For those of you who recently moved over from Radarr V0.2 to Radarr V3 and not sure where to begin or how things are working. Team Radarr has created an amazing Quick Start Guide to …See details»

Any helpful tips or a guide on how to set up radarr (I'm new)

So start with https://radarr.video and if you need help with anything specific, ask questions here. This may help you start out as well. https://wiki.servarr.com/radarr/quick-start-guide. The wiki …See details»

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Radyr is an outer suburb of Cardiff, about 4 miles northwest of Cardiff city centre. Radyr has about 4,710 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.See details»

Fréttir – Ráður - radur.is

Jafnréttisstofa tók saman tölfræði yfir fyrirtæki landsins í lok 2022 og birti fjölda þeirra sem hafa lokið jafnlaunavottun eða jafnlaunastaðfestingu. Alls hafa 443 fyrirtæki og. Nú líður senn að …See details»

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Apr 5, 2022 · To overcome these problems, in this paper, we present a reference-aware and duration-robust network (RaDur) for TSD.See details»

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