RAG-Stiftung Beteiligungsgesellschaft is a long-term capital investment strategy of the RAG-Stiftung
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Investments List
Date | Company | Article | Money raised |
2018-10-10 | Kitov | RAG-Stiftung Beteiligungsgesellschaft investment in Series A - Kitov | 10 M USD |
More informations about "RAG-Stiftung Beteiligungsgesellschaft"
Capital investments - RAG-Stiftung
The RAG-Stiftung uses various vehicles to diversify its capital investments. In addition to RAG-S Private Equity GmbH & Co. KG– a holding company for private equity, real estate and infrastructure funds – RAG-Stiftung has its own special …See details»
Kapitalanlagen - RAG-Stiftung
Die Beteiligungsgesellschaft RSBG SE ist eine hundertprozentige Tochter der RAG-Stiftung. Als langfristig orientierter Partner steuert die RSBG ein weltweites Portfolio innovativer Mittelstandsunternehmen.See details»
RAG-Stiftung Lagebericht
The RAG-Stiftung’s strategic holdings are RAG Aktiengesellschaft(RAG), Essen; Evonik Industries AG, Essen; Vivawest GmbH (Vivawest), Essen; and RSBG SE, Essen. The …See details»
Financial Statements & Annual Reports - RAG-Stiftung
Here you can find PDF files of the RAG-Stiftung’s annual financial statements (as of 2022) (in English).See details»
About us - RSBG
The RAG- Stiftung earns the income necessary to finance the perpetual obligations through its strategic shareholdings and its diversified capital investments. As part of these measures, the …See details»
RAG-Stiftung – Wikipedia
Im Jahr 2019 wurde die RAG-Stiftung Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH in eine Europäische Aktiengesellschaft umgewandelt und firmiert seither unter RSBG SE. Die RSBG SE sieht sich …See details»
RAG-Stiftung Geschäftsbericht 2021
Die RSBG ist die Beteiligungsgesellschaft der RAG-Stiftung und als solche langfristiger Partner erfolgreicher mittelständischer Unternehmen. Sie bündelt mehrere Unternehmensgruppen, unter ihnen die RSBG Advanced …See details»
RAG-Stiftung Annual Report 2021
This is why the RAG-Stiftung holds strategic investments in companies whose actions are guided by an orientation towards the future. This includes RAG Aktiengesellschaft on the one hand, …See details»
Home | RSBG
The RAG-Stiftung is a foundation primarily tasked with financing the perpetual obligations left behind by the German hard coal mining industry. Through our equity investments, we make an important financial contribution to the …See details»
Hello Future. - RAG-Stiftung
Jun 6, 2023 · The RAG-Stiftung thereby reduces the burden on the public sector and makes an indispensable contribution to the ecological and economic transformation around the former mine sites. It also provides an important …See details»
RAG-Stiftung Annual Report 2021
The RAG-Stiftung is responsible for financing the perpetual obligations of the German coal mining industry and, to this end, continuously expands its assets. In addition, the RAG-Stiftung funds …See details»
RAG Foundation - RAG-Stiftung - Second Wiki
In 2014, the RAG-Stiftung Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, an industrial holding company, was founded that primarily invests in companies whose products and services are of great …See details»
RAG-Stiftung - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
RAG-Stiftung is to permanently finance RAG’s perpetual mine management obligations related to coal mining.See details»
Investor Relations - RAG-Stiftung
Nov 21, 2023 · Here you will find all relevant information for investors on the RAG-Stiftung. You can download each announcement as a pdf document.See details»
RAG-Stiftung Investment Company acquires majority stake in the …
Feb 17, 2016 · The RAG-Stiftung has acquired 70 percent of shares in the Dorsch Group through its investment company, RAG-Stiftung Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH.See details»
RAG-Stiftung Annual Report 2021
The RAG-Stiftung is responsible for financing the so-called perpetual obligations of the German coal mining industry. To grow its assets for this purpose, it pursues an investment strategy …See details»
Eberhard Vetter - dfv Euro Finance Group
Head of Asset Management of RAG-Stiftung, Essen. Member of the Board of Directors of RSBG SE, Essen (former RAG-Stiftung Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH) PERSONAL INFORMATION …See details»
The Foundation Group - RAG-Stiftung
This is why the RAG-Stiftung holds strategic investments in companies whose actions are guided by an orientation towards the future. This includes RAG Aktiengesellschaft on the one hand, …See details»
R. STAHL AG wins RAG-Stiftung as a new long-term oriented …
STAHL AG wins RAG-Stiftung as a new long-term oriented anchor shareholder - Placing out of 10 percent of own shares to RAG-Stiftung- Cash inflow strengthens balance sheet - liquidity …See details»
Foundation - RAG-Stiftung
In addition to financing perpetual obligations, the RAG-Stiftung is tasked under its articles of association with assisting RAG Aktiengesellschaft in eliminating and avoiding the subsequent …See details»