Rayfield specializes in cosmetic planning, design, and beauty manufacturing services.
Beauty Consulting Cosmetics Manufacturing
Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
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Libeiro specializes in mail order, cosmetics planning and health food planning services.
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More informations about "Rayfield"
レイフィールド(美容室・美容院)Hair&Beauty Rayfield
RAYFIELD 23周年キャンペーン実施中! TOTAL BEAUTY SALON Plus 2nd&3rd 三重県にオープン! so-in kitagata 岐阜県本巣郡北方町にオープン! 【東京ガールズコレクション】BISHU CLLECTION 協賛決定! ≪OPEN情報≫LoRe …See details»
Rayfield - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Rayfield is located in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. Who are Rayfield's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Rayfield may include Palplat, F3 Wireless, and Hair Masters Luxury …See details»
Rayfield Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding & Investors
Operator of beauty salons located in suburban areas in Tokai, Kyushu, Hokuriku and Chugoku, Japan. The company's stores offer beauty consulting, cosmetic planning and design and hair, …See details»
RAY Field - Portfolio Company Profile, Executives and Private …
Https://www.rayfield.jp RAY Field Co., Ltd. is a privately-owned company which operates beauty salons under the brand name of “RAY Field”.... Private Equity Owner: Nippon Sangyo Suishin …See details»
Investment in RAY Field by NSSK II - 日本産業推進機構:NSSK
Jan 24, 2018 · NSSK will provide NSSK’s Value Up Program (“NVP”) to RAY Field to implement global best practices including accounting, finance, compliance and governance measures, …See details»
RAYFIELD K.K. Company Profile | NAGOYA, AICHI, Japan
Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for RAYFIELD K.K. of NAGOYA, AICHI. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.See details»
NSSK | NEWS | Investment in RAY Field
Jan 24, 2018 · NSSK will provide NSSK’s Value Up Program (“NVP”) to RAY Field to implement global best practices including accounting, finance, compliance and governance measures, …See details»
Investment in RAY Field - Nippon Sangyo Suishin Kiko:NSSK
Nippon Sangyo Suishin Kiko (“NSSK”; http://www.nsskjapan.com/en) is pleased to announce that a company controlled by investment partnerships NSSK affiliates manage (NSSK II) …See details»
Rayfield - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, …
Rayfield is a beauty salon that offers a range of aesthetic services. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Rayfield's full profile.See details»
Nextsource | Company Profile | Rayfield
Explore the company profile of Rayfield (rayfield.jp) featuring business details and insights, funding data, industry info, employee numbers, and more.See details»
愛知県にある美容室・美容サロンを展開する「レイフィールド」 …
Feb 26, 2022 · 2月19日 (土)、東海・九州地区を中心に39店舗の美容室・美容サロンを展開する「レイフィールド」イオンモールナゴヤドーム前店が、「RAY+beauty」となってリニュー …See details»
東海地域を中心にトータルビューティーサロンを43店舗展開す …
Sep 26, 2020 · レイフィールド株式会社(本社:愛知県名古屋市 代表取締役:糸川芳和)が展開する美容室チェーンRAYグループは、9月26日(土)に「オトナ女子に寄り添う宣言」をさ …See details»
「人づくりを通して未来をデザインする」創業20周年を迎えたレ …
Apr 27, 2021 · 東海・九州地区を中心にトータルビューティーサロンを39店舗展開するレイフィールド株式会社(愛知県名古屋市 代表取締役CEO出口知史、COO糸川芳和)は、【ブラ …See details»
Who is Rayfield Communications?
Rayfield Communications has been in business for 37 years and is a leading provider of two-way radio, telephone, and data communications systems, equipment, and services with clients …See details»
Introduction | Docs - Sirius Documentation
Rayfield is an open source project and contributions from developers like you are more than welcome! Rayfield is a powerful and easy to use interface suite for Roblox.See details»
Rayfield Cemetery Organization - Facebook
Rayfield Cemetery Organization Lesterville, MO.See details»
Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Lab
In addition to disaster damage data, the Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Lab will work with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to accumulate hazard data, …See details»
Community Organized Relief Effort - Wikipedia
Community Organized Relief Effort, also known as CORE Response and formerly as J/P Haitian Relief Organization is a non-profit organization founded by actor Sean Penn and Ann Lee in …See details»
Michael R.P. Rayfield Vice-Chair, Investment and Corporate …
Michael Rayfield is Vice-Chair, Investment and Corporate Banking, BMO Capital Markets, where he is re-sponsible for corporate relationships in Canada, the United States, Europe, China and …See details»
Rayfield/Documentation.md at main · arianshah-dev/Rayfield
It provides quick links on how to use all of the Rayfield features for your own project. Keep this documentation around so that you can always refer back to it as you build. Found a missing …See details»