Redis Ltd. is the official sponsor of open source Redis. A light governance structure was adopted June 30, 2020 and a community-driven “core team” was appointed to run the project. Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis provides data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes, and streams. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions, and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.
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More informations about "Redis OSS"
About Us - Redis
We help you build fast apps—fast. We’re the world’s fastest in-memory database. From our open source origins in 2011 to becoming the #1 cited brand for caching solutions, we’ve helped …See details»
About - Redis
Redis is the world’s fastest in-memory database. It provides cloud and on-prem solutions for caching, vector search, and NoSQL databases that seamlessly fit into any tech stack—making …See details»
Redis - The Real-time Data Platform
Build better experiences that grow with you—with accessible, enterprise-grade caching built by the devs who brought you open source Redis. The best results are the results you were searching for. Make your AI app smarter and faster …See details»
Redis (company) - Wikipedia
Redis Ltd. (originally Redis Labs, Garantia Data) is an American private computer software company headquartered in Mountain View, California. Redis is the sponsor of the source-available in-memory NoSQL database of the same name and the provider of Redis Enterprise software, cloud services, and tools for global companies. The company’s research and development center is ba…See details»
Redis - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Redis is the world’s fastest in-memory database. We provide cloud and on-prem solutions for caching, vector search, and more that seamlessly fit into any tech stack. With fast setup and fast support, we make it simple for digital customers …See details»
Redis | LinkedIn
We provide cloud and on-prem solutions for caching, vector search, and more that seamlessly fit into any tech stack. With fast setup and fast support, we make it simple for digital customers to...See details»
Redis - GitHub
Advanced Java Redis client for thread-safe sync, async, and reactive usage. Supports Cluster, Sentinel, Pipelining, and codecs. Object mapping, and more, for Redis and Node.js. Written in TypeScript. Redis is an in-memory database …See details»
Database Architecture - Redis
A database’s architecture dictates how an organization can store, access, manage, and secure data. Choosing the wrong architecture inevitably leads to future issues and likely rebuilds. In this article, we’ll help you avoid that fate by …See details»
Redis Cloud Console
Fully managed serverless cloud database service.See details»
Release - Redis
Redis 8 brings the most advanced Redis features to every single Redis user, starting with Community Edition. Enable fast, responsive operations and dynamic interactions. Boost query …See details»
Managing Large-Scale Redis Clusters on Kubernetes …
3 days ago · First, Redis Pod management Requires a Layered Approach. Redis Pod management needs to be handled in two layers: the first layer manages multiple shards, while the second layer manages multiple replicas within a …See details»
Introducing Azure Managed Redis
Nov 19, 2024 · Today Microsoft announced Azure Managed Redis, a new fully-managed, first-party Redis offering in Microsoft Azure. Azure Managed Redis is available today in public …See details»
Spring Boot Starter Data Redis » 3.3.6 - Maven Repository
Nov 21, 2024 · Starter for using Redis key-value data store with Spring Data Redis and the Lettuce clientSee details»
Try Redis 8.0-M02 today. The fastest Redis ever. - Redis
Nov 4, 2024 · In a previous blog post, we focused on proving that Redis is the fastest vector database.Now we prove that we can extend from millions-vectors to billion-vectors use cases …See details»
CheQ - Redis
CheQ integrated Redis with a cache-aside pattern to achieve sub-millisecond response times across its 50+ microservices. This approach ensured data was readily available, enabling …See details»
Community Edition | Docs
Get started with Redis Community Edition. Redis is an in-memory data store used by millions of developers as a cache, vector database, document database, streaming engine, and message …See details»
What’s new in two - November edition - Redis
1 day ago · Redis CE 8.0 now supports horizontal and vertical scaling for the Redis Query Engine. It powers high-throughput search and vector operations for datasets up to a billion vectors, …See details»
Guide to AI Agents Infrastructure - Redis
Technology Stay ahead of AI agents infrastructure Build faster, more reliable GenAI apps for less If you’ve ever wondered how companies are building AI agents and agentic systems—look no …See details»
What's new? | Docs - Redis
Added new Redis Insight debugging page. Completed a major re-write/restructuring of the vector indexing page. Added new client-side caching page. Added new documentation for the RDI in …See details»
Cluster Architecture - Redis
Redis shard: An open source Redis cluster or open source Redis instance with either a primary or replica role that is part of the database. Zero-latency proxy: The proxy runs on each node of …See details»