
Remote MediHelp is a web-based community that enables doctors to help each other find the right solutions by sharing advice and experience. Remote MediHelp gathers professionals from all medical specialties who want to offer their advice and those who treat complex cases to find the best therapeutic solutions for their patients. Founded by Laurentiu Nicolae and Roland Hermann, Remote MediHelp is based in Bucharest, Romania.

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Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania


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Roland Hermann
Roland Hermann Co-founder @ Remote MediHelp



Roland Hermann

More informations about "Remote MediHelp"

Remote MediHelp - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Remote MediHelp is a web-based community that enables doctors to help each other find the right solutions by sharing advice and experience. Remote MediHelp gathers professionals โ€ฆSee details»

Remote MediHelp - Contacts, Employees, Board Members

Remote MediHelp is a web-based community that enables doctors to help each other find the right solutions by sharing advice and experience.See details»

Remote MediHelp - Crunchbase

Remote MediHelp is a web-based community that enables doctors to help each other find the right solutions by sharing advice and experience.See details»

Remote Medihelp - Facebook

Remote MediHelp - a community of smart doctors who are helping each other. details»

Remote MediHelp - Company Information, Competitors, News

Find useful insights on Remote MediHelp's company details, tech stack, news alerts, competitors and more. Use 6sense to connect with top decision-makers at Remote MediHelp.See details»

14 Virtual Care Services in Canada You Need to Know About

These Canadian virtual healthcare services can help you from the convenience of your home. Over the past few years, weโ€™ve seen more and more Canadians opting for virtual healthcare โ€ฆSee details»

Empowering Canadian healthcare teams with new remote working โ€ฆ

Jun 30, 2020ย ยท Remote Assist on HoloLens gives remote health experts a real-time view of the world, so they can collaborate to solve issues faster and to enable quicker transfer of โ€ฆSee details»

MediHelp - Hospital Network Review ( 2024*) -

Medical aid schemes use hospital networks to make sure that their members receive high-quality healthcare services at manageable costs. By forming partnerships with specific hospitals and โ€ฆSee details»

Digital and Virtual Care Services - Ontario Health

Connect with health care providers online or by phone, for convenient access to the best care when and where you need it.See details»

The Best Telehealth Providers in Canada -

6 days agoย ยท In this particular guide, we will review and compare the top telehealth companies available in Canada โ€“ including their advantages and disadvantages, features, fees, and โ€ฆSee details»

Roland Hermann - Co-founder @ Remote MediHelp - Crunchbase

Roland Hermann is a co-founder of Remote MediHelp, a web-based community that enables doctors to help each other find the right solutions by sharing advice and experience. He is also โ€ฆSee details»

Virtual care in Canada | CIHI

Apr 13, 2023ย ยท Virtual care has been defined as โ€œany interaction between patients and/or members of their circle of care, occurring remotely, using any forms of communication or โ€ฆSee details»

MediHelp - Complete solution for patients and hospitals

MediHelp is a comprehensive, multi-module solution to support primary care doctors, hospitals and clinics as well as paramedics. It allows for remote support of patient care through a โ€ฆSee details»

Remote rehabilitation can offer health-care relief, but there are still ...

Oct 18, 2022ย ยท Remote rehabilitation is a digital health-care service that helps patients get out of a hospital bed. It can also help those dealing with symptoms that stop them from leading a full life.See details»

From remote work to organizational health: 5 ways to help teams โ€ฆ

Dec 14, 2020ย ยท What can be done to drive organization-wide behavior changes during a time of unprecedented disruption and a shift to remote working? This post explores the influence โ€ฆSee details»

Remote Access - Digital Health - Health Providers - Shared Health

Remote Access. Enables authorized remote users to securely access network applications & resources.See details»

Remote MediHelp - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks

Remote MediHelp is a web-based community that enables doctors to help each other find the right solutions by sharing advice and experience.See details»

Youth-led Ottawa organization sends crucial medical supplies to โ€ฆ

A youth-led organization in Ottawa is spearheading an initiative to get much-needed medical supplies to remote Indigenous communities across Canada. Daniel Bersyniow founded the โ€ฆSee details»

Remote help: a new remote assistance tool from Microsoft

Nov 2, 2021ย ยท Remote help allows helpdesk associates to view or control employees' Windows devices so they can quickly troubleshoot and resolve technical issues, wherever the employee โ€ฆSee details»

19 Unique Fungi Found Only in Remote Regions -

17 hours agoย ยท Harvesting this fungus is challenging due to its remote, high-altitude environment and labor-intensive collection process. Cordyceps gunnii plays a unique role in balancing the โ€ฆSee details»