
Founded by Steve Case in 2005, Revolution partners with passionate entrepreneurs upending traditional industries with innovative products and services, leveraging its areas of specialized expertise to create significant value. Through its family of funds that include The Rise of the Rest Seed Funds, Revolution Ventures, and Revolution Growth, Revolution partners with entrepreneurs at every stage of the entrepreneurial lifecycle. Revolution focuses on venture communities in high-potential geogra... phies and believes that while talent is well distributed, the opportunity is not. The firm’s vision that great companies can start and scale anywhere is supported by the fact that startups in emerging venture communities are often more capital efficient, offer a lower cost of doing business, and attract talent looking for a better quality of life.

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Similar Organizations



Converge is a venture capital firm that specializes in seed, startup, early Series A, and early-stage investments.


Correlation Ventures

Correlation Ventures finances early, seed, and later stage venture, and debt financing investments and is based in California.


Kapor Capital

Kapor Capital is an investment firm that invests in early-stage tech-enabled startups.

Current Advisors List


Jason Illian Advisor, Rise of the Rest (ROTR) Fund @ Revolution


J.D. Vance Managing Partner of Revolution's Rise of the Rest Seed Fund @ Revolution


Colin Greenspon Special Advisor, Rise of the Rest Seed Fund @ Revolution


Steve Case Chairman of the Board of Directors @ Revolution


Philippe Bourguignon Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Revolution Places @ Revolution


Pamela York Mentor @ Revolution

Current Employees Featured


Ted Leonsis
Ted Leonsis Co-Founder and Partner @ Revolution
Co-Founder and Partner


Steve Case
Steve Case Chairman, Founder and CEO @ Revolution
Chairman, Founder and CEO


Kerry Killeen
Kerry Killeen Associate General Counsel @ Revolution
Associate General Counsel


Ayush Jain
Ayush Jain Senior Associate and Investor @ Revolution
Senior Associate and Investor


Wayne Sutton
Wayne Sutton Rise of the Rest Expert Network @ Revolution
Rise of the Rest Expert Network


Scott Somer
Scott Somer Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President and Financial Operations @ Revolution
Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President and Financial Operations


Philippe Bourguignon
Philippe Bourguignon Vice Chairman, Revolution Places @ Revolution
Vice Chairman, Revolution Places


Sapna Mehta
Sapna Mehta Associate General Counsel @ Revolution
Associate General Counsel


Graham Ober
Graham Ober Vice President @ Revolution
Vice President


Marissa Hopkins Secreto
Marissa Hopkins Secreto Chief of Staff and Policy Director @ Revolution
Chief of Staff and Policy Director



Donn Davis


Steve Case


Ted Leonsis


Tige Savage

Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2022-03-28 Swaypay Revolution investment in Seed Round - Swaypay 4.2 M USD
2021-09-09 Orchard Revolution investment in Series D - Orchard 100 M USD
2021-07-13 86 Repairs Revolution investment in Seed Round - 86 Repairs 5.3 M USD
2021-07-08 Daupler Revolution investment in Venture Round - Daupler 4 M USD
2021-03-03 Bionaut Labs Revolution investment in Series A - Bionaut Labs 20 M USD
2021-02-11 Schola Revolution investment in Seed Round - Schola 2.5 M USD
2020-10-26 ShearShare Revolution investment in Seed Round - ShearShare 2.3 M USD
2020-10-06 GoodBuy Gear Revolution investment in Series A - GoodBuy Gear 6 M USD
2020-08-31 Bridge Money Revolution investment in Seed Round - Bridge Money 1.8 M USD
2020-08-25 MilkRun Revolution investment in Seed Round - MilkRun 125 K USD

More informations about "Revolution"

Revolution Organization

Revolution Organization is a bespoke organizing company that designs customized solutions with you. The dreams you have and the home you want are all unique and the strategy for organizing them should be too. This is about you, your learning style, your organizing style and your …See details»

Role of the Revolutionary Organization - Black Rose/Rosa Negra ...

Role of the Revolutionary Organization is a core organizational document of Black Rose/Rosa Negra. It describes, in broad strokes, the purpose and tasks of a revolutionary anarchist …See details»

HOME - Our Revolution

5 days ago Our Revolution is a 501(c)(4) organization. Donations to Our Revolution are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All donations are made …See details»

Our Revolution - Wikipedia

Our Revolution (sometimes known by its initials OR) is an American progressive political action organization founded as a continuation of Senator Bernie Sanders's 2016 presidential campaign. The organization's mission is to educate voters about issues, get people involved in the political process, and work to organize and elect progressive candidates. Our Revolution is also the title of a …See details»

Revolution Organization - Facebook

Revolution Organization. 2 likes. Revolution Organization is a Professional Organizing company. We work with you to create a home that functions beautifully for your unique life using …See details»

Our Revolution - InfluenceWatch

Our Revolution is a left-wing advocacy group that was formed in the wake of the 2016 presidential campaign of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Its primary focus is on supporting the …See details»

HOME | Revolution Soccer Canada

Revolution Soccer Canada has positively impacted over 200,000 young players from over 10 Soccer Organizations around North America since 2017. Revolution originated as a soccer …See details»

Our Revolution - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The organization's mission is to educate voters about issues, [3] [4] get people involved in the political process, and work to organize and elect progressive candidates. Our Revolution is …See details»

How We Work — Revolution Organization

The framework we use to produce organized results is important (and you will find it below), but its details are not nearly as important as the philosophical foundation we use. PlSee details»


Welcome to rEVOLution, an anti-oppression consulting organization working toward liberation by supporting more equitable organizations and relationships. Oppression shapes all of us, …See details»

Our Revolution, Nation’s Largest Progressive Political Organizing …

On the heels of last week’s presidential debate, Our Revolution, the largest grassroots-funded progressive political organizing group in the United States, is releasing the findings of a …See details»

Bernie Sanders Launching Political Group Called Our Revolution

Aug 24, 2016 Our Revolution is facing some immediate problems, specifically related to its financing and management. ... Jeff Weaver, to lead the new organization. The former …See details»

PARTY WORK - Our Revolution

PAID FOR BY OUR REVOLUTION PO BOX 66208 WASHINGTON, DC 20035. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Our Revolution is a 501(c)(4) organization. Donations …See details»

Four distinct approaches to revolutionary organization

Build and rebuild both revolutionary organization and broader formations in which revolutionaries are strategically implanted. This is a different political horizon than one which looks to bring in …See details»

Revolution strategy - Activist Handbook

Feb 3, 2024 A revolution strategy differs from a campaign strategy. A campaign is something a single organization can design and execute. Revolutions are started by social movements that …See details»

Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow - Harvard …

Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow. by Larry E. Greiner. From the Magazine (May–June 1998) ... Larry E. Greiner is a professor of management and organization at the …See details»

Our Revolution - LinkedIn

Our Revolution is the organization continuing the legacy of the Bernie 2016 presidential campaign. While the campaign is over, the struggle to transform America into a more …See details»

Contemprary Revolutionary Organizations | International …

May 22, 2009 13 The organization of contemporary revolution has tended to follow one of several relatively distinguishable courses: 1) the front policy which eschews ideological …See details»

Contemporary Revolutionary Organizations - JSTOR

Contemporary Revolutionary Organizations - JSTORSee details»

Operation Solidarity: British Columbia’s aborted revolution

Nov 22, 2024 Many people believe that revolution is something alien to Canada. But in 1983, British Columbia was on the verge of revolution. ... The organizations of the working class (in …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved